Page name: Fantasma Character: Tierra [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-26 20:42:35
Last author: Adaman
Owner: Adaman
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User: [Kamona]
Race: Lycanthrope (Female)
Neutrality: Evil (Level 1)
Size: Average
Class: Novice

~: Stats :~

Health: 9/9
Stamina: 4/4
- Strength: 3
- Agility: 4
- Speed: 4
- Resistance: 0.3
Mana: 9/9
- Magic: 2
- Accuracy: 3
- Intelligence: 3
- Awareness: 3
Faith: 3/3
- Creativity: 3
- Luck: 3
- Charisma: 3
- Appearance: 3.0

~: Armament :~
(Space: 2/9 Size)
(Capacity: 1/9 Weight)

Stiletto (Right Hand-Equipped)
- Offense: 1.5 Cutting or Piercing (75% Str/Agl)
- Defense: 2.5/2.5
- Range: SR1, Linear or Thrust
- Weight/Size: 0.5/1
- Attack Speed: 3
Cleaver (Left Hand-Equipped)
- Offense: 1.5 Cutting (50% Str)
- Defense: 1/1
- Special: Butcher Skill +1.
- Range: SR1, Linear
- Weight/Size: 0.5/1
- Attack Speed: 1
Money: 60/400cr.
- Leg of Pork
- Kelpie Blubber (x4)
- Kelpie Tusks (x2)
- Kelpie Hide (x3)

Skills (Skill Points: 0.5)
* Howl (Cast-Stamina): Causes Fear (Level 1) to all targets in their awareness range for 1 turn.
- Butcher (Automatic): Obtain 1 extra meat from corpses.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...


Armor Capacity: 2/9 (Light)
Head: Crude Wool Hood. (+0.3, +1 Cold/Heat Resist)
Neck: Crude Wool Cloak. (+0.3, +1 Cold/Heat Resist)
Body: Rawhide Top. (+0.5)
Waist: Rawhide Bottom. (+0.5)
UArm: None.
LArm: None.
ULeg: None.
LLeg: None.
      Tierra has sleet grey fur with long free black hair with two large braids on either side of her face. She has very dark eyes, and wears simple leather garb that was crudely made from the hides of previous kills. She also adorns herself in the teeth and carved and dyed bones of various animals. Though a Juvenile, she still has remnants of a pup about some of her features. On her belt she carries both her dagger and meat cleaver along with a small pouch. At times, when she feels it necessary to help disguise her Lycan appearance, she wears also a crudely made cloak.


      Tierra, although her upbringing is evil in nature, in reality has more of neutral tendencies. Although she wont hesitate to kill if she feels threatened in even the slightest bit, mostly due to a natural survival instinct. She has an curious and defiant nature that can sometimes lead her into trouble. Although she kills to supply her purse and stomach Tierra, like most of her kind, has a natural connection and respect for animals as well as the earth. When she gets a little homesick, she may sing a song of ancients that she would hear so often with her Tribe. Though comforting to her, to others it can disturb or disgust due to the fact that the Lycan tounge is not well liked and she is not a born musician.


      Tierra was born and raised within the dark circle of her tribe that resides only on the island of Lith. Hearing stories of the old grasslands that the Lycanthropes used to call home, Tierra developed a restless nature and sought out the Tribe’s leader for blessings to travel abroad to see those areas for herself. Not accepting the Leader’s stern answer of “No”, Tierra coaxed herself away as a stowaway aboard a ship of fleeing adventurers. Getting to port amazingly undetected, Tierra now wanders alone in the city of Midgard.

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