Page name: Eleni Swiftwater [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-09-02 01:48:19
Last author: Windstar
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Eleni Swiftwater

Age: 437

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Looks: Long, strawberry blond hair, 6'9", willowy build, blue-green eyes. Eleni generally wears a practical tunic and leggings, and either goes barefoot or wears soft leather shoes - however her feet are clad, Eleni makes almost no sound when she walks and runs.

Personality: Eleni is usually very kind, and loves to help people in need. She has been known to join seemingly lost causes simply on instinct and because she likes the people involved. However, as with most of the Elven Scouts, Eleni has a very sharp and quick temper that often springs up with little or no warning, from the human point of view - she, however, usually does have a reason.

History: Eleni was born in an elven village near the borders of the forests of Kalinar, next to the Rakerlin River - although the elves have a different name for the river. Since the village, Sarenti, was just across the river from the human town of Amberling, she grew up often going to visit the human town. As a result, she understands humans far better than most elves, and has long since discarded the arrogant and patronizing attitude they often take up around humans.
At her coming of age ceremony when she turned 100 years old, Eleni was also instated into the Elven Scouts of Kalinar, an elite group of fighters whose skills lie in archery and magic, for the most part. The Elven Scouts only really band together when there's a serious threat to Kalinar or Lienae that the normal military forces cannot handle - something that has only happened three times in known elven history. The Scouts are chosen while they are still young, and instated at their coming of age ceremonies. They then spent the next nine hundred years wandering and training themselves to reach their peak. While most Scouts elect to do their training away from their home forest, Eleni has, for the most part, stuck near home.
Eleni knows Karen Windstone. They are not friends, quite, yet, but Eleni is one of the people that Karen is likely to go to for help in her search for her missing friend.

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