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2008-10-09 01:33:01
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M's Eat the Pure Gang

The creation myth is that there was an original god, who made the universe. And when this god was done, he/she bent over earth and... died or something. He/she exploded into sand that fell onto the planet. Now, anywhere there's a large concentration of this sand, a god is born. Also note, these bios talk a lot about characters that are not mine. They are all on Eat the Pure if you are curious.

<img50*0:> Doire <img100*0:> Gullveig <img100*0:> Doire post Chernobog attack <img100*0:> Quinn by [Ryo-Oni]


Character name: Doire

What you are the god of: Peace and Humanity

Age: 856,765 years old

Height: 5'7"

Eye color/shape: Large, round and sky blue

Hair color/style: He has wavy golden hair that is a huge mass on his head, dangling into his eyes, pluffing all around in a cloud like adorable way.

Face specifics: He has a round young almost pretty face that looks very youthful in comparison to the rest of him. He has a small button nose and pretty little lips. Aww.

Body specifics: He’s very thin, but has some faint muscle tone to him that’s hard to see under his poofy robes. He looks a lot smaller than he is because of his huge sleeves and whatnot, but he’s actually quite good looking.

History: The winds threw together the first god's sand and Doire floated down from the sky into the River Nation. And he made humans. Huzza! Well, he asked Fallon to use her life giving powers t make them. He made humans to prove a point. You see, he found the other gods so corrupt and nasty he tried to talk them into changing their ways. He believed if they just listened to him and be kind to one another there would be peace. But the corrupt gods wouldn’t have any of that, and basically ignored him. So to show them that he was right he made humans, mortal gods basically, and began teaching them. He kept trying to lead humans into the light, to show that everyone has the potential for good. If he could make humans achieve peace through his words, it would show the gods that they should do the same. The gods, however, kept getting in his way. While he tried to teach humans good morals and make them all into swell people, the gods were having their fun with them; causing conflict, war, lust, pain, etc. Doire keeps trying to teach his little humans, but there is too much interference, and his peace cannot be achieved.

Personality: Doire is a very good guy. He is just and kind, and wants peace and happiness for all. He has a very precise set of morals and beliefs that he is always preaching, and does his best to live by them. In the beginning, he was heart and soul behind the things he said. He was a perfect example of his ideal peaceful soul. However, as time has moved on, he has gotten bitter and hypocritical. He can’t stop hating people, thinking angry thoughts, lusting, discriminating, etc. And he hates it. He wants to be pure, he wants to be true to his beliefs, but it’s becoming so hard. The other gods are making him so angry he’s slipping into darkness. He does his best to keep it all locked inside, but sometimes it slips, and he sulks, hating himself and what he’s becoming. All he wants is for everyone to be happy, but the other damn immortals are ruining everything, even him! He tries to remains sweet, open minded and optimistic, but what comes out of his mouth is not always what he is thinking. He holds on to what he believes in though. He’d rather die that give it up.

Sexual preference: He'd like to be asexual, but he's totally straight.

Relations: He works very closley with Fallon to oversee his humans.

Special abilities/talents (if you have any): He can take away the life force of humans at will (though doesn't) and has very strong elemental abilities and can teleport quickly from one place to another. He can also listen to human prayers.

Special influence on the world** (if any): HE MADE HUMANS


Character name: Orry

What you are the god of: Chaos

Age*: 903,406 years old

Height: 5'9"

Eye color/shape: Amber almond shaped eyes with dark lashes

Hair color/style: His hair fans out on the side, like he slicked it then pulled his hands up the sides. His hair is light amber brown with a white streak running from his temple, through the fans and around the back.

Face specifics: He has a long, hansom, youthful face. He looks around 17 or 18, his face still immature and not hardened like and adult's. The end of his nose is very square, his lips prone to smirking and pushing up his cheeks to make his eyes squint. He has a dishonest and untrustworthy air about him in his every look and expression.

Body specifics: He has a youthful athletic body, with just enough muscles to flex but not enough to be anywhere near bulky. It's very slick and agile. Almost dear like, and what do you know, that brings me to the point that he has antlers. Everything like him is like a young buck. He prances around, destroys things, leaps around and causes mayhem. He's like a hormonal wrecking ball, and we all know one of those.

History: Before there was life there was rock and fire. Sand floated in lava flows into a giant volcanic pool where bam, he errupted, spraying flaming rocks everywhere.

