Hello and welcome to the Dragon's Den! I'm Ami.Woo!! New dragons!! We have *five* resident dragons now. Drake is May's dragon. Aqua is my dragon. Rei is Raiderxx's dragon, and Sky is phoenix666's dragon. The fifth is Azteriun, Dragon King22's dragon. So... how to identify them then? Well, Aqua has bright blue scales and white spikes on her back (watch out for her, she get's mischevious). Her eyes are the color of ice, with tiny flicks of silver. She is related to Drake. Drake is dark green with bright green eyes flecked with amber. Rei is light blue with white spikes from head to tail she is pretty small and she has brown eyes. Sky is "big and blue". (might want to add more to that phoenix!)Azteriun is greenish-blue, intelligent, very agile (partially due to his slight build) and tempermental (with his uncanny magical abilities, that can be dangerous!)
*twitches* So. Watch your step. *wiggles finger* Bad things happen otherwise!
Well, first of all, I would like anyone to join the Dragon's Den, but
it would be even better if you had a dragon yourself to join to the group. Drake and Aqua get lonely, and trust me, thats not a good thing. They get spiteful. And, if you want to join, I would appreciate it if you sent me a message. Or an email. We need pictures of dragons! BTW, add your name to the list below. And the very bottom is a chat bar! If you have any ideas, just say something!
Ok, now for the list of members!
AmiRitter]- "My delinquent Dragon can eat you're honor student." You know it's true *glances at Aqua*
May]-Writer, artist, reader, dragon lover and owner! I usually draw dragons and collect dragon figurines, along with talking with my many dragon pals.
Golddendragon69] Dragon lover, collector, drawer, and dragonic food(please ask me if you don't understand). I also have many dragon friends and some of my own running around.
raiderxx] loves dragons... dungeons and dragons, anything with dragon in it, draws, but scanner wont so cant get any pictures yet... happy companion of Rei
Sabaku no Gaara] You too.
Now. First question. Do you think vampirism in dragons is all based on dragon species or maybe attitudes? Perhaps even location of upbringing? State you're opinion below and make sure you can back yourself up if you need to. I warn you, May is very good at discussing dragons.
And the chat area!
AmiRitter]- So, what are we thinking about the question? Or maybe an improvement to the Wiki?
May]- Vampires and dragons are two different creatures. The only way they can be in the same being is if a vampire manages to change a dragon that has the ability to transform into a humanoid shape.
AmiRitter]- You obviously don't understad my question. *sighs*. I belive there probably is a type of dragon who is vampiric. If there was a vampiric Dragon, what do you think? Actually, I think all factors could be the reason for vampirisy (is that the correct term?). The dragon could have a particular preference for shredding humans and slurping up the blood *Aqua burps* or it might have been targeted by humans in the past, or it's parents could have raised it as such. Which brings me to another question. Do you think Dragons foster their young or abandon them?Why?
May]- I say they foster their young once they've hatched, just so that they can be taught to hunt and take care of themselves. After and before that, I doubt many dragons would make very good parents *glances at Drake* Some just for the lack of patience. To continue off of what your reply was to the first question, I think it's just like licking the rest of the ketchup off of your fingers when eating french fries. It adds flavor and sustenence to the meal. Also, the eating habits depend strongly on the size of the dragon and where it lives. They don't necessarily eat only meat. For example, a dragon that lived in the sea might eat various sea plants because they are somewhat easier to harvest than fish or rarer sea dwellers.
AmiRitter] *giggle* yes, licking the ketchup. Very good May. I agree as well. And with parenting, there is a possibility that they might not foster their children. If they didn't, I'm sure a dragon is intelligent*gl
ances at Drake* enough to learn to survive on their own, yet I'm positive some mistakes would be made, seeing as how nothing compares to motherly knowledge*cough*. Now it's you're turn to come up with a topic of debate. Make up a better one then mine, we don't do much debating over these. *grin.*
[May]- Alright. Let's see, new debate topic... um... how about... uh... okay, maybe I'll have to come back to this.
