Page name: Dormitory 360 hist 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2009-11-30 13:37:06
Last author: Veltzeh
Owner: Veltzeh
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Dormitory 360

Sunday, 21st of September

Myetel was coding again, having slept in his strange chair-like contraption, and didn't bother waking up Korvka. He sat there thinking and going over a few books about digital signal processing while he waited for the computer to catch up.

Stirring on the bed after what seemed to her like only moments, Korvka yawned and stretched her hands over her head, submerging into consciousness. Groaning and rubbing her eyes, she sat up on the bed, but an unfamiliar sight swam into view. This was not her room...then noticing Myetel at the computer, Korvka figured that she must have accidentally slept the night, and groaned out a curse.

Hearing Korvka moving around, Myetel finished reading the bit he was reading and turned to look at her. He grinned a little and asked: "<Sleep well?>"

Yawning and submerging her fingers into her hair as she scratched a little, Korvka shrugged. <"About as well as ever."> She replied, her words slower and thick with sleep. Lating back down so that she could stretch entirely, Korvka cursed again at the very thought of being awake. Righting herself, she looked blearily around the room for a clock. <"What time is it?">

"<About ten>", replied Myetel as he grinned some more and turned every now and then to his computer.

Ripping through another yawn, Korvka nodded when he relayed the time. It was probably the earliest she'd ever gotten up on a weekend. Shaking her head to try and wake up more, Korvka stood behind Myetel. Putting her arms around his neck, she rested her hands in the center of his chest and put her head on top of his, watching the computer work. <"Sorry about last night, I didn't mean to steal your bed.">

Myetel seemed to be rather occupied with the computer, even if he really was mostly listening to what Korvka had to say since the computer wasn't demanding much brain usage from him. He stopped for a moment and grinned lightly when she touched him, and felt a little amused at how silly they must've looked. "<Well, I guess I could've stayed in the bed... or waked you up. But then, that chair is rather comfortable too">, he said, pointing to his left where the weird chair was.

Laughing and leaning in to kiss his cheek, Korvka hugged him gently from behind. <"Thanks for not waking me, then. And I'm glad you didn't have to sleep somewhere uncomfortable."> She added through another yawn. Looking once more at the computer screen, she watched, confused, as she tried to figure out what exactly it was doing.

Myetel smiled and didn't reply. He turned his head slightly toward Korvka when she kissed him, then turning his head slowly back. He kept on typing some code randomly, mostly numbers in a text-based matrix. There wasn't much else on the screen than two text views and three figures that kept changing when the computer had finished calculating.

Stretching once more, Korvka sat back on the bed. She was hungry, and placed her hand on her stomach as it released a loud grumble. <"Hmm...I think that's my cue to head to the kitchens. Want me to bring you back anything?"> She asked, standing again and walking towards the door.

Myetel grinned, and replied: "<Sure, if you want to.>" He then continued typing on the computer.

Pausing with her hand on the knob of the door, Korvka smirked and rolled her eyes. <"Well what do you want me to bring you back? And remember, I can't carry as much as you eat."> She added with a wink, knowing how much food it took to sustain him.

Myetel turned to look at Korvka again, somewhat slowly this time. He didn't speak for about two seconds, but when he did, he said happily: "<Bring me whatever. I can really eat just about anything, so anything you can bring will do.>"

Chuckling at Myetel's response, Korvka yawned and nodded. <"Then I'll bring you back whatever's there."> Twisting the knob, Korvka exited into X-Men Hall South 3rd.

Returning after a little while, Korvka shut the door behind her and grinned sleepily to Myetel. <"Ok, so the kitchens weren't so full this morning, but I brought muffins and bread, and I can give you all the vegetables you'd want or need to make a proper sandwich."> She replied as she flopped the food onto the end of his bed and sat down next to it, swiping a muffin before he had the chance to devour them all.

Myetel turned to Korvka almost instantly. "<Thank you>", he said with a little smile and then took half a minute to eat everything she had brought. "<I could use two tomatoes...>" he then continued, grinning slightly.

Nodding as he thanked her, Korvka sat down and grew a cucumber, taking a bite and crunching contentedly. Looking up from her cucumber when he said that he could use two tomatoes, Korvka grinned and instantly grew two from her palm. <"Catch."> She said, tossing them at him one after the other, grinning playfully.

Myetel caught the first tomato and ate it before he would have to catch the second one. He grinned after grabbing the second one and ate that one a little more slowly. "<Did you have anything in mind for today?>" he asked, looking at Korvka. His other hand went back to the keyboard and kept pressing keys, but it was considerably slower than before, as he had to find most of the keys before pressing them.

Shrugging, Korvka continued to munch her cucumber. <"Not really. I mean other than practicing, but I can do that later. I don't like practicing in the morning, then I'm out of it and forget what I've worked on and it winds up being a waste."> She said with a little sneer as she thought about it. <"But no, nothing planned. Why, you wanna do something?">

"<Not really>", replied Myetel much in the same tone as Korvka had. Of course he did have some ideas, but those wouldn't work out now anyway. He thought for a short moment about what he could say, but then just said nothing, keeping on pressing keys with one hand and without looking at the keyboard.

Finishing the vegetable with a final crunch, Korvka grinned happily and shrugged. <"Another lazy day. Suits me just fine."> She replied, moving to the end of the bed to place her head on his shoulder and watch what he typed. The technology unsettled her usually, but this seemed rather harmless, and she was pretty fascinated with how quickly everything was computing.

Myetel turned to the computer when it seemed like Korvka wouldn't have anything much to say. He coded there for a short while before starting to smile. "<This isn't going to get any more interesting than this...>"

<"Well, you're interested in people's powers, so I suppose this is my equivalent."> Korvka answered with a slight smile as she continued to watch the screen. <"It's always more interesting to watch something you don't understand..."> She replied, watching.

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