Page name: Eilondrie [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-07 03:48:29
Last author: dead~spirit
Owner: G:/enesis~
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One of the biggest undeveloped forest's in the world. It is said a long time ago, the forest was inhabited by rebels, that live peacefully with the nature around them. they were also said to have very bad temper's for outsiders, most adventures who entered the forest never came out. This Forest is currently being sieged by the United nations Army, no one can get in or out.


1. Crying Destiney - The main room. scenerio is constantly changeing as the warriors move along with their journies.

2. Shamen Platform - a floating city above the clouds. said to have been made by the greatest of scientist, that after finsihed, were kidnapped and disappeared. It is believed to have been the work of the Nosam's.

3. 2. Atolincia - a massive man made Island that can move around the oceans, created by the United Nations, as a Military Island, but after getting built, it was expanded upon, and now half of it is a city, and the other half is a United nations base. the Funding for the massive island was said to have come from the Nosam's.

4. Cinbactie - The most unforgiveing city known to man, most residents here, are Bounty Hunters, Assassins, Old Veterens, Mercenaries, or Criminals. Most of them can be met at in the local tavern. this is the most dead beat twon that could possibly exist.

5. Nordafis - This is the coldest land around, the mere wind chill factor is enough to kill a man in an istant. But if you make it to the tavern, the locals will take good care of you.

6. Half World - You feel as if your floating.. this world is grass as far as you can see, and one big tree in the middle. Perhaps you got here in a dream, or possibly meditation.. or just maybe imagination....


  As you start to get close, you see a clearing in the center of the woods... there is nothing there but charred dirt, and burnt bodies. screams can be heard all over, from survivors who are not going to make it. The ground still hot as you walk through you notice your shoes bottems start to melt. The very image makes you think of hell.

It is said that some great warriors came in after the forest was demolished, with a large amount of soldiers wearing red and black uniforms, they were too late, almost all of the people here were killed, most were burnt alive. Even though there was no hope, they still tried to save as many people as they could. The warriors and their army Built a massive monument for the dead in this area, after digging each and every one of them a grave, and marking it with as much information as they could about them. The Warriors also planted new tree's here to replace those that were lost. The people here think very highly of the warriors, but have not seen them since the crisis. There does lie a distress beacon in the center of the woods for the few people in this area to activate incase of trouble.


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2005-12-28 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: * he had stopped teh bleeding an gotten him back to the truck, laying him against it, he sighs looking around "now what..."

2005-12-28 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *Snowolf hears whistle as the young woman drives over, coming to a stop. looks at him* get in... you don't have very many options....

2005-12-28 [Averon]: Tarron: *draws his 45 magnums as Crim drives and looks in Snowolf's direction* Yeah get the hell in.

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *picking up warfox onto his shoulder he runs to the jeep, putting him inside then jumping in himself "alright, lets go"

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *floors the gas pedal and speeds off* Tarron there should be a med kit behind my seat.. help him patch up Warfox

2005-12-29 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *watchs them from a distance they can not see.* "Soon...Warfox......soon..." *walks into the shadows, and disappears.*

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighing some he looked around as he sat in the vehicle watching things go by, before looking to crimson "hey... i heard warfox say somthing about a chopper"

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *looks at him in the rear view mirror* yeah.. why you want me to find one for yas?

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looking back out at the woods as they drive "id prefer a fighter plane... but a chopper is probley best right now.... i just think, with your guys truck destroyed, an probley most of the firepower inside it... we could use a chopper... an im a pilot..."

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: yeah let me see what I can do.. if you guys don't mind stealing from a military base... *grins slightly*

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *shrugs "not at all.. find me somthing good... an get me to where its at... i can deal with the rest"

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: You aren't going to steal a military helicopter without me ya know. *starts rumaging through the jeep and finds the med kit* You know I am supposidly an espionage expert, don't know what thats supposed to mean but I think if you are going to steal a chopper I should definately be there to cover you.

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looks to tarron "do what you want,but ill be ok alone,im not only a pilot,like warfox, im ex-deltaforce.... this is what we do"

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: okay... I can get us on the base.. of course you know we're gonna get shot at

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *wounds start to heal, as he wakes up. he laughs, and coughs up blood.* "but I always could kick your ass.."

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looking to crimson "are you kidding me? your gonna just drive onto the base?" he spoke, before laughing some at what warfox said

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: Delta only means you can shoot before they can. *he laughs and looks at Snowolf* I can get in and out without a trace, or atleast that is what I was meant to do. But given that we are stealing something that is colossial stealth isn't needed.