Personality: Orry isn't evil. He's just an asshole reckless immature dick who likes to run around and ruin other people's days for his amusment. He's not very bright, he's not very caring. All he's concerned with is having fun and according to him this planet it his playground and just because there are little humans running around, doesn't mean he should stop having a blast. He thrives in chaos. Trouble is fun for him. It gives him something to do. He doesn't give a shit for humans, calls them little bugs, and will ignore any pleas they give him. So no one worships him. There's no point.

Sexual preference: He's up for exploring new possibilties for fun.

Relations: Many people hate him. MANY.

Special abilities/talents (if you have any): He tends to be over 30 feet tall at varying sizes. He's also very very powerful with elemental magic, to the dismay of everyone. But flying... he can't get it right.

Special influence on the world** (if any): he causes many natural disastors. He's not the only reason for them, but he sure causes a lot of damage.


Character name: 

What you are the god of:
Greed and corruption



Eye color/shape:
Kern has narrow eyes with gold wire eyelashes that are so long they throw off the manliness of the rest of him in an uncomfortable kind of way. His irises are a light gray.

Hair color/style: His hair is made of golden wires (literally) that are bent back to look slicked.

Face specifics:
He has a long, manly face with thick golden wire eyebrows, strong masculine cheek bones and a narrow cleft chin. His lips are angular and on the thin side and his nose is straight and wide with a little ridiculous point at the end. 

Body specifics: He is very tall and long looking, and his crazy velvet and satin outfits often make him look a little stretched. He has a broad chest with tiny hips, and his arms and legs, though strong, look a little thin in comparison to the rest of him. He tends to always be dressed up, and usually has long gloves on.

After the humans where made, rain water washed the sands of the first god through the ground and into the shafts of an underground cave. There it collected into a pool and Kern crawled out. This cavern was home to mass amounts of gold. When he first opened his eyes, all he could see was the gold snaking through the rock and he fell immediately in love. Being born in this cave, he knew of nothing else, and grew to worship his hoard. Then, some hundred years later, miners broke into his isolated chamber, and he stepped out of their tunnels to look upon the world, and at that very moment, he wanted it too. As time went on, he made the cave his palace, and stock piled treasure upon treasure. Cleverly, he decided that instead of finding gold and jewels himself, he would have the silly mortals bring them too him. In exchange, he would trade secrets, and find ways to move them farther in life. That is, if they paid him enough.

Kern is a self centered greedy bastard who is willing to do anything for the right price. He wants everything elaborate and expensive, and has no qualms about aiding anyone, bad or good, as long as he gets what he wants. He tends not to be very social and prefers inanimate objects to people. Sometimes he’ll consider a human valuable enough to become a temporary item of his, but they wont be there for their company. Just their equisetic and rare beauty. He tend to feel that most people are below him, both in taste and intellect so he tends to dominate conversations and has a problem with shutting up. He speaks his mind, even at the most inappropriate times, and really can’t behave himself. I guess that’s what you get when you live in a cave. You get a bit socially retarded. However, if you have something nice to offer him, he will suck up to you until whatever he wants is in his possession. After that he’s his regular old bastard self. 

Sexual preference: If you’re very pretty, he’ll like you. So bi. He’s not one to flirt though, and treats people more like objects. Which also means he doesn’t like his human toys to talk much. Being talkative is a big turn off for him. 

Relations: None really. He’s a bastard. He might have kids here and there though.

Special abilities/talents (if you have any): He has strong elemental magic, is lightening quick and stronger then many gods. He uses house flies, rats, and other vermin to spy on the world so that he can get his valuable information that mortals will pay for. These vermin existed before him, but since then he has enchanted their eyes and ears.

Special influence on the world** (if any): He is the source if much corruption. He is always helping backwards aristocrats find ways to snake around and get what they want. His uses his vermins’ eyes and his own cunning to sculpt plans for the wicked.


Character name: Corcoron

What you are the god of:
 Stone and Fire


He’s usually about 40 feet tall

Eye color/shape:
Corcoron has droopy eyes with a heavy top lid, thick crows feet and baggy dark undereyes. His irises are a dull slate gray with silver flicks. They have a very sullen hound dog look about them, which doesn’t necessarily reflect his mood. When angry they grow wide and bulge menacingly.

Hair color/style:
His hair has long tangled with the stalactites that formed as the water from above dripped onto his head. His hair seems to run all the way to the ground, but most of it is the continuation of the stalactites meeting their brother stalagmites on the ground. 

Face specifics:
He has a long worn wrinkled face, little stalactites hanging like icicles from his large bushy eyebrows and nose. His face is caked in minerals, dripping through the ground above his chamber. He has a long beard, in quite the same condition as his hair and his lips are thin, with cracks in the rock around them from when he talks, or, as is more often the case, snores. His nose is wide and the end is towards the bulbous side, looking kind of like a rock itself. 

