Page name: Dragons of the Light [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-03-18 00:58:25
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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Dragons of the Light

<-The Black Prophecy Characters
<-The Black Prophecy

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Username:[Silver Moon]
Name:Masa Hatakii
Race: Demi-god
Profession:University Student (1st semester). He is the lead singer for a Gothic band Called Shadow Rise.
Position in Relationship: Submissive
Abilities: Spirit
History:Masa doesn't know who his family is he was dumped off in the orphanage when he was a least that was what he was told. When he was three he was adopted for the first time. He began to manifest some abilities and his adopted parents believed he was possessed. They soon returned him and it was another year before he was adopted once more. He faced the same result.
He has been adopted a total of ten times with the same result. The orphanage believes he is a troublemaker due to the list of unsuccessful adoptions. The other children in the orphanage don't like him due to his abilities. He doesn't think he will be adopted so he has taken to studying and isolating himself. Due to his studies he soon advanced in school and graduated, he has recently started going to an elite university where he is riding on scholarship.
He hates the orphanage and part of him hopes that his hard studies will result in adoption. Unknown to him his mother dumped him there when he accidentally caught their house on fire with his abilities and nearly killed his older half brother. His mother is unaware he is a demi-god because his father was in disguise as her husband.
Description info and additional History:
He has a birthmark shaped like a dragon on his left shoulder (his father's personal mark).
He wears goth clothing to get on the nerves of the social workers because they don't treat him right, he has the scar of a cross on his side because one of them thought he was the child of the devil and carved it into him. He tried to tell but wasn't believed.He buys these with money he ears from his musical performances.
Strengths(personal):He is very intelligent and secretly caring of others.
Weakness (personal): Withdrawn, cares about what others think of him, empathetic.
Items of Importance: A necklace he found of a silver pentacle held by a dragon. Unknown to him his father left it where he could find it for him.


Username: [Gypsy Mystik]
Name: Vali
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Profession: Sudent/Author
Position in Relationship: Submissive
Abilities: Life
History: Vali's name is not Vali, however it is what he goes by now. Vali comes from a wealthy family, and his father wanted him to be a genius. Vali had always wanted to please his father and worked very hard. When he was 5yr old, Vali became the youngest author of his generation, writing everything from children stories to nonfiction books. He was home schooled by many tutors to enable him to be the writer he was, and his father was pleased indeed. It wasn't until later when Vali was 12yr old that he discovered that majority of the money from the sales of his books, which were suppose to be going into a fund for Vali's future (college, etc.), was being used by his father to increase his wealth and popularity. Vali started to go by the name Vali to sell other (better) books on the side so that he could leave his father and his father's greed. At 14, having earned more money than he had even with the savings from his earlier books or the books he had still written for his father, Vali left his home, and sued his father for all of the money that had been 'stolen' from the savings account that had been for Vali's fature. Vali officially changed his name, still legally keeping his birth name, and then set up a new savings account inwhich only he had access to so that all of the money he had earned previously and also all of the money he was still earning from previous and newer books could continue to grow. He keeps very little in his personal account, and he has all of his school expenses come directly out of his savings.
Strengths(personal): spots falsehoods; has a love of languages (knows French and Latin)
Weakness (personal): trusts to easily (until some falsehood 'appears')
Items of Importance: A silver cross that had been his mother's
Vali's true name is Keinan Ryuko.
Vali's mother died when he was young.
Vali took the effort to make it so that Keinan and Vali are two different people, which was easy when he woke up one morning with silver white hair and bright blue eyes which were vastly different than the dark eyes and brown hair he had before, seeming to truly give him a new life.
He hides his 'past' life from everyone so that he can't be found by his father.
He lives in a small apartment close to the university he goes to.


Username:[Silver Moon]
Name:Katashi Otakki
Profession:University student/actor/ Author of yaois
Position in Relationship:Switch
History: Katashi grew up in a prominent family. His father was an important businessman and his mother a movie star. Though his father wanted him to take over the company and pursue his business he bent closer to his mother's
job and began to star and co-star in action movies.
When he turned 16 his mother died in a car accident and his father remarried quickly. As a result he has come to both love and despise his father. He became more rebellious and distant and took up smoking to deal with his stress.
He moved out and severed contact with his father and now is going to college. His father found him a year ago but once he reveal his orientation to his father his father seemed disgusted and hasn't spoken to him since. He is hoping to find a relationship that is lasting and feeling, so far due to his absentmindedness and focus on work and study he has lost three relationships.
Strengths(personal):Intelligent and caring. He is fast and agile as well
Weakness (personal):He can be a little self involved without meaning to. Occasionally he is absentminded and can forget things people had told him.
Items of Importance: His necklace,leather jacket, cigarette, his books


Username: [Gypsy Mystik]
Name: Aqui
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Fae
Profession: Swim Instructor/Ice Skater
Position in Relationship: Switch
Abilities: Water
Strengths(personal): Never gives up, graceful
Weakness (personal): Hard on himself/Critical of himself
Items of Importance:


Username: [Silver Moon]
Name:Takamii Okadurri
Profession: Actor and theater/business student
Position in Relationship:Submissive
History:Takammii has been an actor since he was 5. He came from a wealthy family and a happy one until his mother passed away when he was 10. His father remarried when he was twelve, soon his life took a terrible turn when his sixteen year old step brother began forcing him to have sex with him. He kept it secrete not wanting to destroy his father's happiness.
When he was sixteen his step brother began to sell him out at his school,one of the professors saved him and it was discovered that his step brother had been doing this to him for a long time. His stepbrother was arrested and his father divorced his stepmother because she claimed Takamii seduced her son. He and his father tried to live a happier life, but the emotional scars remain and he has trouble trusting people. He immerses himself in his work trying to banish his past.
Strengths(personal):His love for his father. He is caring and loyal,considerate.
Weakness (personal):Shy, trust issues, especially toward males, weak-willed
Items of Importance:His necklace which his biological mother had made for him when he was younger, his earrings which had been his mother's

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2010-03-08 [Silver Moon]: You need to finish Vali

2010-03-08 [Gypsy Mystik]: I know...but I haven't been able to be online this weekend....

2010-03-08 [Silver Moon]: ok

2010-03-15 [Silver Moon]: oooh nice, but you still need to finish carries

2010-03-15 [Gypsy Mystik]: I know.... I know I do...I'm looking for

2010-03-15 [Silver Moon]: lol ok

2010-03-15 [Gypsy Mystik]: You can have Air

2010-03-17 [Gypsy Mystik]: what did you think of Vali's finish profile?

2010-03-17 [Silver Moon]: I like him how should we have had Masa and him meet though?

2010-03-17 [Gypsy Mystik]: Masa and Vali? Or do you mean Masa and Gwen?

2010-03-17 [Silver Moon]: Masa and vali. Masa is an orphan who pretends to be from a loving family, he doesn't have many friends...

2010-03-17 [Gypsy Mystik]: Masa and Vali are interacting right now...remember? lol I could see even though they come from different backgrounds, them being 'drawn' to each other in the way that some diferent types of people get drawn to a group they normally seemed not to belong..... Masa is an Orphan... but Vali is also an orphan in a way seeing as he sued his father, and became an adult in the eyes of the law early in life and changed his name, giving him a blank slat as a past for his new life....

2010-03-17 [Silver Moon]: I know they are interacting...hmm, should they have met through a class?

2010-03-17 [Gypsy Mystik]: yes... I'm like that

2010-03-17 [Silver Moon]: k

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