Page name: Fantasma Character: Gerard Duja [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-27 03:22:29
Last author: Adaman
Owner: Adaman
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Gerard Duja

Captain of the Constance II

(No Image)

User: [Adaman]
Race: Fellrise Human (Male)
Age: Mature (+1 Faith)
Spirit: Soul (Neutral)
Size: Average
Class: Mage

~: Stats :~

- Health: 9/9
- Resistance: 0.3 (+0.4, +0.5 vs Cutting with cold/heat resistance)
- Strength: 3
- Stamina: 3/3
- Mana: 15/15
- Sight: 1
- Intelligence: 5
- Faith: 5/5
- Accuracy: 2
- Agility: 3
- Speed: 3
- Charisma: 3

~: Weapons :~

Sidearm (Right): Pistol
- Quality: 2/2
- Damage: 0.75 Mêlée (25% Strength) / 8 Piercing - Ranged
- Range: Mêlée, Linear or LR(5) - Ranged
- Precision: +0
Sidearm (Left): None.
Back Mount: None.
Hidden: Francisca (Small Axe)
- Quality: 3/3
- Damage: 2.25 Cutting (75% Strength)
- Range: SR, Linear
- Precision: +2

Indirect Magic (Magic Points: 0)

- (Tier 1) Hypnosis: Causes sleep ailment to a target. (Cast - Mana)
- (Tier 2) Telekinesis: Moves a target x distance in any direction. (x = target's Size, Cast - Mana)
- (Tier 3) Telepathy: Exposes x stats/traits of a target. (x = Mana Use)

Skills (Skill Points: 0)

- Blink (Cast - Mana): Instantly moves the character x spaces in any direction. (x = Mana Use)
- Etiquette (Activate): +1 Charisma while active. (Uses 1 extra action)
- Gesture Magic (Activate): Casts known spells mana free for x action use. (x = Tier level of spell.)

Item Pack

Money: 00/400cr.
- Baldric: 24 Minieballs.
- (Open)
- (Open)
- (Open)


Clothing: Armor (+0.4 Resist)
- Head & Neck: Large Wool fabric captain's hat.
- Body & Waist: Wool Avilion Navy coat.
- Arms & Hands: Coat sleeves and leather oil-treated, tailored gloves.
- Legs & Feet: Cotton Pants and heavy studded leather boots.

      Gerard is a tall and slender figure with greying black hair and clean shaven appearance at all times on his slowly aging face. With a large hat always adorning his head, he takes on the impression of having a triangular fabric halo with the rim of his hats always having a gold trim. He wears a traditional military serviceman's coat of the Avilion Navy, but has stripped it of insignia, rank, and other features that would confuse it as military. Finally his heavy footsteps are from thick black leather boots, another trademark of the Avilion Navy uniform, only that the edges of the boot are lined in small studds, giving them quite a kick. Gerard does not wear much armor, as he has little need to and keeps himself light and portable in appearance.


      Gerard has only treasured one phrase throughout his life, and it is present almost anywhere he goes. With an eccentric behavior hiding any character weakness, Gerard is sometimes prone to acting rather unusual in order to lower suspicions or keep others from asking too many questions. Usually this works, but when irritated the captain becomes deathly silent and scowls with the intention to kill or maim. Though few outward expressions are seen on his face, the captain's mere presence and tone of voice express his every mood. With the experience of age and skill under his belt, Gerard has the respect of any pirate who has had the pleasure of serving under him.


      Gerard Duja was born and raised into the seafaring world of the Fellrise Nation. He adored the sound of the waves and smell of seabreeze that he joined the naval world in order to become a permanent part of the oceanic world under the command of Armand Russo. Quickly he rose through the ranks to become a captain of his own vessel once Russo was killed during a routine trade mission and was regarded as one of the best in the fleet for a time. The King's recent illness has made him become very confused with his decisions, and for one challenging act against the empire Gerard was disbanded. Angered by this hastey decision, Gerard stole the Constance II his second ship under the imperial navy and from that day on he was regarded as a pirate. He sailing well across the world, to the lands of his people far from the homefront. Every since he has become a pirate of Alchera, with a crew of those who he had gained along the way. Confidence drives him forward in this perilous world, but nothing can drag him from the sea again. Not even the decree of a king would handicap his sea legs.

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