Page name: Fantasma Character: Deyna [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-29 18:36:42
Last author: Adaman
Owner: Leonox
# of watchers: 3
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D20: 13
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User: [Leonox]
Race: Orc (Male)
Age: Juvenile (+1 Stamina)
Class: Fighter (Lord/Taggerung)
Trade: Hunter, Lord
Neutrality: Neutral

Health: 23/23 (Average size)
Armor Quality: Bone Lammellar Minor resistance to Enchantments.
- Head: (0/0)
- Body: (4/4) -1 Cutting Damage.
- Right Arm: (2/2) -1 Cutting Damage.
- Left Arm: (2/2) -1 Cutting Damage.
- Right Leg: (3/3) -1 Cutting Damage.
- Left Leg: (3/3) -1 Cutting Damage.
-Strength: 3 (Average)
*Accuracy: 3 (Average)
-Endurance: 3 (Average)
*Agility: 3 (Average)
-Speed: 3 (Average)
*Stamina: 6 (Very High)
-Magic: 2 (Average/Low)
*Faith: 3 (Average)

Armed With

Iron Hagbut (Quiver: 18 Arrows) (Improved with Range Skill).
- Quality: (2/2)
- Average/Big Size & Light Weight.
- Uses only Arrow ammo, Useful for Melée attacking in Short Range 3.
- Range: Medium Range 5

(2) Bone Scamasax (Joined)
- Quality: (R) Fang: (4/4) (L) Talon: (4/4)
- Small Size per & Light Weight per.
- Used for Cutting attacks.
- Range: Short Range 1
* Signature Attack... "Choker" (1 Stamina) - Allows the user to catch a target and deal Strength Level 3 damage per turn while immobilized.

Extra Items

- (M) Quiver...
- (Open)
- (Open)
- (Open)

Attributes (Victory Point count: 1)
Class Attributes
Counterattack (Automatic) - Increases the range of Auto-Counterattack.
Trade Attributes
C1. Hunting (Permanent) - Increases damage dealt to ungulate and megafauna monsters.
C2. ...
C3. ...
B1. Range Skill (Permanent) - Increases attacking with long range weaponry.
B2. ...
B3. ...
Lord (Taggerung)
C1. +Command (Permanent) - Allows the user to marshall many forces for his nation.
C2. ...
C3. ...
B1. Morale (Automatic) - A special combat attribute that allows the user to increase the rate of stamina and faith gained from resting or concentrating their forces.
B2. ...
B3. ...
Racial Attributes
Blood Lust (Activate - Wounded) - If wounded during battle, Allows user to have unlimited stamina for all actions for 3 Turns. (Activate only once per battle).
Dark Heritage (Permanent - Blood Lust) - Evil Resistance while in "Blood Lust" mode.
Battle Rage (Permanent) - Power Attacks.


A creature only controlled by the thrill of war. He is a mighty fighter and has never been defeated inside his clan. He knows this fact and throws his weight around about it. He never backs down from a challenge and is quick to make one. Also, being the son of the chieftain makes just that more deadly.

Lately in the clan, bitter rivalries have sparked. Then after the yearly meeting of clan leaders, fighting and arguing broke out about being leader of all. So the idea of a massive small group war broke out. Deyna being chosen as the leader of the Juska Clan. He now must prove his skills as a military leader.

He dresses himself in the robes and jewelry of a normal Taggerung. Traditionally he wears a necklace of bones from his victims. He now is on the conquest of becoming a mighty assassin. He has very few road blocks in his way.

Return Link: Juska Clan Assassins

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