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2004-11-07 22:21:51
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Fantasy POEMS!

Here is Lior by [Nere] he is the Guardian of Poems for Fantasy Critters United :P

Under Construction

Alright if ya have a poem and I know you do please post away. Also feel free to comment about the poems as well.. as long as it is constructive and helpful its all good! So please Have fun and let go the poet within!

Heres one of my many poems ;) enjoy..! (P.S Post anything here!)

Dawning Hope

In a time of our own,
When all is at peace,
We look to the skies,
Desperate for an answer,
Crying out for hope,
Yet as dawn rises,
We turn to the sun,
Forgetting our pleas,
A new face hides the old,
We continue on,
Hiding the truth,
Yet deep within,
We know our pains,
Wishing to be free,
Waiting for the time,
When we will be at peace,
Where we can walk on,
Without a care,
Without a pain,
Yet till then,
We look to the skies,
Watching the stars,
Waiting for dawn,
Waiting for the light,
Waiting for hope,
Of the new day.
By [RenegadePhoenix]

(based directly on a scene from my first novel, and uploaded to Elfwood Extranet awaiting the post-merge re-opening)


by Paul J. Doyle

Brought alive by a man with powers from beyond,
Living, breathing, once fiction but now so real.
I am a dragon, able to reason, think and feel.
Torn from my lifemate, a breach in the bond,
Befriending humans will not heal the pain.

Stranded on a crowded world less futuristic than my own,
Sublime, yet beholden to my Creator, Phil.
My very existence giving me a seventy foot chill.
Vulnerable, betrayed by my size and a golden tone,
Returning to my dragoness seems so vain.

I'm pledged and proud helping Phil on his quest.
The Prophecy unfolds, enemies strong yet so dear.
None of them frighten me like my primal fear.
Millions of miles from my mate, I cannot rest.
Phil's lover Tracy speaks and springs sad tears to my eyes.

The enemies corral and split my friends apart.
Their leader is one of Phil's faulty creations,
Using us in a gambit against all the nations.
Even the darkest hour will not still my heart.
Evil cannot last, vanquished by unbreakable ties.

When will I see you again, Jul'eweisa?

(c) 2004 [Paul Doyle]


Soaring through the puffy clouds, twisting through the air,
Regulating precipitation is my designated care.
With five-clawed toes and a wingless snaky length
I am regal, Imperial: gifted with Dragon strength.
The atmosphere is my open, continuous lair.

Imperial China is great, vast, monumental:
The Emperor expects me to be sentimental.
“Uphold the divine honor of the dynasty in power!
Exult in its glory; guard it like a precious flower.”
I mustn't ignore His Highness when he gets temperamental.

Insurrection erupts on a far-flung plateau,
A few rebellious elements disrupting the flow.
Yet these are mortal concerns; I make rain for the crops.
Frankly, I don't give a damn about ideological props.
The peasant families need nourishing harvests to sow.

The Emperor summons me to the Forbidden City, in Peking.
“You, my friend, ought to be more worried about Chaos in the making.”
I grasp my Pearl of Wisdom in my five-taloned claw.
“I am your symbol, but since when do I enforce your law?”
“Servant of Heaven, ending the rain will be your undertaking.”

Annoyed by the Emperor's gall but mindful of the Eternal Balance
I soar to the far-flung plateau and relieve a dragon of lesser talents.
The four-clawed brother knows my credentials—he's astonished.
“Your Excellency, my master, have you been admonished?”
“The Gods will decide, my friend. Even I have to earn my allowance.”

“There's a Pearl for you to chase up in the clouds above Nanking,”
I encourage him, knowing he's yet to accomplish such a thing.
The young, callow four-clawed dragon bounds away like a flying dog.
Meanwhile, I effortlessly conjure a concealing fog.
My heart is disturbed, and for once I'm in no mood to sing.

