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2004-12-22 [Mordigen]: thankyou ^_^ I hope to have lesson 2 up soon, but I have not had much free time lately, but it is coming I promise ;)
2005-02-17 [Shadowsoul]: That lesson was excellent, its apity that I'm actually interested and I'm willing to learn. The only problem being I'm 15
2005-03-30 [hive]: i don't see how that should be a problem Shadow Sorceress, enlightenment can come at any age
2005-05-05 [Mordigen]: very true -- just because youre young doesnt mean anything, you can still learn alot
2005-05-05 [Shadowsoul]: i do want to learn, i have a friend who's a druid
2005-05-10 [Shadowsoul]: I have thought about this alot and i came to the decision that i would like to start learning
2005-05-11 [Mordigen]: great, well, i'm currently trying to reorganize everything and set it all up, and then i can get classes started and my new lessons posted, but you'll have to be a lil patient with me, i have limited available time right now and a lot of ET things to do that i'm trying to get a lil bit of all of them done at the same time, so none goes too long without being updated, so please bear with me, heh ^_^
2005-05-11 [Shadowsoul]: okay
2005-05-21 [serendipity814]: did you know that originally you started to study to become a druid (a leaf) at the age of 5...
2005-06-30 [Dark_Druid]: I was raised into a Druid Brotherhood. I have studied with them all my life. I was adopted into their lifestyle. I think you should let people know that Druids are still secretly people.
2005-07-05 [Shadowsoul]: cool
2005-11-17 [Mordigen]: I did put that into my report, dark druid-- re read it ---- i know its been a long time, but i had some comp problems, but i'll be around more often to edit things and add in more lessons
2005-11-22 [ma vie en rose]: I really must dissagree with the portion of this saying that there is no way for a person under the age of 18 to start learning of Druidry. I am 16 years old and an apprentice to a druid and a member of a coven. What the idea is, is to be MENTALLY fit for it.
2005-12-07 [Mordigen]: i'm sorry, but you are a liar --- and if you happen to believe this to be true, then the coven is a sham
2006-06-11 [Wulf Skjaldr]: This is a good wiki. You could mention too, that every druid also must have been versed in bretonian law and what would amount to entire volumes of herblore and healing practices, as well as the scientific concepts of the time and advanced forms of engineering and block and tackle. And that all of this knowledge was passed on orally(if you mentioned this I missed it and apologize) and would literally be able to recite the entire body of druidic knowledge at any given time. And since most of the body of law and religious practice was never penned, with the druids prohibition on writing down any of the knowledge, it was lost to history during the conquests of Rome. -->
2006-06-11 [Wulf Skjaldr]: As for a person living in the US and 18 years of age, I would find it very hard to believe they were either a druid, apprenticed to a druid, or had even met one, let alone indocrtinated into the order, since most adherents died out long ago, and the initiation was reputed to be rather brutal. I have references if anyone would like them, although I'd have to get back to you on it since my source material is at the library. :P
2006-06-13 [Shadowsoul]: o.O
2006-06-15 [Mordigen]: yes exactly, which is why, sorry to say, that im such a bitch when it comes to people claiming to be druid left and right because frankly, it is complete BS 99.9% of the time -- excellent example above*points up*...and yes there is a lot i have left out, and a lot more that i have hand written that i still need to post and update here, but i've been very busy working 7 days a week, and now i just had my baby 2 weeks ago so im afraid it will still be a while :(
2006-06-15 [Shadowsoul]: 0.0**
2006-11-03 [H3_six]: This is very interesting. However I always thought that the knowledge of the Druids was lost during the conquest of the Romans. Is modern Druidry resurected from this or has it been rebuilt after this time in the spirit and traditions of the ancient Celtic druids?
2007-07-03 [Mordigen]: no---Druidry today is as it always was, knowledge was passed down from generation to generation, any written knowledge was lost in the Roman Conquest, but there were the few that survived or hid their knowledge, and studied it in secrecy and passed it on. Now, it is a very very rare, but they are still around, in small, quaint and rather secretive covens, where they still take on apprentices and pass on their knowledge, though it is by invite only. So if you do not know once of these direct descendants, its pretty much a guarantee that you will never know they exsist, and never be apprenticed --- though, you can still gain the basic knowledge and principles and followe their beliefs and their studies without actually being a druid
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