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *laughing "wow you have alot to learn buddy" he spoke to tarron before looking to crimson "no blasting into a bace.. we need to get near it but wait till night... "

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *cant help but laugh at Tarron, as he looks at Snowolf.* "shoot before they can? that all we did?? Tarron.. when comes to Delta force you seem to know nothing.."

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: *laughs* I know more than you give me credit for ((ok here is delta's real history)) Delta is America's version of the Spetznaz, KGB, and all the other leading countries counter terrorist and fast hitters rolled into one. Delta is also known as detachment one, you guys are actually not your own branch of millitary but you instead are a detachment of Green Berrets out of a bace in North Carolina known only as 'The Ranch'. You were founded by Charlie Beckwith in 1959. ((real history btw))

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *shakes his head "it dosent matter why they where created... or how... its matters how they are used... they dont tell you in books what the delta force actualy does... mr espionge expert...dont make the mistake of beleaveing everything you read.. cause the sad reality is.... everything in the military to a point is used for more then its ment to" (( real life btw))

2005-12-29 [Averon]: ((lol)) Tarron: Isn't that the truth.., What is it you do, Delta was meant to be a CQC shatch and go kinda thing what has it turned into?

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighs softly "the Deltaforce speacialze in most everything, CQC, open field combat, hostage rescue...the list goes on.... hostage rescue was a common thing for us... it got so common that... the normal tactics just wernt enuff... we had to do what you say you can do... get into a place.. bla bla you know... its hard to get a hostage out now adays by busting in the front door, an letting everyone know your there"

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *doesn't say anything as she continues driving, ignoring the banter between the men. Listening to the various channels on her headset as she makes a sharp turn and heads in the direction of the base*

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: I was more assassination and information gathering ((I'm thinking Splinter Cell stuff)) I was used to get info that couldn't fall into enemy hands, or kill someone who was dangerous. I've worked with you guys before on hostage rescue stuff, where do you think your intel comes from? *he laughed*

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *shook his head "i dunno who you worked with before, but it wasnt us, id remember your face, as captian of my squad.... no.. you defently didnt work with us, you worked with the delta teams... on the ligher side of the job" snowolf spoke laughing some as he looked back at the woods "no no, the more dangerous squads got the hard assighnments... notice... im the only one left from my squad...."

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: I meant you guys as in Delta in all, and I know what its like to be a lone man left there was two in my squad then well shit happens *he looked tword the millitary bace* So how exacly are we supposed to do this? Or am I going to have to recon it *laughs* just like in old days, recon the target then wait for the shooters *looks to Snowolf and laughs*

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *shook his head "no recon, not needed..... we can just wait till night an ill sneak in an get myself a chopper" he shook his head "an no shooters eather... id prefer if no shots be fired at all... if we do this right... we can pull it off with little to no kills"

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: I highly doubt the no kill thing but if we fire a shot all hell WILL break loose given that it is a millitary bace.

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf *nodding "exactly, ill go in. you can come to if you really think its needed, but no rifles.. pistols only. but stick to your knife... warfox is injured... an we arnt exactly tip top shape with fire power being the truck is gone..... we dont need hell breaking lose"

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *ends up having a bit of sadistic grin on her face as she drives straight for the gate without stopping* just sit and enjoy the ride boys...

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looking to crimson "no stop!!!! we cant do it this way.... thats a military base! with lots of trigger happy soldiers... we have an inured man, an no where near as much ammo as them... this is stupid!"

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: *hands Snowolf an auto Mp-5* Here you go this should be easy for you to handle, *grabs one himself as Crim heads for the gate*

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *takeing the gun, an sighs "god damn it!" he spoke pulling back the action as he readies himself

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: *screws the silencer off the end of the weapon* No need for this...

