Page name: Drac Mishkonev [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-27 19:27:53
Last author: tiragon
Owner: tiragon
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Username: [tiragon]

Name: Drac "The Hunter" Mishkonev

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Eye color: Blue with a circuit lens built in

Hair color: black

clothing/accesories: Mark A-9 Power Armor, MC-40 Mobile Vehicle, more detail at bottom

Backround: Drac comes from the woodlands, he was raised as a military robotics expert. He spent many years in the military, being the head of the Special Projects division. He developed the Mark A-5 Powered Armor and the MC-36 Mobile Vehicle. After learning they were planning on killing him and keeping the projects a secret to sell on the black market Drac stole his own inventions, and has been on the run since. He became a Merc, and has since upgraded his inventions.

Personality: Drac is a fun and generally carefree fellow, he has an utterly devious strategic mind and will not hesitate to kill to complete his mission. Drac will not harm or allow harm to come to a child.

Weapon(s): PAIMS Mark A10, Moletta M9, a powered Sic-9 Axe, Powered claws, EMP Grenades, Frag grenades, Smoke Grenads, Flashbangs, Militia AC45. Extra ammunition for all.

Other: Drac has cybernetically powered strength, speed, and vision. He can lift a bus, but only for a few minutes total, he can run as fast as a cheetah, but only for a short period of time (a minute at a time, with a 3 minute recharge rate), and he can focus in with his eyes as if they were binoculars, and even take pictures.

Mark A9 Power Armor - the Mark A9 Power Armor is a suit that enhances all attributes of the wearer, mental and physical. It has a pair of retractable powered claws built in that have the power to tear through metal like butter. The A9 has a secure wireless network, gps positioning, and built in internet.

MC-40 Mobile Vehicle - the MC-40 looks like your average crotch rocket motorcycle just fatter, except it can reach speeds of up to 900 mph, with limited flight maneuvarability. Built in is a missile launcher, with an ammo reserve of up to 10 mini-missiles, and 6 machine guns 3 on each side, with up to 30,000 rounds of ammo.  The MC-40 contains a small resevoir of liquid nitrogen that can be sprayed out in either a stream or a spray onto the ground, making the path exetremely hazardous. Along with a dart gun capable of firing either a grappling hook dart, or armor piercing darts. The MC-40 also has two bladed protrusions in the front, good for ramming people or vehicles. The MC-40 is powered by a miniture nuclear reactor.

PAIMS Mark A10 - The PAIMS Mark A10 is an assault rifle with anti-armor explosive rounds, capable of blowing a watermelon sized hole in an opponent. it has a rate of fire of 4000 rounds per minute on full auto and has a semi-auto, 3 shot burst, or full auto selector switchs.

Moletta M9 - this is your average robocop gun built into the leg of Drac

Sic-9 Axe - the Sic-9 Axe is a powered axe made of unknown metal, capable of shearing through a tank. It has an electrical current pulsing through it to kill a normal person.

Powered Claws - These retractable powered claws are made of the same material as the Sic-9, and can tear through metal plating in seconds.

Militia AC45 - This is your average Judge Dredd gun, except it is equipped with a clip that can hold 600 shots.

Micro-bots - Drac has created a number of these small micro-bots, they are armed with lasers and darts of heavy tranquilizer. They are about 1 foot in diameter and look like this <img:>

Future Projects

Gunslinger Mecha - This is a mech Drac will be building, it is outfitted with two large hand-cannons and many mini machine guns outfitted all over it. This mecha stands 20 feet tall.
In an alternate more advanced technology setting, The Gunslinger mech would have two pulse cannons and a multitude of plasma rifles and machine guns built into the structure with a limited form of flight capability.

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2007-06-11 [Blakkduv]: A masterful Bio.

2007-06-11 [tiragon]: lol, thanks Green stripe, I might even end up adding more at some point

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