Snaking through the azure sky, I obey, lifting the nourishing mist
The final moisture allowed by the Gods for the Emperor's draconic Fist.
Sorrowful, I change the climate and create a searing drought.
A garrison lays siege to the plateau, the fate of the villagers in doubt.
Then I learn the Emperor is arriving to oversee this vicious twist.

Days turn to weeks, the unforgiving sun cracking the soil
The hardworking peasants have nothing to show for their toil.
The water table drops out of reach, irrigation daunting.
The well-supplied Imperial Army lays siege, always taunting.
The elderly and the youngest pay the price for “turmoil.”

I appeal to the Ancestors and the Gods, my Masters.
“Can we not end this pain and suffering faster?”
“Imperial Dragon, you must maintain the Earth-Heaven Wheel.
You must apply your gifts for the greater good, not for how you feel.
Your presence and majesty make you greater than any spell caster.”

Flying away from the Heavenly Palace, I am so dejected.
Divine meddling with mortals doesn't always go as projected.
I've lived long, and not easily earned my Imperial rank.
With my captured Pearl I've little else to prove, to be quite frank.
Some things in life are senseless, and ought to be rejected.

Rising defiantly into the stratosphere I buck the rules
They do maintain the Balance, but are manipulative tools
Staring down into the troposphere I devise a little plan
I am thinking of the common welfare of every woman and man
My heart goes out to them: modest, short-lived but not fools.

Spinning and twisting, I create blanketing, continuous rain
Gently soaking deeply in the soil, soothing the pain
Of thousands of hardworking, innocent villagers
Facing imminent onslaught by the Emperor's pillagers.
My impeccable dual service record gets fatally stained.

My magic is far too powerful to be reversed
I land, telling the villagers they had been cursed
Bowing, I create months of emergency provisions for all
Knowing soon I will not be at anyone's beck and call.
Until the crops are harvested, they will survive the worst.

The Emperor arrives, outraged; I'm way out of line.
“How dare you shirk your duties and side with peasant swine?
The rebels are cowards and will never show their faces.
You should know these coolies have to learn their places.
And I thought we'd be celebrating with dancing, women and wine!”

“You just don't get it, Your Highness,” I say, surrounded by guards.
“Your despotic behavior will shatter the Balance to shards!
When word breaks you've come to watch people suffer
The Empire will destabilize and have no buffer
You are capricious! People are not ruled by a deck of cards.”

“Imperial Dragon, you are a rebellious traitor and a plague!
Your actions and your sympathies are conscientiously vague.”
Leaping, I weave the rain clouds with winds and create a supercell
I become an intelligent tornado and send them all to Hell
The Gods arrive and kill me. There will be no new Egg.

The plateau villagers prosper, never forgetting my sacrifice.
The Balance is restored. The new Emperor is much too nice.
The Gods are quiet now, mindful of the divine cover-up
The villagers toast me as a hero, lifting their glasses up
I smile, because I exist again as one of the little village mice.

© Paul J. Doyle. All rights reserved!

Flight song of Dartan, Dragon of the night
taken from the first book of the suvitaria family, being written now(copywritten *Bermuda Style*)

Arise from the forest, shrouded in night
Look to the stars in the moons pale light

Feel the wind rush through your wings
Embrace the night's sky as your heart sings

Reach to the clouds, within your fingers grasp
Touch the moon gleaming, shining vast

Return once again to the sky, to your mother's arms
Believe again in the wind's soft charms

Cherish the rush of feeling as you claim the night sky
Dancing, floating, release your fears & fly

*i'm puttin this 1 here cuz i want a little feedback, please!*

To me, but not yet for me [kanaseria]

I sit in your shadow
Watching you silently,
Listening to your sweet words
Said to me, but not yet for me

My fingertips, reaching out to touch you
Drawing back, laughing bitterly at my futile actions
How can one I feel so close to, who stands before me
Be so far away and removed from my heart's pulsations

Breathe you life into me
A gentle touch, a laugh, a soft caress
A small inclination that you feel the same
If only a smile, no more, no less