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: Snowolf.. meet baby boomer... *pulls out a couple of silver orbs from her bag and flings them at the gate, once they make contact they explode. she ends up driving straight through the rubble and straight for the hanger*

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf *of course they took out the gate as she storms int heading for the hanger bullets where flying at them from all directions "damn it!!!" he spoke shooting, killing soldiers as they drove along

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: *pulled several smoke grenades and threw them to hopefully provide some cover* Come on Snow *he bailed out of the jeep and provided covering fire hitting some aviation fuel in the far side of the hanger sending burning soldiers flying*

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nods as he bails out after, shooting soldiers as he did so, they where only a few feet from the hanger, running towards it, of course keeping behing as much cover as possiable while shooting

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *grabs his 1911 45 out of his holster, and starts to shoot from the jeep, as he sees one hanger door open, and five cyborgs walk out toward the jeep.* "...Shit!!!!!!" *drags himself out of the jeep, falling on the cold concrete.*

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: *was running as fas as he could placing rounds in the thickest concentration of soldiers* Come on almost there *he was about 6 feet from a nighhawk helicopterwhen a bullet struck his leg*

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *dragging himself on the concrete towards the chopper, using just his arms. the cyborks laser sights land on him, dragging himself helplessly. He sees the red dots all over him, and the sound of the gattle guns starting to spin.* "damn.. I didnt think i was going to die like this..i was expecting to be in a little better shape..."

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *not noticeing warfox yet because they are to far along, he does however see tarron, running over to him he grabs him an pulls him behind cover "stay here... im going for the hanger"

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: *the sound of gattling guns bursting, and a 45. pistol cracking back catchs snowolf's ear. Warfox is dragging himself towards the hanger, while shooting at the cyborgs. bullets are landing all around him..then one slams into his right shoulder.*

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: *his goggles had slipped onto his eyes and he saw Warfox painted red* O shit *He threw smoke to cover Warfox then he threw several other HE grenades to destroy the miniguns that were spinning up, he then blitzed out to the best of his abilities and grabbed Warfox*

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *swirves around the cyborgs as she heads for the hanger, flinging her baby boomers at them as they explode* I am so going to regret this... *hacks into the comm lines* over ride sequence 1384-1672-1391! *the cyborgs end up shutting down and the soldiers began to look completely confused but slowly stood down, lowering their weapons*

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looking back seeing tarron moving "damn i told him to stay...wait" he then saw warfox on the ground, an seeing tarron help him, he turned an contiued to the hanger, makeing it inside he caps the soldiers that where in there, most of them however where outside

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: *Noticed they weren't firing and stood there in wonder* WHat is going on?

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: you guys go ahead... I'll catch up.. *watches the men load up onto the helocopter*

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *struggles to his feet, as Tarron helps him. he laughs* "I thought that was gonna be it..I thought it was done right there.."

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looking back at tarron "hey can you get warfox back to the jeep?, i dont think im gonna steal the night hawk" he said looking the the apache behind the night hawk

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: *as they turn and see the jeep they seem to loose morale. the jeep is on fire, and full of holes from the cyborgs.*

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *was skillfully bouncing from cyborg to cyborg with her jacket on and her bag on her back* FUCKING ASS HOLES!! *flings one of her baby boomers*

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *Was already at teh apache, sitting in the cockpit, he ran his hand over the control panel "i never thought id be in anthing that flew again" he thought

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *a bead of swet runs from his head as he stares at the jeep.* "that was almost me..heh.."

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: *was supporting Warfox as he walked over to the Nighthawk* Come on man just a little further

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *putting on the helmet with the headset an the targeting eye, he hit a few button on the control panel hacking into the com line of crimson, tarron, an warfox "well, i dunno but there a big wall down the middle of this hanger... im sure theres somthing driveable over there.. unless one of you want a crash corse on flying a chopper" (note the apche only has two seats... ))

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: I've seen skilled pilots fly these things before I'm sure I can do it too. *sits in the pilots seat and starts the checklist*

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *feels something hit her in the back of the neck and starts loosing feeling in her body, something that she had felt before. suddenly she felt herself fall to the ground unable to move*

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *stops Tarron.* "wait..ill go with snowolf.."

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *had seen crimson fall when he looked up "...shit...tarron heads up..." he spoke takeing the helmet off an getting out of the chopper running for where she fell

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *feels herself being picked up by some people, weakly over the comm* fuck... guys.. sorry...

2005-12-29 [Averon]: Tarron: *starts the rotors and pommels out of the hanger leaving WArfox in the hanger, hw was headint to Crimson* Heads up there Snow coming up on your six.