Body specifics: 
Under all of the rocks that have long crept over him, there isn’t much one can make out. He does, however, have a strong, sturdy, muscled body, even though the rest of him would lead one to imagine otherwise. If he were to sit up and walk around once and a while, he probably wouldn’t look half bad. He’d be an older good looking guy, assuredly, but sitting down in his pit for thousands of years has made him look like a crusty old fart. He has square huge hands, wide blocky shoulders. Everything about him seems mountain like, as if he was made from boulders.

Corcoron was the second god. When the first god fell into dust onto the barren rock that was earth, Corcoron was the first to rise. He was the master of the rock, and he lived content with nothing else except the minerals around him. Before life, there was a garden of rock, filled with crystals and flower like stones. This all came to an end, however, when other gods appeared. The first three gods, the god of wind, the goddess of ice, and himself, fought amongst themselves, and his garden was destroyed. Annoyed and angry at everything not made of stone, he sunk into the earth and began to rebuild his work there. Slowly, he became bored, and drifted off into a reclusive brooding state, where he sat and melded into his rock, becoming one with it.

Personality: Corcoron has a hard time caring about anything and anyone. He is a grumpy son of a bitch who was never much of a social person and can’t honestly say he likes anyone. He is very content sleeping in his cave, pretending he’s a rock. However, he can be moody. His favorite jewels he will share with no one, and if any human tries to steal them, he’s sure to kill them, and pop a volcano somewhere. All humans are one to him, and they sure as hell better not touch his stuff.

Sexual preference:
Rocks? Ew, no, I mean. Ok. He has none, or maybe he just hasn’t met the right person, after all, he’s kinda… not out and dating or anything.

He was once allied with the wind god to stop the rampaging glaciers of he ice goddess, but the two really don’t talk anymore.

Special abilities/talents (if you have any):
He is freaky powerful. His powers over the earth are awesome. He could raise entire continents, sink the one everyone’s on right now, turn the planet into a magma ball, etc. Almost anything. The ground is his domain. Luckily, he doesn’t give a damn to do anything that destructive. 

Special influence on the world** (if any): He makes volcano’s, causes earthquakes when he moves or snores too loudly. He made gold and silver and, well, everything rock. Yeah. Pretty impressive.


Character name:Chernobog

What you are the god of:Insanity


Height:Ever changing

Eye color/shape: His eyelids look chard and shriveled, so his eyes are grotesquely wide, like on a withered corpse. They have a white film over them, and underneath the iris is a mix of black and brown in a way that makes it look like his pupils are melting.

Hair color/style:He has no hair

Face specifics: Chernobog looks more like a solid pile of ash with a human’s charred corpse in it rather than a human. That being said, his face is burned black, and it flakes off as and cracks and breaks when it moves. His lips are like tight leather, unable to fully cover his crooked broken teeth that stick out of his head since his skin is so pulled back and shriveled. His nose is constantly loosing pieces and regaining them when he reforms himself, and when it’s in its best condition it is long and bent. His checks and jaw bone perturb like a, ok, corpse. He looks like a burned corpse. There.

Body specifics: Part of his torso, his arms and his head sick out from a giant mass of black ash that is solid and stiff, and very slow to change it’s shape. He is often plastered to the roof of his cell, looking like a spot where fires had previously burned for ages to the point that the ash has bound together and formed a large clump. Then his eyes will open and his boney twitching arms will unfold, and he will speak in his ambiguous voice that is several octaves of wheezing rasping voices all happening at the same time. It’s gross and freaky.

History: The first god's sands gathered in a great tree where it sat, not quite plentiful enough to make a god, for hundreds of years, until it was cut down to burn a wicked demigod. The power in the demigod’s blood, and the power in the tree, formed a burned, withered, crazy god, that is more often referred to as a monster than a deity. He crawled around, insane and hideous, not knowing what he was. As he came to understand things he came to the conclusion that he must be the god of death. This conclusion, however, was wrong. Fallon is the goddess of life, and that includes death as well. All life is an extension of her, and when a thing dies it returns to her and she uses the new power to birth something else into the world. She has it covered. Chernobog, however, failed to get this. He started killing people and animals, their twisting agonizing corpses could be seen moving and screaming in his ash, desperate for their souls to be free. By taking them, he was taking some of Fallon’s power, and he was becoming more and more powerful and deadly. His ashes, once inhaled, caused insanity, and he spread like a disease, killing and destroying people’s minds. He found he had the ability to posses people, even gods. His favorite prey where those with strong wills. They were the most difficult to break but he had infinite pleasure in finally driving them mad. Finally his destruction became too much, and he was imprisoned deep in the earth and the souls he had stolen were taken from him, leaving him weak.

