Page name: Featured Member Interviews - La Douleur Exquise [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2008-02-25 11:38:21
Last author: All_Most PUNK
Owner: All_Most PUNK
# of watchers: 1
Fans: 0
D20: 16
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FMI - [there's a bluebird in my heart]

-Name: Majaunta
-Age: 17
-Place of Living: Texas
-Occupation: Student

-What are your hobbies?
My hobbies include reading all the Dean Koontz I can, writing fiction and poetry, drawing, and knitting.

-How did you end up on Elftown?
My best friend actually introduced me to Elftown a couple years ago and I've been hooked ever since.

-What do you like most about fantasy: writing, images, reading etc.
I like fantasy writing the most.

-Tell us more about your love of writing.
Fantasy isn't a genre I usually write about, but I do try. Most of my writing does involve the paranormal - psychics mostly. I've been writing stories my whole life. The first book I wrote was a 20 page story about a lost Christmas that I wrote when I was five. I still have it. I write a lot of Stargate SG-1 fanfiction, and I'm working on an idea for a Doctor Who fic. I have a novel I'm planning, but I usually write short stories. For me, writing is an escape from a boring world. When I write, especially when I write fantasy, I get to make the rules, and that makes everything so much more fun.

*What type of camera do you use for your photography?
I use a Nikon Coolpix digital camera for most of my photography. I'm trying to save up for a really nice film camera.

*How often do you update your house?
I update my house almost every week. I like to keep things new and interesting.

-What is it you do mostly on Elftown? (chat/build/wiki’s etc.)
I chat on Elftown mostly; I've made so many great friends here. I also run a wiki, Stupid Moments with my friend [Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ].

*Is there a particular thing you like about Elftown, such as a specific wiki?
I dont' think I can pinpoint a specific thing about Elftown that I like. I love it all! I'm watching so many wikis - maybe too many, I'm always confusing them.

-Is there a member who’s house you really like yourself? Why do you like that house?
I really like [drakkar]'s house. I always see his name on the recently visited list on my house, and I like seeing how he's updated his page. I also like to visit artist's houses and see their new drawings.

-Have any critique/comments/suggestions/admiration etc. on a specific Elftown matter?
I don't have any critiques for Elftown really. This is a great place. I don't get on as much as I used to, mostly because of school, but I still love it.

-What is your message to all Elftowners?
My message to all Elftowners...I really don't know what I'd say. Probably 'Visit my house!' or something stupid like that :)

-Can your picture be used for featuring you on Mainstreet?
Of course my picture can be used for featuring me on Mainstreet. I do tend to change it a lot, though.


This Interview was brought to you by the Featured Member Bosses,
Done by [Kileaiya].
Thanks to [All_Most PUNK] for writing the Mainstreet story,
and [there's a bluebird in my heart] for letting us interview her.

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