Empty without your smile,
Without your gentle tease
Without the heart I gave to you to keep
The ache I feel that won't ease

You sit almost right in front of me
You know my soul, yet act as if you don't
I watch your mouth silently, as it forms your haunting words
Knowing I should speak, should let you know I hear, but won't

Perhaps one day, you'll know my pain
Perhaps you do now, but wonder what I feel for you
One day, we'll meet at a compromise, and know if love for us was meant
Until then, I keep my heart bottled inside, my words silent but true

I sit in your shadow
Watching you silently,
Listening to your sweet words
Said to me, but not yet for me

Fantasy For Children

My niece sits on the bed
“Read me a story Nicky!”
I pull out a child's book of fantasy
My niece really isn't to picky
The book has mermaids and fairies
A couple queens, a couple kings
Witches with big, huge warts
Wands full of spells and magic rings
I'm reading about dragons and monsters
Knights so bold, a princess so fair
I'm reading about Snow White and her seven pals
I'm reading about Rapunzel with her beauteous hair
I've closed the book very quit like
Anna, my niece, has fallen asleep against me
I close my eyes and doze off
I dream dreams about a child's fantasy
By [Blaze the Nameless]

Faerie Ring
By [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]

Come and dance, the time is right
Let us take you into the night
Do not struggle; we won't bite, just
Come and dance in the Faerie Ring

Do not fret; you're perfectly safe
(Lost you are, you little waif)
The dance shall be of great wonder,
In our home, our Faerie Ring

Music start up, and here we go,
Sorry, precious; did you not know
Believe the legends. Too late; you're living one
Cought by the accursed Faerie Ring

Whirling figures, ever vigerous;
Twirling garments, luminous wings
To the dance you're doomed to stay
Eternally with us, we do sing

Barred are the exits, you can't get out
Cornered, defeated, without a doubt
There's no weeping, when you are
Condemned, forever staying

Remember this lesson, little one
When you see a faerie, turn and run
Lest you're cought, then doubt no more; please
Stay away from the Faerie Ring

(btw, I have nothing against faeries, but I felt like typing something about faeries and a faerie ring. I heard something that said that if you get cought in one while the faeries are dancing, you'll be cought in it until you die. But I still love faeries! ^_^)


Run lil' griffon
run for your life...
for the dragon is coming with claws like a knife.
Hurry on your feet
or learn to fly.
'cause the dragon is whizzing on by.

Ala Lacerta

Long, dark shafts,
towering up,
up into perfect points.
The dark walls,
climb ever upward,
closing in.
Darker and darker,
until one small point,
Then it is gone,
and I lie here,
tucked safely in my bed,

So You Don’t Believe in Dragons?

So, you don’t believe in dragons?
Well, I’m here to say you’re wrong—
I’ve seen them roaming in their packs,
A hundred thousand strong!

So, you don’t believe in dragons?
Well, I must admit I’m miffed—
Haven’t you ever seen them?
Shiny scales, so carefully spiffed!

So, you don’t believe in dragons?
Well, you’re life must be a bore—
To never look up at the sky
And see flames burst as they soar!

So, you don’t believe in dragons?
Well, then you haven’t heard the tales of old—
Of how they barbecued brave knights,
Hoarded silver, bronze and gold!

So, you don’t believe in dragons?
Well, that’s an ironic thing to do—
Considering the funny fact,
They don’t believe in disbelievers such as you!

So, you don’t believe in dragons?
Well, if you think you’re right—
Then you shouldn’t look behind you,
While that dragon is in sight!

moira the paradox

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2004-02-18 [RenegadePhoenix]: Yikes so Much work.. Brain.. going to explode

2004-02-19 [kanaseria]: do all my poems hafta b about fantasy critters or can i post anythin?

2004-03-02 [RenegadePhoenix]: I think I'm going to be lest strict about that... but post away ;)

2004-11-07 [moira the paradox]: Wrote this a long time ago, and finally found the perfect place to post it! ;)

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