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *comeing up behind one of the men he brough his knee sharply into the guys spine, when he fell the rest dropped crimson, he drew his gun an raised it them

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: shit.. can't move... little help here... *laying face first on the cement*

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *laying helpless on the ground..* "its ok...dont worry about me.. im getting fairly used to this now.. ill just....lay here... "

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf : *moveing to grab crimson lifting her up onto his shoulder, with one arm, his other arm held the gun pointed at the men "tarron hurry up"

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *pulls out his gun, and aims it at the men trying to steal Crimson.* " Snowolf ! you think i can hit them from here with a 45?"

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *his gun still pointed at the men "eh sure..." he said as he backed up carring crimson

2005-12-29 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *smirks at the men, and aims at one of the mens heads.* "20 dollars says i can hit that man in the middle, right between the eyes.."

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighs as he contiues to back up "heh go for it warfox" he said as he backed up "tarron where the hell are you?"

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *mumbles against Snowolf's neck* I seriously.. hate.. those.. darts...

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: (Averon is logged off)

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: (do we contiue with out him? or stop for now?)

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: (no clue)

2005-12-29 [snowwolfsa]: (Well we kinda need him at this point, an im tired so im heading to bed, just stop an continue tommarow))

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: (laters then)

2005-12-29 [crowfeather]: (hmmm... suddenly very bored)

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *backing up he sighs after she had mummbled "when we get out of this, youll have to tell me about the darts you hate" he spoke

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: sure.... once I can move....

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *nods as he backs up more, the hanger was still far back there... he kept his gun pointed at the men who seemed to wait for him to lower his guard...

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *still talking against his neck* in my right pocket... is one of my... baby boomers... if you want a fast kill.. in case you need it

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighs "thanks, but im gonna take it slow...i dont want to give the soldiers around us, who for somereason stopped fireing, a reason to fire again"

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: that's because.. I.. managed to... hack in.. to their security... *he could tell that she was having a difficult time talking since she had to force her muscles to move*

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: *he nods "i see, well, your struggleing to speak, so we will contiue talking later, conserve some energy" he said (heh dang we kinda stuck with out tarron)

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: (yeah which sucks) Crimson: you try.. to be.. unable to move... let alone blink...

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: (do we wait? or just play him somewhat?)

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: (eh I would normally just suggest that he's done something or what ever... ^_^ )

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: (ok that works, lets do that i wanna move on lol)

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *when the chopper landed he hurried an gently got crimson strapped in, patting the side of the chopper "tarron go!" he spoke as the chopper then flew off... he ran back to the hanger an grabbing warfox.. he strapped warfox into the navigator seat in the apache then go in the pilots seat strapping himself in

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: fuck..... can someone.. close.. my eyes... can't.. blink...

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *with warfox passed out in the navigator seat... he started the apache and was soon following behind tarron, a while later, they landed in a small clearing, about 40 miles from the base

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *feels someone close her eyes for her* thank you... *hears footsteps* who's there?

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *pulling open to the door to teh night hawk "just me, warfox is passed out, i bandaged him up when we landed... so hes just laying in the apache now"

2005-12-30 [dead~spirit]: *they can hear screams, and the sounds of machine guns bursting, from the base.*

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: I.. didn't do that... I still have my.. headset on... could you.. tap the top button.. please?

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighs softly as he sits just inside the night hawk an taps the button for her, sitting on the edge of the door way looking in the direction of teh screams "i dont even wanna think about whats going on over there now"

2005-12-30 [dead~spirit]: *they see a few mushroom clouds, and the screams seem to get louder as they see one U.N. soldier run past them wounded from the base.. the look of fear in his eyes as he ignores them and keeps running.*

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *listens to the various transmitions* a distress call... has been.. put out... and just.. turned off... unknown attacker

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *sighing "unknown? heh.. no its him... we need to get moveing again, none of us... are in the condition to fight him right now"

2005-12-30 [dead~spirit]: *they see a giant black flame shoot past them, burning a hole in the woods, and hitting the running U.N. soldier in the back combusting him into ash's.*

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: him? him who? if it.. involves me getting.. a bullet.. to the head... I want to know..*tries to move her hand*

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *watching the black flame "ok, its serious" looking to crimson "keep your comm on.... ill talk to you from the chopper" he jumped out of the night hawk an closed the door, as it took off, he then ran to the apache, an jumped in, with inminute he was flying behind the night hawk "ok... we need to get as far away from here as possiable...any suggestions?" he spoke to crimson over the comm

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: yay.. starting to get feeling back... okay most places around here.. sound like they are on high alert so any base around is going to be.. in lock down... *there was a slight pause* head for Cinbactie... I know.. the area.... and you guys will blend right in...just.. land outside of the city..

