# of watchers: 27
Fans: 0
| D20: 20 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
![]() Will be given to all participants! | ![]() Will be given to the Winner! |
2005-05-18 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I would only hope so... I sure would love people to like my work as much, but I don't do as great of work such as his. O.O
2005-05-18 [~Altopia~]: Awww...I think all artistic expression is great!
2005-05-20 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Mine is just TOO simple, however, I'm better at writting than drawing anyhow.
2005-05-20 [Wes Foxx]: eesh x.x its been almost a month since the contest ended when will they declare him the obvious winner and give us our badges for trying?
2005-05-24 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: They have now... I just seen his picture on the entrance page when I logged in.
2005-05-24 [Saffron]: 2 questions I'd like to ask, where are the old frontpage pics and why is it not just the winner that's being displayed?
2005-05-24 [Yncke]: The old frontpage pics can be found on front page image, and I guess a bit of variation in the images is fun.
2005-05-24 [Wes Foxx]: We've been talking about it. The old pics are still being used, and they're using the system of popularity to weight the randomization of the page designs
2005-05-24 [Saffron]: the way I see it, we should have only 3 different frontpage images, the old winners and the new one, each showing 1/3 of the time, but I'll just shut up now, before I start offending people...
2005-05-25 [Wes Foxx]: I like this way more, its less exclusive and gives far more variety, which is good, while still giving [Dr.No]'s newest winning picture top billing.
2005-05-25 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: *Agrees with wes foxx*
2005-05-29 [Wes Foxx]: *sighs* I haven't seen a single person get a participant badge for this, not even the pictures that are in the front page rotation =( [Dr.No] is the only one whose got a badge and he should already have had a badge from winning the previous frontpage contest anyways =/
2005-05-30 [irulan]: Please be patient, badging takes time and every single person on the Council has a life outside of Elftown. Rest assured you will get badged, though apparently not as soon as you would like.
2005-05-30 [Wes Foxx]: I was kinda expecting it would be within 2 weeks ^^; you know, 6 or 7 badges a day, I dunno XP
2005-07-10 [Iron-Man-429]: I was just wondering when are we soppost to get are badges cause it seems like it was been quite some time now
2005-07-11 [Foxdecano]: can i still enter any art or is it too late o.O
2005-07-11 [stuffAEAmade]: Too late. This contest closed in May.
2005-07-11 [Foxdecano]: when the next one open ?
2006-01-01 [Jitter]: Will there ever be another one? I would love to enter in such a contest^_^
2008-05-11 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...
Number of comments: 442
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