Page name: Edgar Peyton [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-01-24 19:21:25
Last author: ancienteye
Owner: ancienteye
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Player: [ancienteye]

Name: Edgar Peyton

Age: 59

Subject: English.

Physical Description: A large man in height and in bulk, Mr. Peyton would tower over most people if it were not for the slight slouch he has developed from years of stooping over his desk to read and write. He has ruddy skin with a crooked nose.

Hair: His hair is graying but still full.

Eyes: His eyes are a piercing ice blue and quite sharp.

Other: Mr. Peyton usually wears simple slacks and plaid shirts with his favored silver wristwatch which has not worked in eleven years.

History: Married and divorced without children, Mr. Peyton is entirely devoted to his job. In fact, the amount of time he spent evaluating every word of every assignment he graded is rumored to be why his marriage failed! Ever since his divorce, he has taken to collecting broken watches for some reason...

Personality: Mr. Peyton is an English teacher who believes firmly in proper diction and flawless grammar. This can make him a rather difficult teacher to please. While the assignments he gives are not particularly difficult and are even quite average for high school-grade grammar studies, how he grades them can knock even the most persuasive writer down a letter-grade or two over schematics and technicalities. But what makes him truly infamous among his students are his "pre-detention speeches", in which he rants on about respect, responsibility, and what is wrong with the world in general, pretty much appearing to place all the blame on slight misbehaviors and thoughtlessness like whatever you did to deserve the detention he is assigning you. In general, he is a stickler for rules.

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2014-02-03 [Kbird]: The discription reminds me of my grandpa. XD but I like him

2014-02-03 [ancienteye]: Thank you~ I figured every school needs a tough teacher. :P

2014-02-03 [Kbird]: Yeah there's always at least one.

2014-02-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Couldn't find the right picture?

2014-02-15 [ancienteye]: Pictures aren't a necessity. I didn't get a picture for any of my characters.

2014-02-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah, well Edgar sounds interesting.

2014-02-15 [ancienteye]: Thank you.

2014-02-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: I kind of think of a much older Zoro from One Piece though. XD

2014-02-15 [ancienteye]: What?

2014-02-16 [ancienteye]: I know who Roronoa Zoro is. He's one of the hottest swordsmen in anime. But I know what he looks like post-timeskip and Edgar doesn't have scars or muscles. e____e

2014-02-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well maybe I'm weird then, because that's what popped into my head minus the scars. lol

2014-02-16 [ancienteye]: XD Maybe because he's tall...Except Edgar slouches... .___.

2014-02-16 [~Crimson Angel~]: Maybe.

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