2005-12-30 [dead~spirit]: *they see in the distance a chopper flying away from the base a a black orb flys out of the woods, and hits, creating an explosian, and sending pieces of the chopper everywhere.*

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: Crimson: just hope you don't mind heat...

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looking back seeing the orb he sighs "roger that heading for Cinbactie..." he spoke back into the comes as they flew fast

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: (yay moveing on!!!!!!!!!!)

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: (lmao... you're happy)

2005-12-30 [snowwolfsa]: (yea, i wanted to move to another place.. lol i posted there already)

2005-12-30 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *watching the two choppers fly away in the distance, he smirks, and looks down to the one soldier begging for mercy at his feet, before slamming his katana through his chest.* "we'll see each other again."

2005-12-30 [crowfeather]: *Tafia notices that Crimson's jeep was still on fire, a rubbled mass of metal near some bodies along with the dark that had hit her in the back of the neck*

2005-12-31 [Angelic Chaos]: Angel: *watchs from a distance silently and carefully*

2006-01-01 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *kneels down and observes the dart..* "interesting... what do they want with you her.."

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>end of chapter>>>>>>>>>>>

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *walks out of the forest to the destroyed military base, the cyborgs, lay mutilated with the U.N. soldiers corpses.*

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *follows behind him looking around "so i heard you said, that man an the rest of his people did this?"

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *looks back at her after finding the dart on the ground again.* "i lied.."

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *looks around "wait.. you did all this?" she asked

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *kneels, as he studies the dart.* "most of it.. they killed the one man over there by the blown up hanger, and the three cyborgs to your right."

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *looking around then laughs and licks her lips "mmm all the bloodshed...." she smirked "i picked the right one to travel with" she spoke

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *looking away from her he frowns.* "..... if you say so... who would make a dart like this i wonder?"

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *walks over an looks at the dart "why we do... thats one of are tranqs" she points out the symbol at the bottom, thats really small

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *I seen that, but the nosams havent used these in years..."

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: hmm, well its defenetly are dart... but i guess your right there, soooooo that meens we have pests running around with are old stuff..." she spits to the side "vermin... all of them"

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *looks at her with a sadistic smirk, that chills her bones.* "what do you expect... their humans..."

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *shrugs some "im human, least i think i am"

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *with no emotion he starts to walk into the woods.* "indeed you are..."

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *follows him, but stays silent now

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *finds a pair of foot prints in the mud, behind a few trees.* "I knew there was someone alse....."

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *stops and sees the foot prints "..hmm a pest?"

2006-01-03 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *stands up, and walks towards the shamen platform* "who knows.."

2006-01-03 [snowwolfsa]: Arianna: *shrugs and follows behing tafia

2006-01-03 [Angelic Chaos]: Angel: *gets a call over his cell phone then nods* Right...* pulls out his Sniper Rifle*

2006-01-03 [Angelic Chaos]: Angel: *gets in his apache and heads for cinbactie*

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *having borrowed a vehicle from over at Cinbactie, she had made her way back to the remains of the base. hoping out of the small jeep she walks around the rubble, adjusting her bag on her shoulder as she checks various equipment. she finds the remains of the truck and sees if there is anything she can scavange off*

2006-01-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *it took him a good few hours to get there, probley slower then her, cause he was driving slow, so he could see the tracks he was following.. pulling up next to the parked hummor, he shuts down the jeep an walks over to it "hmmmm why? would a theif take then abandon it?" he thought walking ferther into the mess...

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *moves a sheet of metal uncovering a few decomposing bodies, the sickening sweet smell of rotting flesh didn't affect her much as she dug around. in a squatted position as she scavenged the bodies and tools, if she found something she thought that could be of use later she stuck it in her bag*

2006-01-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *she could here a sigh directly behind her "56 miles..... 56 miles.... thinking i was gonna catch a hummor theif... only to find you didnt feel like takeing yours" he sighed again looking around "what are you doing?"

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: huh? *looks up and smiles* oh hey.. sorry.. just I knew you would probably freak out if I had taken mine.. *continues what she was doing* and what I'm doing is called scavenging...

2006-01-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf *watches her and sighs "uhh why would i freak out if you took yours? umm thats what i built if for"

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: because then you would know I wasn't in the base you would try to track me down... *finally stands and steps over the corpses* so what's up?

