Page name: Driftwood:Chapter 1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-07 19:22:40
Last author: Igorina
Owner: Igorina
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Many hours later as morning spread across the ocean, a sloop running a freshwater shipment to one of Driftwood's main six islands sailed across the ocean.
" Ahoy!!!! " called a hoarse voice from the waves, " Ye lads'll stop for a pretty lady, shan't ye? "
Antonia sighed as she laid her head on the keg and awaited a reply. " 'Twould have been nice to have chucked a keg half-full o' bumboo over th' side, " she mumbled as she pushed wet hair out of her face and adjusted a silver headdress with a single pearly yellow jewel.

"Ahoy, Cap'n. There's a... barrel overboard, hailin' us."
'Captain' Caleb Arth could see the figure slumped over the barrel, bobbing like an apple in a bucket.
"Smythe. Give us yer jacket. And put this on."
The gallyfolk looked at the burly man in disbelief, as he held before him his long, captain's coat. He reluctantly traded outerwear with his superior.
"Aye, Cap'n"
"I want ye to masquerade as the cap'n of this vessel. Is 'at clear?"
"Aye, Cap'"
" 'Tis Arth, for now."
Smythe looked at himself. The coat hung on his lean, lank figure like window drapes. If he hadn't been so tall, it would have touched the deck.
"And, Smythe?" Captain Arth requested, bringing the sailor's attention back.
The overgrown man leaned closer so that only the two could hear.
"Soil my coat, and you'll find yourself bobbing on a barrel, the same."
The counterfeit captain swallowed nervously, before shouting orders to the rest of the crew. All ten of them.

A rope snaked down the side of the sloop and dropped around Antonia's head. She grabbed it and managed to tie it around her waist and allowed herself to be hauled up.
A blanket was tossed around her as she slumped down on the deck. She snuffled and shivered and looked up with a faint smile.
" Such n-noble an' k-kind lads. Who's Cap'n? I want to thank him personally, " she said.
Smythe stepped forward, " That'd be me, missus, " he said eagerly.
Antonia looked him up and down and tears welled up in her eyes. " Thank ye, Cap'n, I'm ever grateful for ye pullin' me out th' cruel jaws o' the sea, " she whispered and rubbed her eyes. " M'sorry...wouldn't happen t' have a hankechee about thee, cap'n? "
Smythe whipped a grubby one out. She took it and delicately dabbed at her eyes, rolling and knotting it nervously in her hands as she looked away modestly and blushed. Smythe grinned and looked over at his mates.
Without warning his knotted hanky flew around his neck and his legs were kicked out from under him.
" Thee's not Cap'n, matey an' I don't like bein' got at," crooned a sweet voice in his ear as the hanky jerked him upright and tightened around his neck and her strong legs pinned his arms behind him. " So where be he? Sick abed? Dead o' the plague an' gone down to the depths? M'sorry...thee'll have t' speak up, lad, "
Smythe choked and writhed on the deck.

A growl welled up in Caleb. Smythe was just a man. Gallyfolk could be replaced. But this sly wench was swabbing the deck with his fine coat, and that just wouldn't do.
A large paw of a hand took her by the shoulder, firm but not rough, and another ripped the handkerchief containing Smythe's scrawny neck, from her hands (not easily). Arth spun the strong lass about to face him, and with a scowl on his face, addressed her.
"The Cap'n has never got the plague and spends none of his time in Davy Jones' Locker. As for sick, I am a mite sick that ye chose to attack me mate fer followin' orders."
He tossed the kerchief, now weapon, back to its original master.
"Get up, Smythe. You're still soiling my coat."
He turned his attention back to the wench at hand. Something smelled amiss. Like the smell of salt, whitkelp, and perfume, but there was something else, something... familiar. His thoughts went to the scars on his face. His eyes near popped from his head as his gaze fell on the lass' forehead. A pearly yellow jewel winked from a silver headdress.
Arth supressed a roar, as he hauled this 'wench' (not so gently) to the edge of the boat.
Up till now, the crew had just been staring at the goings on, not knowing what to do.
"Smythe! Get yerself up, man!" Arth bellowed. "Get this tub back and moving again! We've got to get to port within a day and a half!"
Addressing the young woman, Caleb lowered his voice. "I think it polite to ask ye who ye are, an' what ye be wantin', 'fore I toss ye back to yer barrel."