[AmiRitter]-Muhahah! See? It's not that easy!
[May] >P I knew it wasn't gonna be easy!!!
[raiderxx] hey wats up! ive got a dragon too :P her name is Rei and for those of you who dont know rei's name comes from an anime called Evangelion!! Debate topic?hmmm... how about... do you think would be able to speak english hmmmm *looks at rei*
[AmiRitter] Now raider, if I'm supposed to answer that question, I might need to be able to read it. Could you rephrase it? And I was thinking of a question as well. Do you think Dragons have souls? Free will? Independent thought? *glances at Aqua* well I can answer the last two. She certainly has free will and independent thought. *Aqua sticks out tongue* If the souls that we base ourselves on, the souls in us- were in them, do you think they'd be the same? Do you think that dragons have the same souls as humans?
[Sabaku no Gaara]well,to be honest, i think that Dragonsouls are pure.... as for humans... well they have corrupted souls... they can easilly go to the darkside....( the force is not with them so much....)
[Golddendragon69]A dragons soul is pure. And for a dragon to except a human they must know if they want to befriend a dragon for just their power to do wrong or if they want to know the ways of dragons so thay also can be wise. But then again thats juat my opinion.
[Sabaku no Gaara] i dont really think that its up to the human to deside if he wants to befriend with a dragon.... the dragon chooses the person...
[Golddendragon69]Thats true I just meant if a human wants a Dragon to befriend them they need to figure out first why they really want a Dragon to befriend them to help them with good magick or bad. Do you see what I mean? Sorry I kinda phrased it wrong in the last entry I had a lot on my mind.
[Sabaku no Gaara] i see.... lol :)
[Golddendragon69]So what's the next topic? Or are we not done with this topic?
[FireDemonAisha]I exist only in your imagination.
[Golddendragon69]How so?
[dragongirlm]hi, i'm new here my name is dragongirlm and if you want to see my dragon (his name is slash)come to my house :)
[Golddendragon69]Wow this place has gotten quiet what happened did everyone get suddenly really busy?? I mean dang!
[dragongirlm]it's like no one was here for a month...
[raiderxx] boo ^_^
[Golddendragon69]Boo?? I like holloween...don't ask where that came from.
[raiderxx] rei likes halloween who doesnt?
[Golddendragon69]I love Halloween and those who don't are fools
[Sabaku no Gaara] here is a pic of Sky...

[Golddendragon69]Nice very nice..bet he looks good in the moon light.
[AmiRitter] First of all, Gaara! IMPRESSIVE! Second of all, we need a opening picture!! something to put at the top! So heres the deal! If you want, draw a picture and put itup on the chat board and we'll all vote on who we think should be there!! GO! *Aqua thrusts a claw in the air*
[Sabaku no Gaara] First of all, Thanx!!! ^^ im glad you like him... :)
second- ok... ill give it a try!!!
[Arani Silvershadow] o.O Rei...Not related in any way to the name Endarei,right..?^.^;Just a-wondering.
[raiderxx] no i "stole" it from an anime called evangelion. Rei (the dragon) lost her parents to hunters. Rei (the girl on the anime), got her parents killed by an explosion i dont know it seemed to fit...
[May] BAH! Schoolschoolschool, that seems to be my LIFE now, and it sucks! *sigh* Sorry I haven't been around much. I'll try to come up with another debate topic for Christmas... or maybe by spring break... though summer sounds good too...
[Golddendragon69] Yes it seems that school has kept me away for some time too I will try to be here more often.
[I hear voices in my head]I love fire
[Lord Keiros] hi all im keiros and my pet dragons name is Alemexia, hes a harelequin dradon.
youll be able to view him at my home very soon
[Lord Keiros] here he is

[Demon slayor]DRAGONS ROCK!!!!!!!!!