Personality: Chernobog is insane. He still rambles on about being the god of death and is an utter sadist. Nothing makes him happier then slowly killing people, whether that is physically or mentally. He also develops obsessions with people and gods, who he often fantasizes about slowly picking apart. Eww, I know. He is clever, in a manipulative way, and thirsts to get out and continue his “work”. He is a monster in almost all respects, and really only pretends to be somewhat human to get his way with things. He is utterly untrustworthy, completely revolting, and just a very bad guy. Yeah.

Sexual preference: Bi. OOO! WATCH OUT!

Relations: He hates Fallon. He hates her so much he would skip torture with her and just destroy her as quick as he could to get her out of the way. He does like Doire though, because of Doire’s strong moralistic philosophies and seemingly unbreakable resolve to stay true to them. ‘S not that Chernobog thinks that’s nice, he wants to break him. Doire seems so in control of his emotions, it makes Cherobog want to drive him mad! Not to mention Doire’s adorable. Aw.

Special abilities/talents (if you have any): Possession, mind reading, ability to consume souls, ability to control his ash and choke people to death, uhm, he’s also freaky strong and despite his bulky backside, he drags himself freakishly fast and his arms move like lightening… uneven jerky spider like lightening, but lightening nonetheless! His skin is also very very hard. Arrows and swords don’t work too well with him. Also being near him is dangerous for your mental health. The longer you’re near him, the more you start to loose your senses. Gods are mostly immune to this (though spending a week with him in a cabin is ill advised), but with humans, he sets you off into fits of fear. Then he probably tears you apart, limb by limb and disembowels you. Thank God he’s locked up.

Special influence on the world** (if any): His ashes spread and are the cause of all insanity in to world. How nice of him.


Character name: Scathach (SKAW-hak. To the ice nation, she is Kadlin)

What you are the god of: Ice



Eye color/shape:
Large oval and emerald green

Hair color/style:
She has long flowing light golden hair, almost platinum.

Face specifics:
She has a small round face with a narrow chin. Full pale lips with a bluish tinge and a little pointed nose, all looking very small compared to her eyes. Her cheeks look almost like that still have some baby at to them, despite her looking like a young woman, and her hairline farther back then normal, giving her head a very round young adorable look.

Body specifics: She has a very frail lovely body and a swan neck. She seems as fragile as a snow flake and has very thin long limbs and barley any hips and a small chest. Her voice is lower then one might expect, sounding more mature than she looks, but is very beautiful despite haw awkward it might initially be. 

Scathach may look like a weak beautiful maiden but NOOOO! Before water, there was ice. She was the fourth god to be born. When the first god’s sands fell to the ground, they swirled into the very northern reaches of the planet and birthed Scathach. She fell in love with the beauty of the glaciers and soon set to cover the entire ugly earth with them. The ice was like her child, and she tore threw Corcoron’s rock and scarred the fact of the planet. Soon it was a giant frozen ball of ice. Enraged, Corcoron and Alaunos fought back. Alaunos ripped up chunks of her glaciers into the sky, where they sit in clouds and cause rain, and Corcoron melted the glaciers with lava and salt, the salt which now exists in the seas. She was trapped deep in the north, and has been dormant there ever since. Because this battle took place before most gods, only Corcoron and Alaunos actually know about it. The ice nation ignorantly worships this frozen goddess in the ice, not knowing she’s an evil bitch.

Scathach is evil and is obsesses with ruling the world with her ice. She wishes to freeze everything, the gods, whatever, and live in her glacial wasteland forever. She will do anything to reach this end. She’s aggressive, persistent, merciless, cruel, and loveless. Nothing will satisfy her except endless peeks of white.

Sexual preference:

She loathes Corcoron and Alaunos. Luckily, she’s asleep right now, so she’s not a bother.

Special abilities/talents (if you have any):
Mega control over ice and the temperature.

Special influence on the world** (if any): All fresh water comes from her melting glaciers, so I guess something good came out of her.


Character name: Feidhelm

What you are the god of: WAR

Age*: 698,652

Height: 6'

Eye color/shape: Though usually concealed by a helmet, they are thin slanted, and look almost winced. The iris is an odd light cream with a dark brown boarder.