The woman just laughed at him, grinning madly.
" So thee's Cap'n eh? Knew it...that other milksop jus' didna have the 'air' o' a Cap'n about him. " She winked and then suddenly her face grew grave.
" Though it's not gennl'manly to ask a lady such personal questions...I suppose I must be a'answerin' them. I jumped ship last night ta escape me brute o' a husband...took his cutlass and his gun an' I plan on barterin; 'em off to spite 'im. " Her eyes dropped. " He beat me somethin' frightful...I couldna stand it any longer..."
The captain seemed rather taken aback. He relaxed a bit.
" My...sympathies then, madam, " he finally said.
" need fer sympathies, " she sighed with a wistful smile. Then without warning she bit him on the nose.
" YOWP! " He clapped his hand over his nose as she wriggled free and slipped between his legs.
" Since it all be a bald-faced lie anyhows!!! " she added with an insane giggle as she leaped on the riggings, scrambled up them and within moments had reached the crow's nest. She grinned down at the infuriated captain and gave him the devil's salute.
" Now if thee wants me come up an' get me! " she called and settled herself comfortably into the small crow's nest with her legs sprawled over the side, looking down and waiting.

"You can sit up there a'starvin' all ye like," Arth shouted massaging his hurt nose (and pride), "Fer all the food and water's stowed in the hold, an I got the only key!"
"Ye be actin' like a wild animal," he mumbled, knowing she couldn't hear him. He had to remind himself that that wasn't so far from the truth. He should know. It was difficult enough to hide his own instincts from his crew without having to deal with this crazy... well come to think of it, he didn't rightly know what she was. Perhaps it was something he should find out. After all, he had more in common with her, than with his own shipmates.
"Just don't get involved," he kept telling himself. He tenderly touched his wounded nose.
"Ouch! Involved with the likes of that scurvy wench? Scupper that!"
Captain Caleb Arth retrieved his semi-soiled coat from the mate, Smythe, and cleaned it up as much as were possible. He'd have that cleaned once they reached port, and were rid of their stowaway. But for now...
He put the long coat back on and stared up at the 'woman' dangling her feet over the edge.
"Madam... er Miss? Whate'er ye be. I fear I've been a bit rash and judged ye too smartly. Per'aps ye might wish to parley with me over a meal and some fine ale?"
He waited for a time, her silouette blocking the sun from his eyes.
"I think I be whistling psalms to the taffrail with this one."
"Frankly, Cap'n," came a voice from behind. "I don't like the cut of 'er jib."
"Smythe," Arth queried without facing him.
"Aye, Cap'n?"
"If ye were ta see me off the straightways of Corquetown, on a starry night, you'd say the same o' meself."
He turned to face the mate that he had come to value a little more, of late. A toothless grin spread across the suncracked, old face.
"Per'aps yer right, Cap'n. Per'aps."
As Arth returned his waiting gaze to the crow's nest, the mates eyes narrowed at his Captain. A look of uncertainty began to creep into Smythe's face.


Well this was interesting. Any other captain would be spinning the wheel to shake her out of her perch and into the ocean at this point. He actually sounded as though he was trying to be kind. Antonia grinned. She couldn't be fooled. Kindness was just another way of slitting the throat. You had to make them think they were getting a free haircut.
" Oh I'll catch meself a gull o' two...swig s'me rainwater for me grog an' I'll be right as rain, Cap'n!!! " Antonia trilled back. " An' 'tis no' madam or miss though I've been a little o' both. Thee can call me Antonia Read an' if thee cares to have me come down, offer me some clothes instead. I'll catch th' sniffles in this soppy ol' wet thing! "
" I fear we haven't clothes for a lady, miss...miss Read... " Caleb began patiently. Five seconds later a wet shift dropped in his face.
" Well I'll sun meself dry in me altogether then! " came the answer. Suddenly the crew members became very interested in the crow's nest.
" I'll get 'er down for ye, Cap'n, " one of the men said eagerly as he started towards the riggings


A vice-like grip took hold of the back of the sailors neck.
"Ye'll do no such thing. That there's a... Lady."
Caleb almost choked on the word. He didn't take kindly to female of her ilk, nor to female onai, but he had to take care with her. She was nobody to be trifled with. If she could swab the deck with Smythe, than she should be handled with care. Besides, she had a way about her. He didn't know what it was, but she acted like someone who'd been out in the sun for too many days.
Arth looked the sailor up and down.
"Looks about right. Take of yer clothes."
Caleb pointed up.
"Yer makin' a donation to the Amaranthine Stowaways Charity. An' no more 'bout it."
A minute later, Arth was halfway up the rigging with a bundle of clothes in tow.
"Miss Read... Antonia? I've seen to yer request for some outerwear. I'll be tossin' them up in a bit. Once you've seen fit to clothe yerself, I would be... honored if you would join me fer that meal. There are some matters we've to discuss."