2006-01-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looks around "nah i would of just called you on you comm... an if you didnt answer.. then yes i would of came to track you down.. cause its never good when you dont answser" looks around "an do you not want me here? cause ill go back"

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *shrugs* I don't mind.. I'm almost done here anyways... just you seem a bit keeped out by this is all... *smiles*

2006-01-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf *walks around looking at things "nah not really"

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: ah okay.. just checking.. *stoops down and takes some clothes off of a body* hmm... you look about my size...

2006-01-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *while she takes the cloths off of the people, snowolf has managed to salaved some guns.. a few combat knives, an a head band, wich looked really goofy on him when he walked back to her

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: YAY! I found one of my baby boomers... *looks like she was diving in the bodys as she retrieves it* come back here...

2006-01-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf* laughs and smiles as he takes the stuff he got back to the hummor setting it all in the back

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: >_< god that one was ripe.. *wanders over to the jeep while flicking a couple of maggots off of her*

2006-01-11 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *walks up, to them, with grease all over his face and arms. He is pale white, and looks like he hasnt slept in days, as he staggers about.* "good......afternoon?"

2006-01-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *looking to warfox "what are you doing way out here?"

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: whoa... what the hell happened to you? and why are you away from the base?

2006-01-11 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *walks around the cyborgs bodies, pulliing parts from their bodies.* "I ran out of money for parts.. so.... I came here to... and .... the cyborgs... so i figured why not..." *falls over*

2006-01-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *runs over an grabs him picking him up onto his shoulder "he needs rest" he said putting him in the pasanger seat of the crims hummor...." take him back crim.. ill get the cyborgs... he obviously wants them"

2006-01-11 [G:/enesis~]: Warfox: *using just his arms he pulls himself out of the hummer, and drags across the cement, and debris.* "wait.. i need the.. and my buggy is over in the forest line... i need it.. and then i have to get back... and ....almsot done...." (yeah thats right he said almsot)

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *nods her head slightly* alright... see you when you get back.. *gets into the driver's seat and starts it, ends up speeding off back to their base*

2006-01-11 [snowwolfsa]: Snowolf: *had put warfox back in the hummor when he crawled out as crim drove off, he went an grabbed the cybord dragging the heavy pieaces of crap to warfoxs buggy.. leaveing the hummor being it was just a normal one, an headed back to base

2006-01-11 [crowfeather]: Crimson: *makes a sharp turn and looks like she was about to run Warfox over, swirves and opens the door pulling Warfox back inside* we can get it later... *drives off*

2006-01-12 [G:/enesis~]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2006-01-12 [G:/enesis~]: *Helicopters carrying tanks, humvee's, and big wooden crates fly in, and land at the destroyed base. Hundreds of U.N. soldiers jump out, and secure the area.*

2006-01-12 [dead~spirit]: *the army, builds up a base, and establish's a runway, for planes to land.*

2006-01-18 [dead~spirit]: Tao: *walks out of the forest line, towards the military outpost.*

2006-01-18 [dead~spirit]: *two U.N. soldiers run up, and stop him.* "whoa little one.. you cant just go running into a outpost like that... your gonna have to leave until this is over....Is that a sword you have there...your a little to young for a sword.." *the man tries to grab the sword.*

2006-01-18 [dead~spirit]: Tao: *glares at the man, and faster then lightning the mans hand falls off, and the other man falls to the ground dead from being stabbed through the chest, as Tao walks away with his bloddy sword out.* "I dont have time for this..."

2006-01-18 [dead~spirit]: *as Tao disappears into the woods, two more U.N. soldiers run up to the men, and help them.* "who the hell was that!!! We need help over here!"

2006-01-18 [dead~spirit]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2006-01-22 [Furor Scribendi]: Ailith: *brings her cycle to a stop, sable hues darting around. Swinging a leg over her cycle, she grabs her sack and slowly walks around, gun at the ready*

2006-01-22 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *walking along the woods he spots ailith an smiles some, following her in the midst of the trees

2006-01-22 [Furor Scribendi]: Ailith: *her ears pick up something, and she turns around. Dark orbs take in the sight of the stranger, calculating. Checking her gun once more, she watches him watching her*

2006-01-22 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *grins, seeing hes been spotting even though, he was moveing in complete silance "wow shes good" he thought before just walking out of the woods and looking to her "hi"

2006-01-22 [Furor Scribendi]: Ailith: *warily cants her head, keeping the stranger in view* Who are you and why are you following me?