Hair color/style: Again, usually hidden, it is dirty blonde and cropped extremely short to her scalp, sticking up a little since it is too short to fold down.

Face specifics: HELMET. But her face is very strong, beautiful and angular. Her brow is strong for a woman, but somehow does not make her look manly as opposed to sharp and threatening looking. Her cheekbones are high and strong, making her face have almost a boxed look to it. Her jaw is wide and dramatically angles into a small pointy chin, all in a pentagon like manner. Her nose is small, sharp, the nostrils are very angled giving her a constant sneering look. Her lips are BIG and full with a slight brown tint to them. Her face, in general, is very compact and small widthwise and she has a beautifully shaped head.

Body specifics: She has a very long neck that is thin, yet has very obvious muscles underneath and always looks a little taunt. This steeply leads into her wide angular shoulders with her dramatic clavicle twisting into them. Her chest is narrow and well shaped, and descends into a freaky small stomach. She looks like she's wearing a corset, honestly, but the little amount of flesh that's there is muscled and rock hard. Her hips would seem narrow if they weren't right under her freaky stomach. Compared to it, they look medium sized and her legs are long and freaky strong. Her arms, though thin are padded with ever visible muscles leaving subtle curves and indentations in her flesh. Her wrists are thin and her hands are long with slender spider like fingers. She usually is covered in freaky plate mail that is tight to her, showing off all her wonky proportions.

History: The sands of the first god fell to the bottom of a small ravine where is sat, untouched by rain and wind, unable to come together and form a god. Hundreds of years later, a fight broke out over the ravine, and a man was stabbed and fell in. His blood leaked over the stone floor and united the sand, and at that moment, Fiedhelm burst through the chest of the corpse, covered in blood. The moment she was born she knew she was weak. Only a few grains of sand made the difference between her being a goddess and her being a pile of dust. If she was to become injured and loose any part of herself, she may loose everything. After a few year wandering, getting her barings, she thought of a way to gain more power. She knew that blood had given her life, and it might give her more. She began to fight, challenging people and drinking their blood, slowly gaining some of the power that kept them alive, and also absorbing their strength. She became more and adept at fighting, slowly starting to take on demigods. Once healthy, fighting had become so much of her lifestyle, she continued. Always amazing by the warriors she faced, she aimed to become the greatest warrior in the world. She's challenge heroes, monsters, anyone with a worthy enough reputation. One thing that impressed her and made men stand out, was honor. At first it puzzled her, and she saw their codes as an interference to their fighting proficiency, but slowly she came to admire them and follow them herself. She also made tons of weapons that she's design to suit a certain battle, and was constantly thinking of how to better kill people. War was once not part of her domain, but she came to rule over it as soon as it peaked her interest. She would over see battles, scouting out suitable warriors to duel. She took war as a learning opportunity, and it was not rare for her to join the brawl, often not caring which side she fought for, just to see how much damage she could inflict. Humans were stepping-stones to her to reach the ultimate level of proficiency. She sees them as little more than target practice.

Personality: Feidhelm is very stoic, calculating, cold, and uncaring. Nothing ever interests her unless it's up to a good fight. She is totally focused on practicing and pushing her potential. Nothing is worth doing unless it makes her stronger. She tends to be unshakable, but if annoyed, angered or anything, you're head will be flying through the air before you even realize she took out a sword. Despite her homicidal streak, she does have honor. She believes no one deserves to win unless they do it fairly. To win underhandedly does not make you stronger, or better than your victim. It keeps you weak. That being said, she has much respect for those who are successful in battle yet honorable. She still will fight them, and drink their blood and steal their strength, but she sees it as a more sensitive thing with them. In killing them she is fusing them with herself. It is the closest thing to romance Feidhelm ever does.

Sexual preference: Erhm… she feels special about some of the guys she kills.

Relations: She tends to kill them. She may hang out with warriors for a while to share thoughts but then, you know, "Fight me!” and maybe they win, but generally not a lot of people survive her.

Special abilities/talents (if you have any): She takes the strength of people by drinking their blood. Also, thousands of years of constant warring and fighting the most elite warriors ever, she's a death machine, honestly. She's super strong, agile, dexterous, fast, relentless, just… nothing you want in your face. Her powers over the elements are surprisingly weak for a god, but really, she's a wrecking ball all to herself. She also is almost completely unaffected by pain, and her armor it one of the strongest things in the world. She just dives through walls. She's unstoppable.

Special influence on the world** (if any): Well, all of her violence has led to lots of fear and havoc. Also, she may favor warriors and tip the scales in wars.


