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2006-04-29 03:53:21
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~: Guild Magic :~

Fantasma Illusion Magic
Favored by Vulpine Taurs.

      Illusions are false images and experiences induces by magic, usually by curious or trickster magicians. Ranging from mirrors to invisibility, illusions are so easily adapted by distorting light and perception that there are many spells available and more produced annually by conventions in Andoria by the kitsune and tanuki illusionists. Many Guilds of illusion include Mimes, Kitsune-bé, Tanuki-bé, Puppeteers, Shadowcasters, and many others.

Fantasma Psychic Magic
Favored by Humans.

      The psychic arts are directed from the mind by means of kinesis and temporal control. Some have linked the psyche to intelligence and the full use of Mana to manipulate thoughts into being. Psychic magic for this very reason is very quick to use, but because their minds are tapped to the mana used it makes it very dangerous to learn new spells as the mind can be shut down and slip into a coma. Thus many psychic masters are rare, but those with a powerful enough mind can become powerful with these spells. Few guilds exist of psychics, but the most prominent is the magocracy of Midgard and the xiaolin monks of Andoria.

Fantasma Enchantment Magic
Favored by Elves.

      Enchantments are the direct magic originating from imps and fairies, two of the races originally charged with controlling magic. Enchantments are often spells deriving their power from symbols or direct links from the fae-folk. It is difficult to learn enchantments, often taking years of one's life to learn symbols and scrying. Accomplished enchanters are difficult to find at young ages, or in states of truly young age. Enchantments are like illusions in some respect, but with their basis in chaos they are far more potent and can be the most powerful of all guild magic. Famous enchanter guilds are the witches and warlocks of Lith, Xindhi enchantresses of Sarvix, diviners of Æonwinter, and the runecasters of Wynthier.

Fantasma Voodoo Magic
Favored by the Undead Races.

      Voodoo is a dark guild magic, used quite frequently by the undead or their kin. However, many races that are so close to death and destruction favor these magical means to bring back their dead and seek eternal life through these spells. Voodoo is riddled with the dark arts of invocation and spirit calling, much of the reason why Necromancers prefer such magic as they can conjure the very dead under their command. Though primarily a means to control the undead, voodoo uses many angry spirits in their spells to force pain and suffering upon others, but also to create totems and wards that stave off angry spirits with their own visage. Prominent voodoo users are the Liches of the Necropolis, Xindhi priestesses of Sarvix, and various tribal shamans seeking to protect their villages from ethereal harm.

Fantasma Exorcism Magic
Favored by the Ancient Races.

      Exorcism was the art of purging evil from the realm of Æther. Using powerful incantations of words consecrated during the age of Genesis, the ancients who practiced this art held highly its spiritual purging and to the present there are few magics that can overcome Exorcism. The most common victims of Exorcism are demonic, however the arts of purging can be used upon any possessor and invaders from other realms. The most commons guilds of exorcism are the paladins of Avilion, but the Alvaiad Priests of Kalonvale also practice this divine art.

Fantasma Blood Magic
Favored by the Demonized Races.

      Also called Thaumaturgy, this magic of essense and blood is the pure opposite of exorcism. Blood magic is the infusion and control of possessors into one's body rather than purging the system. Controlling the spirits of demons, angels, and aeons is a dangerous practice that can have terrible repercussions to the flesh. Power is easily gained through this practice, but many who use this magic are often driven mad or their bodies are broken from the lost control of the spirits channeled through them. Guilds commonly using thaumaturgy are those of the demonized races, Orcs and Trolls as they are most commonly interacting with demon spirits.

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