Page name: Dysis Iris [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-05-25 00:41:17
Last author: Illona
Owner: Illona
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User name:[Illona]

Name:Dysis Iris

Age:Early 100’s, Young fish



Appearance:Moon white hair with strands of unique see through spiky fins starting with two on her head slowly running down along her back stopping above were her tail begins. Silver-blue spots on her back as well. Before her tail is smooth tan skin from lying out in the sun, she is bare from tail up. Her hair mostly covers her when she lays but she hides herself from sight. The only thing she finds beautiful of herself are her multi-blue green eyes changing of her emotions and of the sea.

Personality:Very peaceful and affectionate Creature. Not many are allowed in her box of emotions, she is an outsider by nature and of heart. Her voice speaks low never strong, knowledge is what she wishes to learn. She knows the time to be herself and the time to hide her true nature to help those who she feels needs her. Harm to the natural surroundings of the ocean and its animals pains her, she wishes to know how to protect her and help them. She feels what they feel and that makes her very weak creature to anyone. No man has yet been able to piece together the puzzle that is this sea-angels heart, those who would have tried. Some are astounded by her charming physical appearance, but she herself does not feel the same affection to herself.

History:Was born from a egg deep underwater, laid be a large magical creature. She has no mother or father. Dose not minds the animals good or bad. Everyone is treated the same in her eyes. She does not really talk, but she speaks when necessary. Although she is not great or wise but she wishes to work hard to learn the path of healing, love, the ocean and everything in it.

Powers:The ability to Control Water, Mental telepathy through touch.

Weapons:No weapon

Talents:Singing, Dancing, writing, making of beautiful thing provided by the ocean.

Hobbies:Reading, under water games, races by swimming, training Sea animals, making of things and playing instrument.

Familiar:The Animals of the waters.

Return to:The Land of Belatona

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