Character name: Sahab

Child of: Kern. His beautiful mother was given to him as a bribe.

From the Kingdom of*: The desert

Age: 43

Height: 5’10”

Eye color/shape: very dark brown, almost black. His eyes are deep set and thin, usually looking squinted, and the whites are a tad yellow.

Hair color/style: He’s bald, but he had a nice shaped head so it’s ok.

Face specifics: He has a long worn face, deep dark rings under his eyes, pointy cheek bones, a hawk like nose and thin cracked lips. His skin is rough, dark and sun baked. He also has a large mole under his right eye. His jaw is very narrow and his chin curves out almost sinisterly. His eyebrows are nonexistent, and his brow looms over his eyes, usually casting a shadow.

Body specifics: He looks thin as a twig but really all of his muscles are tightly packed like thick gnarled vines snaking around his skeleton. His elbows and knees are knobby, his fingers long with knot like knuckles, and his fingernails are frayed and broken. His shoulders are very wide, despite the rest of him, and all of his movements seem slow and calculated. That is, until he must fight. Then he’s a blur.

History: The desert nation is split into many tribes. The “King” of the dessert nation is only considered the king to outsiders and his own tribe. He really has no control over the other groups. Shahab was born into a small weak tribe called the Red Sand (because of their land)on of the most barren regions of the nation. His people were being constantly raided by a tribe to the north, who called themselves the demon hawks. The Red Sand tribe constantly fought for their life. For decades, they desperately tried to build a large wall around their land that would keep the invaders out. But in the process of building this wall, the builders themselves would fall under attack, and the wall barely increased in size. Shahab’s father (true father or step dad depending who his deity parent it) was a worker on the wall, and a warrior, and once working on the wall he received an injury that crippled him. Shahab, 14 at the time, was sent to take his place, and when they were once again attacked, in his fury he summoned a sand storm that tore the Demon Hawks to pieces. Once he learned of his powers, he trained to become a warrior, and with his strength, the entire Demon Hawk tribe was wiped out and the Red Sands began to take over the southern territories. While on the war path, Sahab offers that the weak and abused tribes to join his own. He likes to pray on the evil and the rich. So depending who you are talking to, Sahab can be either a savior or a demon. 

Personality: Shahab went from an ignorant peasant’s son to a battle hardened tactical army destroying machine. He is cold, and calculating, his mind always on his enemy. He loves no one but his people who he would wipe out the planet for. He is merciless, methodical, and not much of a people person. Conquest is his obsession. In his spare time, he reads up on war history, he studies the blunders of former conquerors, and is fiercely independent, even from the gods. He also has a thing against the higher class. Royalty disgusts him. Utterly.

Sexual preference: War. Ehem, I mean, he’s not a love dovy type but he is traditional and if he even loved anyone I can’t imagine them being anything but female. But I honestly can't imagine such a thing.

Relations: He’s strongly linked with his tribe. Everyone else, fuck’em.

Special abilities/talents: He summons sand storms, which only he can walk through unharmed. Everyone else it sliced into pieces and buried, but he walks through it like it was just a windy day. He is also inhumanly skilled with his scimitar. In the dessert, he’s a death machine. Out of it, still dangerous, but less so, I mean, without his death cloud and what not.


Character name: Gullveig (mostly known as the Swamp Witch)

Child of: The Moon Bog. More about that later.

From the Kingdom of*: The Swamp

Age: Her body is 9 years old, her mind 5,029

Height: 4’7”

Eye color/shape: Her eyes are huge and round. Her pupils are small as if always in a bright light, and her irises are oddly large and an ugly murky green and brown color. They are also lined with the neon green algae ridden mud of the Moon Bog that glows in the dark.

Hair color/style: Her hair is in thick black vine like dread locks, weaved through skulls and bones. It’s often smeared with mud and other gross things. She also has two fox skulls weaved into her hair on either side of her face. When she gets older, they will be wolf skulls.

Face specifics: Her face is square in a cute child like way, almost like a very squat egg, with a wide jaw and pointy chin. Her nose is small and has tattoos that lines her nostrils then spike up on the side to give her nose a snake like look. Her lips are small and also painted with the neon green mud, and her skin is powered extra pale and her teeth painted black. 

Body specifics: She is very meek and doll like with tiny hands and feet.

