Page name: Epiphany [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-03-17 15:39:45
Last author: Barock
Owner: Barock
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Art work by the oh so talented [Chimes]

Upon the world of Kholash there is no magic in the sense we know, there is no elemental power in the way we expect. The four elements and winds of magic are replaced by the power of Epiphany and its lords. There are seven Lords of Epiphany. Two resided on the peninsular of Ghelt cut off from the rest of the world by the harsh Ylindre mountains. The other five left the peninsular and were never heard from again, these five have faded into mystery in Ghelt and only the two Lords remember them now. The original two were Elleek Vhorash who received epiphany on the path of Wisdom and Gharra Yheldy who received epiphany on the path of Subtlety. All paths lead to The One and all ephiphinites including the Lords themselves are different distances down their chosen paths.

This is a HaRPy! Rp and takes a proud position on the HaRPy! network.

News From The Town Criers

...Here it here first! All communications with Upper Bristlton have ceased! The Lord's own envoy sent to the Northern farmlands were found killed and nailed to posts on the outskirts of Bristonshire! We have had no word from the Epiphinites sent to remedy the problem! Dark days indeed fellow Gheltmen and women!

Ramblings From The Prophets

...DOOM!... Pale eyes with a serpents tongue stalk the Mountains, depserate for entry to our unprepared lands... Woe to those who face the six, each an incarnation of the Pale eyes with the serpents tongue! Woe to those who would stand, for they shall surely fall! ...The first is among us, to the north! Heed our words, heed them and flee, for our ends are coming...!

Rules of Epiphany Epiphany plays differently from many Rp's, please read this before playing.
Lore of Epiphany The common lore of the land of Ghelt and its people, things that every Gheltman and woman should know! (will help with the playing the Rp, but reading isnt compulsory)
Paths of Epiphany Discover the commonly known facts about Epiphinites and their seperate paths (please note, very little is commonly known about epiphinites and their Acts of Epiphany so this will be very basic)

Characters of Epiphany - Now closed, no more for a short while. If you still want to play make a char and they'll be inducted later.
None Player Characters of Note
The Pale Six - The Six Aspects of The Pale Man.

Chapter One: Bright Lights and Deep Shadows
----->Subchapter One: The Mongrels Call (only post here once you have met Serrina, you will be sent the password :) )
----->Subchapter Two: Under the gaze of The One (Only post here once you have met Tolanar, you will be sent the password)

Chapter Two: Into The Hornets Nest

Chapter Three: The Wasps Sting

Username (or number or email):


2009-02-02 [Barock]: Okay! To promote the mystery, Subtle fellows wont see how the Wisdom fellows are initated and vice versa. The two subchapters are for that, once you meet your chosen person you'll be given the password :)

2009-02-04 [Barock]: Right, for chapter two I'm stuck :-P
We have a choice, either a quest like porblem to solve in Elleek OR a quest like probelm to solve outside Elleek!

2009-02-04 [Chimes]: *ponders*

2009-02-04 [Elwyne]: well, it would have to be something fairly easy to start with. Since they just started and all. Don't you think?

2009-02-05 [Thrice]: Rise of the Shadow: In The Beginning
I'm whoring off my new Rp, with Matt's permission/idea, for all that would like to join. Take a gander. :D

2009-02-05 [Barock]: Rise of Shadow was AWESOME guys, so I gotta assume this will be too! :) Joinjoinjoin.

2009-02-05 [Chimes]: *goes to gander*

2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: Well, I'll take a look in a bit then!

2009-02-05 [Barock]: :D See an Rping community! :D
This is AWESOME!

2009-02-05 [Elwyne]: (laughing)

2009-02-06 [Chimes]: :D

2009-02-07 [Chimes]: PEOPLE! Mister Ryan-face([Swollenfish]) has been banned for his laptop for a little bit, he doesn't know how long for but doesn't think it'll be long. :] He wanted me to tell you.

2009-02-11 [Barock]: NEWS: Chapter two will begin shortly, I'll induct Llama and then shaodwy folks you shall be given the information the Light folks just got :) Best of Luck!

2009-02-12 [Swollenfish]: *enters with a flourish* I am back! :D

I managed to bargain that I could get it back after my interview! ^_^

2009-02-12 [Barock]: :P Awesome, welcome back Ryann

2009-02-12 [Chimes]: Wheeee~! *small dance of joy*

2009-02-12 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: Sorry guys. >.< I'm never on when everyone else is.

2009-02-12 [Chimes]: You're normally on when I'm on. :]

2009-02-16 [Naythophyl]: like the logo

2009-02-16 [Chimes]: has wonderful stock. :P

2009-02-17 [Elwyne]: Wow! Just noticed the banner at top! Wow! Beautiful!

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