Page name: Draft Rants [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-20 21:57:02
Last author: ~Saraneth~
Owner: ~Saraneth~
# of watchers: 3
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This is the Draft Ranting Center!

For all you people who would like to Post a Rant on Rant Out Loud! please do so here! 


NOTE: Just because you submit a rant does NOT mean you will get it posted. It must be something reasonable and not redundant like "I hate Bush!" It must be over 3 sentences long but shorter than 21! All rants will be edited for spelling and grammar and NOT content.

Although this is based on a first come first serve basis, some rants may be posted before previous ones because they are easier to post!

What do I mean by easy to post? Look at the guidelines below. 


Guide Lines:

1. Try to minimize Spelling and grammatical errors.

2. To save space, it can only be up to 20 sentences long.

3. Do not type it all here if it is long. Copy and paste it from somewhere else.

4. Please do not use words such as 'u' or 'idk' in the rants. 

5. Please try to give your rant a title.

6. You can swear but don't make it every *fucking* other *damn* word! XD

7. And lastly, place your rant in between the dividers.









3. Some guys take stupid shit too seriously!
For example: --12 ways to get to a girls heart—
I’ll tackle each of them separately…
1.Hug her from behind. – Yeah its cute to surprise us when we don’t know your there and you slip your hands around our waist and hug us but you don’t have to ALL THE TIME! Some times it’s just enough to be around us.
2.Grab her hand when you walk next to her. – This one isn’t all to bad but you don’t ALWAYS have to hold our hand sometimes its ok to just walk together.
3.When standing wrap your arms around her. – You don’t always have to be hanging on us, yeah its great but not all the time.
4.Cuddle with her. – I don’t really have any problem with this one.
5.Don’t force her to do anything. – This one is pretty good but it doesn’t mean you can’t test us. Oh and don’t tell us to kiss you… it’s annoying.
6.Write little notes. – We don’t need a page long note every time we see you. Little notes every now and then are cute though.
7.Compliment her. – Yeah I like compliments, who doesn’t right? But, if you compliment someone too often they are bound to question the sincerity of it.
8.When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible. – Once again NOT ALL THE TIME!
9.Say I love you, and MEAN IT. – Yes, by all means when you mean it say it, but make sure you don’t say it to often or she might begin to feel pressured.
10.Brush the hair out of her eyes. – Yeah this ones pretty much always cute.
11.Comfort her when she cries. - Yes, comfort her, make her laugh... It’s sweet. There isn’t anything wrong with this one.
12.Love her with all your heart. – Just because you love her doesn’t mean you can’t get mad at her or challenge her. She isn’t always right and if you always agree with her she will get bored!
<done by Talon>


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NOTE: Comment ONLY in this Comment's Box if you have an idea to make this wiki page better than it is. Random Conversations will force me to have to close it so there will be no comments. . . don't make me do it v_v

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2005-05-26 [~Saraneth~]: Let the Ranting and Ideas Begin!!!

2005-12-04 [Randirianna]: 1st rant up! ^^ "English Anime Dubbs: Oh How ****ed-Up You Are" is its title.

2005-12-16 [IzzyKSK]: I'll post my rant here to =D I'm such a ranting person..

2005-12-16 [Randirianna]: I did a rant on curves. Can I put it up here even though it's like the "Why Are You Single?" one?

2005-12-16 [~Saraneth~]: Sure! Any rant can be posted. Just realize that it will undergo minor gramattical changes by me ^___^

2006-01-05 [Randirianna]: No problem. ^^

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