History: The Swamp people are very primitive, animalistic and ritualistic. One of their oldest practices involves a mysterious bog in the heart of their swamp lands, called the Moon Bog. The Moon Bog is covered in neon green algae that glows in the dark, which the swamp people believe is a reaction to the moon’s glow, hence the name. In the center of this bog is its source, a spring, or geyser, dunno, anyway, it is an ancient pool of gurgling sputtering water that heaves up in great bubbles and then soaks into itself and then rises again, constantly churning itself. In the heart of this water is enough enchanted sand from the first god to make a new god, and then some, but the constant movement of the water doesn’t allow the particles to bind and form anything. The Swamp people use this magical pool to rebirth their Swamp Witch over and over again by putting the dying Swamp Witch in the pool when it’s full and taking her out when the water has receded as a baby. Every lifetime she returns to being an infant, but she retains the powers and knowledge of all her former lives. Right now, in her nine year old body, she has a 5,029 year old brain. She is the guardian of the swamp, the high magistrate, religious leader and queen. She is the uniting force behind the sub-human swamp people.

Personality: She’s a stuck up old hag who has little care or pity for anyone. She is constantly experimenting with potions and studying the stars for new incantations. Besides the basic rituals her religious status requires her to attend, she keeps very much to herself and is ever curious and speculative. She finds normal people below her and horribly ignorant. She is very protective of her swamp and will be quick to dispose of foreigners. She also sometimes sets out raids of warriors to collect items or plants she cannot obtain in her garden. Items sometimes including human sacrifices. She does, however, have a horrible soft spot for pretty people. Anyone doll like and dainty she will favorite right away. She always has a group of favorite little girls and young women who often act as a way for the swamp people to talk to her. She hates men, though. Even handsome men. If they are not pretty in a meek little way, she has zero patients for them.
Sexual preference: She has no time for romance, and though she adores girls she doesn’t like them in a sexual way. They are more like dolls to her. And this is all a good thing too, ‘cause she’s creepy

Relations: Just her and her freaks. But everyone knows about the swamp witch. She’s a scary story all children hear about. She is globally feared.

Special abilities/talents: She’s your regular witch. She makes potions that can do just about anything you can imagine. She can curse you, transform you, bless you, kill you, etc. She also has ancient knowledge that allows her to make Sherlock Holmes like conclusions about people’s attire and faces. She can also sniff out emotions, hypnotize people, control fowl beasts, chant incantations that cause hallucinations and pain. She’s very dangerous, she could even be a threat to the gods if she wanted to be. She’d rather not bother them though. She respects their power and age.


Character name: Quinn Lyn

Position in society: Prince

From the Kingdom of: The Hills

Age: 21

Appearence: Quinn is a typical Lyn. He has a long oval face with wide blue eyes, and lovely bow shaped lips. His hair is very short, his bangs less than an inch long and is, of course, blond, though much straighter than his other brothers. The one thing that is a bit off with his look is his strong nose. It's not hooked or really very big. It bumps out from between his eyes and has a straight descent to a pair of large angled nostrils and a pointed tip. It isn't ugly in anyway, it just adds some character. His cheeks, prone to blushing, whether it's from excitement or embarrassment, are speckled with freckles, and his ears, cold or not, have a pink tinge. His figure is thin, though not meek looking. He is broad as a man should be, but no part of him is particularly so. He looks neither agile or strong, just healthy and youthful. His armor does a thing or too to make him more impressive, but by the by, his sweet face is all that's special.

(Brief) History: Quinn is the second son of King Durin. Though Quinn was a very musically gifted boy, with an angelic voice, he wouldn't have it when people suggested he make singing his life. He idolized his older brother, and even though he was in no way a soldier, he followed in his brother's footsteps, hoping to fight along side with him on the battlefield.

Personality: Quinn is a lover, not a fighter. His dreams to be a first class knight like his brother are ignorant and childish. All he understands are glorified stories of great heroes. He has no idea what real war and real violence is like. When he was younger, he was shy and reserved, but ever since he was made a knight, his confidence has been boosted. He indeed seems like a capable leader, but he's just playing a part in a game. When he faces real carnage and people who actually want to kill him, he'll become the shy helpless little boy he once was.