2006-01-22 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *shrugs "come now... you seee a beutifull armed woman... walking threw a forest of dead soldier, towards a half destroied, half rebuild UN military base.... you kinda get curious"

2006-01-22 [Furor Scribendi]: Ailith: *snorts, cynical* Curiousity killed the cat. Again, I ask you. Who are you?

2006-01-22 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *laughs "cocky as well, hmm like your attitude... im just a simple theif.... thats all...." he yawnd as he stood there watching her

2006-01-22 [Furor Scribendi]: Ailith: *lofts a brow* If you were planning on robbing me, I hope you've changed your mind. *she toys with the dagger in its wrist sheathe* I am impeccable aim, and I doubt you'd like me if I castrated you...*smirks*

2006-01-22 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *laughs and sighs "wow... for some reason... im not afraid" he spoke softly to her "beside, i got curious... never said i was gonna rob you"

2006-01-22 [Furor Scribendi]: Ailith: Fine. You've seen me. Now leave me alone. *she unsheathes her dagger, and for a little humour, chucks it at the man, purposely missing him by an inch. The blade digs itself into a tree right next to him with a thump*

2006-01-22 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *doesnt flinch, as the knife wizzed past his head hitting the tree behind him, he sighs softly as he follows her "so where you heading?"

2006-01-22 [Furor Scribendi]: Ailith: *strides over to the tree, and withdraws her dagger* No place you can go. Now. *she places the dagger under his chin* Leave. Me. Alone.

2006-01-22 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *grabbing her wrist twists her around, he squeezed the wris just right to hit a nerve wich made her drop the knife. putting her face first into the ground, knee in her back, she could tell it was all basic military hand to hand "listen to me.... you have no idea what your heading into up there...."

2006-01-22 [Furor Scribendi]: Ailith: *grunts, and twists her leg, knocking the man to his feet. Her hand comes up, and she turns over, sending the man sprawling back a few feet due to a harsh kick. She stands up, and dusts herself off. "And you still won't leave me alone. Let me give you a piece of advice :: don't mess with me.

2006-01-22 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *knocked backwards her smirks some, still on his feet "im the only thing keeping you alive.... if you would of passed that group of trees... you would of been lit up in seconds... if you hadnt noticed a war between the UN an nosams have started.... an the UN is on a shoot first...ask questions later attitude"

2006-01-22 [Furor Scribendi]: Ailith: *glares at the man as she resheathes her dagger* What the fuck do you want from me?

2006-01-22 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *shook his head "i dont want anything... id just hate to see a such a gorgeous woman... walk into a situation that will only bring death...."

2006-01-22 [Furor Scribendi]: Ailith: *scoffs and heads back to her cycle* I can take care of myself. *starts her cycle, and heads back to Cinbactie

2006-01-22 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *watches her go "hmm how id like to see her again" he though before dissapearing into the woods

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *a black flame launches out from the woods, casting a section of the base on fire.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: O.O!!!!!!!!!!!! holy shit *watching from the trees

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: *the U.N. soldiers duck for cover as a section of their outpost id destroyed.* "holy hell!!! red team cover fire!"

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *sits in the tree watching the hell "oh dear god... runn you bastard run!!!!! hes got a sword!!! oh oh damn... outch!... thats gotta hurt"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *a black giant ord flys through the U.N. soldiers incinerating them. Tafia flys out of the woods, into the center of them, his face showing no emotion as he slughters them, his sword all black, with a glowing red plasma lining.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *watching this he almost falls out of the tree, gripping himself he sees tafia "oh damn... no no jim run!!! run jim run!!! no..... oh shit outch... damn it.. no simon!~!!!! oh dear god you have a wife!!! run ... for the love of god runnnnn"

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *slams his sword into the ground, and throws his aroms apart stretching them, as a little red energy sphere grows around, and suddenly engulfs the whole outpost incenerating them all, as he shows no emotion. the red sphere can be seen from cinbactie*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *had jumped down an was about to charge him but stopped looking "O.O ~.~ O.O!!!! oh fuck that" he spoke turning around an dissapeearing into the woods

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: Tafia: *pulls his sword out of the ground, and heads for the shamen platform.*

2006-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: Samuel: *Watches him leave before running like hell towards Cinbactie

2006-01-23 [dead~spirit]: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2006-12-07 [dead~spirit]:

A New Hope (the Expansion)

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