" Oh thee's a grand lad, ain't thee?! " came an impish giggle as Antonia folded her arms over the side of the crow's nest and watched the captain coming up the riggings with a twinkle in her pale yellow eyes. The clothes got tossed in her face.
" Honored, thee says? " she asked.
" Honored, " came the gruff reply as the Captain made his way back down. Antonia tossed her head and laughed merrily.
" I've taken a fancy t' thee, Cap'n, " she called as she got dressed. " If I had any shot left in me flintlock, I'd probably have grazed thy ear for sport upon meetin' thee, stead o' bitin' thy nose. " She laughed even though she was being perfectly serious.
A few minutes later she had scrambled down the riggings and sauntered right into the doorway of the Captain's cabin. She glanced around and then suddenly drew her cutlass and tossed it effortlessly right into the facing wall where it stuck there, vibrating slightly. She then sat herself primly down at the table right underneath her cutlass and crossed her ankles as if she were some highborn lady dressed in silks and taffeta.
" Parley then, Cap'n? " she asked.

As Arth stood in the doorway, Smythe and Kite, the clothing-deprived sailor, aproached him.
"Cap'n, ye'll not be trustin' that wench, will ye?"
"Aye, Smythe. I'll handle me own affairs, an' trust ye to look after the others fer a time. He nodded to the sailor next to him, and went into his cabin, closing the door after him.
"She'll slit 'is throat, she will," Kite said, feeling somewhat vidicated.
Smythe glared at him, drawing his cutlass.
"Ye'll be gettin some clothes on, and smartly. What are ye? An animal? One o' them bleedin' onai? Go on! An' after that, ye'll get back to work!"
He hit the sailor's backside with the flat of his blade.
"May I call you Antonia?" Arth asked as he closed all the shutters that opened out to the deck.
"Thee may."
He pulled plates and goblets from a cupboard and set them properly on the table.
"My name's Caleb Arth. I have been Captain of the Ursa Minor for nigh on a year. This is the second crew I've had. The last met with an unfortunate end. Do you know why that is?"
She shook her head, amused.
"Antonia, the two of us are per'aps more alike than ye know."
Caleb filled the plates with roasted bird and bread, and filled her goblet with his better ale. Sitting down, he looked her straight in the eye.
"I'm takin' a fearsome chance tellin' ye this, but I'm choosin' ta trust ye."
He fumbled with a chain around his neck. A small silver pendant with a pearlescent yellow jewel dangled from it.
"I trust ye know what this is?"


Antonia rolled her eyes and felt around in the pockets of her new trousers.
" Dark innit? " she remarked casually as she pulled out a lucifer match and without further ado alit it with a flick of her thumbnail.
They regarded each other in the flickering light of the foul-smelling match. Then it abruptly sputtered and died.
" Shan't muck about deck with thee, Cap'n Caleb Arth, " she shrugged. " I knew thee for what thee was th' moment I got close enough t'whiff thee. I imagine twas the same for thee, eh? What yer askin' is t'keep mum or thee'll break my neck. " She tittered and smirked at the Captain. " How many men have threatened t'do that before, eh? As if knowing what thee were would be any profit to me! "
She waved her hand dismissively. " Drop me off at thy next port o' call an' thee'll never see me again, Cap'n. Blackmail's for pasty rich sops who don't know th' seas from their own pisspots. Doesn't interest the likes of me. Now pass me that ale. "
She laughed softly to herself over the whole thing. ' More alike than you know'...Point out the obvious, why don't thee, matey?she thought to herself Just like a bear...all snort, no brains
She paused in mid-swig with her ale and eyed Caleb with a sly look in her eyes. Then she carefully set the mug down and pushed the food away.
" Thee's a clever pet, ain't thee? " she giggled. Then suddenly she snarled and pulled her cutlass out of the wall, brandishing it as she edged backwards towards the nearest shuttered window.
" What was thy thinkin' then, Cap'n? Poison in the ale or just t'get me drunk enough to quietly cut me throat an' toss me overboard? " she chuckled and Caleb noted a slightly hysterical edge to her smile. " No sane cap'n just tells deep, dark secrets t' some bilgerat wench he pulls out o' the ocean. Lessen he knows he ain't goin' t' have to worry about it a few minutes later. Lay about then...better a fair fight than a knife in the dark, eh? " She winked and danced eagerly from foot to foot.

Arth sighed. He had a feeling it would come to this. Without standing, he addressed her.
"Ye have been in the sun too long. Thy egg's been fried, poached, and scrambled, ye scurvy vixen! There's no poison in the food, no dagger up my sleeve! So just stow yer blade, set down, and have yer fill o' food. Anything that'll keep that trap o'thine shut! Besides... whoever said I was sane?"
Crazy woman. Ye make me wish I had poisoned the food He thought.
"An another thing! If I were gonna run ye through er poison ye, I would'na bothered to tell ye all that I have. I'da jess dunnit!"
Caleb was beginning to let his bear temper get riled.