Patron god (if you have one): Doire

Talents: He is a beautiful singer…


Character name: Daigh Lyn
Position in society: Prince
From the Kingdom of: The Hills
Age: 26
Appearence: He's a Lyn. The hairiest Lyn. Daigh has a square strong face with high cheeks prone to bunching up from beaming smiles. His golden eyebrows are thick over his bright blue oval eyes. His strong jaw is covered with a shortly cropped golden beard, that along with his wild wavy hair make him look like the sun itself. He has a very large mouth, something one wouldn't notice when it's closed, but when he's laughing or smiling or shouting, it is big and sparkly with all it's white teeth. It gives him a jolly air and makes his every laugh mesmerizing. He has a strong wide neck, large muscular shoulders, and a broad chest that dramatically rises and falls when he chuckles or inhales deeply to project an order across the battlefield. His arms are thick and strong, as is the rest of him. He's also rather small for his bursting strength and personality. He's squat almost, like someone shrunk him an inch but forgot to do so widthwise. He is a powerful but lovable man. Indeed.
(Brief) History: Daigh is the eldest son of King Durin, and in his early years showed a knack for strategy and combat. He was a natural leader, a great knight and quickly, through talent alone as opposed to his status, became the general of the Hill Nation's army.
Personality: Daigh is a teddy bear of a man. With his brothers, he is the ideal eldest sibling. He is always packed with stories, loves to wrestle and is funny, intelligent and always wearing a smile. He can also be quite the joker, and loves pulling tricks on family and friends. But being a soldier, he does have a serious side. When the time calls for it, he buckles down and gets the job done. He is level headed, courageous and merciful. A true heroic figure. Noble to the core.
Patron god (if you have one): Doire
Talents: He's an awesome guuuuy! Besides that he is a brilliant leader and general.
If a King/Queen, describe your kingdom:


Character name: Malachy (MA-la-kee)

Position in society: Pirate Lord

From the Kingdom of:
the Rivers


Appearance: Malachy just screams evil little prick. But a hot evil little prick. He has a pointy face with a sharp narrow nose, thin smirking lips, a narrow chin. He’s very pale with some dull brown freckles sparsely covering his cheeks. His eyes are thin, almost squinty and yellowy amber brown. He’s a vibrant red head, his hair a kinda rusty red. It waves around in a hot but cocky way. His teeth are straight, but to the yellow side, adding venom to his sneers. He has a small but toned body structure. He isn’t dependant on strength as much as he is speed, though he has a punch most people do their best to avoid. He’s got a kinda quick weaving boxer thing going on where he’ll dart about and break your teeth and black your eyes before you even noticed he was swinging at you. He’s 5’9”, so not very tall, and it over all a little snot.

(Brief) History:
Malachy was a runaway, drunk and abusive parents who I’m sure are to blame for his… behavioral problems. The crazy. At the time, many of the river pirates were united under a man named Dagda, and they basically had organized crime on the seas (/rivers mostly). Dagda was badass, made legendary raids, made all of his men very rich. He was a master thief. When Malachy joined and was, herms… 17 abouts, they hooked up. Myes. As in boyfriend/boyfriend. Dagda wasn’t exactly Malachy’s type look wise, but he did rock out loud so that was good enough. So, basically, serving a few years as Dagda’s butt boy for lack of better words, Dagda began to value Malachy’s opinion, seeing that he is a very smart and clever young man. So he became like, second in command/adviser/butt boy. What an impressive résumé. Anyway, Dagda is mortally wounded in a raid and on his death bed he hands his power over to the young gent he’s been screwing, and needless to say, the other pirates thought this was unfair and stupid ass. They were inches from stabbing the little puke to death before Malachy asked that he prove himself and lead the best raid ever. Greedy as ever, and without anyone else coming up with bright ideas, they decided to let him have a go at it, and did he deliver. He turned out to be a very good leader and strategist. So they all began to like him. Which also meant he slept around a lot more. Being a little pervert, like hell was that a bad thing.

Evil. Malachy is a perverted, egocentric, borderline sociopath. He has no guilt, no mercy, not pity, he doesn’t care about anything about amusing himself and keeping himself alive. He loves to mess with people. He loves bothering them to the point that they attack him so he can beat the shit out of them. He loves showing off the point that he’s in charge and anyone who messed with him will end up needing dentures. He’s a bully, but one that will likely kill you, or, if you’re his type, molest you. He may be small, and young, and attractive, but maaan. No one is safe from him. He’d slap babies out of mother’s hands and laugh at them. He’s not even really into the looting and plundering… maybe some of the raping, the nasty. It’s not money he cares about, it’s being on top and doing anything he wants as long as he gets his army of rapscallions gold to roll in. He’s a dangerous, mentally deranged little fuck and he is in the best position to inflict mayhem.

Patron god (if you have one):

He’s very manipulative, and ask around, most people will inform you he’s very sexually talented. And by most people I mean, like… lots of people. He’s a whore. Butt Pirate. His hand to hand is insane. He’s fast as hell and like I said before, he has a nasty punch. Also he’s good with a sword, I mean, not super awesome, but certainly rather talented.

M Babes

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