Player Name: Elwyne (likes to be called El for short)
Character Name: Eleirah Andromell
Chosen Path: subtle (step 1)
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Home Area: The Ylindre Mountains
Home Settlement: Falfarell Town
Appearance: A very short young woman with long, unruly, copper colored hair and huge, dark, brown eyes. She has a round youthful face with dimples that appear on her cheeks when she smiles. She's slightly chubby and has a rather exagerated figure.
Clothing/equipment: She usually wears simple clothing that is easy to travel in. A wide brimmed hat, long leather pants, tightly laced boots, a gray colored shirt and a patchwork vest in different shades of green. She also wears a long brown cloak with a hood in cold weather. She carries the usual travel needs in her pack along with her flute and a fiddle that she uses to earn money along the way.
History (reasons for coming to Elleek) The youngest daughter of a slightly prosperous family she was often ignored. Her only loves were books and music, and her only friend an old minstrel named Sennam who taught her how to sing and play. When she grew older her friend died, and she had no reason left to stay. Instead she decided to become a minstrel like her friend and left to go traveling.
Personality She's very uncertain and doesn't really know how to get along with people that well. She tries very hard to get people to like her however and ends up occasionally making a fool of herself in the process. She's rather intelligent in her own way, but is rarely able to show it. She keeps a lot to herself and although she's very trusting and caring, she's also easily hurt and upset. She loves animals and plants, and books as well as her music. She'll often go off by herself when she's feeling stressed or nervous. She is very sesitive to how other people feel and she can't stand to see someone upset or sad or in pain without trying to do something to help.
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