" Then I'll sup with thee, Cap'n...yet thee can eat an' drink first, " Antonia replied, still grinning madly as she hopped onto the window sill and placed her cutlass across her lap. " I don't even trust meself...I'd cut me own throat if I din't sleep wit' one eye open. "
Though she didn't let on, in the back of her mind his behavior frankly puzzled her. Surely there was an angle somewhere? No one could live without an angle of some sort and she'd figure out his or else be gone long before that.
Meantime his fraying temper and insults were just too funny. Who knew teasing a bear could be so enjoyable?

Caleb cast a wary eye at her. He wondered if she was being forthright this time, or if he'd have to endure another bout of paranoia. She was surely giving him a good ribbing, though. That was for certain. Well then...
He eyed his plate, paused, and then took a fair-sized bite of the roast meat. After having a bit of bread and a swig of ale, he began, "Ye sure be a flighty w..." But he didn't finish.
Instead, he began to grasp at his throat and gasp as if he were choking. Antonia's eyes narrowed. He pawed at the table as he made a gurgling noise. Finally, his eyes got a funny look to them, and he fell face first in his dinner. Antonia shifted in her seat restlessly, one eyebrow raised, for about two seconds. Then Arth suddenly looked up, winked, and pulled a piece of meat from his face and popped it in his mouth.
A booming roar filled the cabin as the Captain of the Ursa Minor laughed at his jest.
"...No sane Cap'n indeed," He guffawed.

Antonia looked bemused for a moment, maybe even a bit disappointed he hadn't died.
" Hah! " she barked out abruptly, " Thee talks o' my egg bein' poached. If thee had lain there longer in thy jest, I'd have been through thy vest pockets an' out the porthole. " Then she grinned, sheathed her cutlass and sashayed back over to the table and poured herself some ale, waving her hand dismissively
" Don't try to out-crazy a crazy, Cap'n. Doesna suit thee, " she chided and set into the meat. " Where's thy boat headed anyhows? I want t' know how much longer I'll have t'put up with thee an' thy pitiable jests, ould bear."

"And why is it, do you think, that I lay there no more'n a moment. I'm sure ye'd not have stopped with my pockets, but have had the candlesticks in yer belt as well. To say naught of the silverware. Ha!"
"I defer to the master. Truly, there's much difference between playing at crazy and the real thing. And you, Antonia, are the genuine article."
The 'ould bear' bit struck a nerve, and Caleb scowled. Too close to home. She used to call him that.
"We're headed fer Elysia," he snapped. He took a bite of bird and sulked silently.

" Thee don't say, " remarked Antonia casually, noting how bristly his attitude got at the bear crack Ye gods and waterdrakes...'at's ould codfac'd Nathan Ketch's berth, 'tis... she thought. Well I shan't be dockin' long there if I can 'elp it, lest my reputation precede me...
She pushed away from the table then with one last gulp of ale and tucked a hunk of bread away.
Aloud she said, " 'Aight then, Cap'n, that's all I needed t'know. I get fidgety when I'm below deck for too long so..." She stood up and walked off towards the door.
" I didn't give y' leave, madam, " said Caleb, eyeing her as he chewed his food.
She paused at the door and looked over her shoulder at him.
" An' I didna ask for it...Caleb, " she giggled and disappeared.
For the rest of the day, she kept her distance, faling into step with the rest of the crew. She knew her ropes there was no doubt about it. The crew kept a wary eye on her but soon her cheerful way of swapping bawdy jokes and shanties with the men won a rather grudging acceptance of her. Occasionally out the corner of her eye she would see the Captain studying her with a thoughtful frown. Whenever she would turn and rip off a mocking salute at him, he immediately pretended to be looking the other way which only made her all the more amused. Mull them down any old way and men were still men...rather a pity she didn't have the time to take advantage of that, especially with a handsome rascal like the Captain.
That night she slept in the crow's nest. By morning when the Ursa Minor had docked at Elysia, she was gone. No one saw her go. Not even Captain Caleb who woke up in a fine, foul mood when he realized the theiving wench had made off with his best silver spoons and even the earring right out of his ear...


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2004-09-12 [Igorina]: Oh yeah one more thing kids...After you put up your post please be sure to add a < hr > after it to break up the different posts. Thanks :)

2004-09-15 [Asryth]: We filled that one up in no time. Can you make a new page, for your reply?

2004-09-16 [Igorina]: it's all cool...give it a coupla more posts and then I'll make a new page :)

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