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2005-09-16 [itoe]: Ya know, [Falx], I was hoping that when you weighed in on the issue, you have a preference... Oh well. We may just need to have a poll, or perhaps we can put both to use.
2005-09-16 [Delladreing]: id say we could put both to use..maybe come up with a cross breed. a "salphin" lol
2005-09-16 [itoe]: Much better than the alternative "dolmon"
2005-09-16 [Delladreing]: lol true
2005-09-17 [Rondel]: Maybe the salmon of determined independence and self-sacrifice to one's goals (since the salmon swims upstream to lay its eggs, and fertilizes the area with its own rotting corpse, in the ultimate act of self-sacrifice
2005-09-17 [Rondel]: for helping others, particularly younger bisexual and lesbian girls/women, going against societal trends and giving of herself... ...while in the same context (Not Alone), [BarleySinger], a VERY straight man, would be a good example of a dolphin -- helping those who are different from himself, regardless of their differences, but with humour, intelligence, and respect. I don't mean to harp on these two people, they just struck me as good examples of the difference between the two concepts, as I see it. :)
2005-10-09 [Delladreing]: I am tempted to make the "Salphin" badge lol, just because I now know so many people who deserve it at this very moment
2005-10-09 [Falx]: I like the Salphin idea. I'm just not really sure what one would look like, ya know?
2005-10-10 [Delladreing]: Indeed....hmm
2005-10-10 [Rondel]: A leaping dolphin sillouhette with full breeding season sockeye salmon colouration, a hook on the end of its beak, and some indication of scales? *shrugs* Just a thought...
2005-10-10 [Delladreing]: ...most definately beyond my skills lol
2005-10-11 [itoe]: And mine. I wouldn't even know where or how to start with that. I like the idea though. ^_^
2005-10-11 [Delladreing]: *nod nod* hrmmm i'm going to go harass my art friends :D
2005-10-11 [itoe]: Now that sounds like a plan! I have some I can harass m'self.
2005-10-12 [Delladreing]: *noddles* meh, they all logged off, im going to look like major stalker with messages XD
2007-02-06 [Falx]: I'd like to nominate [deus-ex-machina] for his dedication to the education of the ignorant at Theological Discussions. Do I have a second?
2007-02-13 [Falx]: If no one has any objections then, I'm going to go ahead and send him the badge.
2007-02-17 [Rondel]: I haven't been following that wiki long enough to give a truly informed opinion, but what I saw of that wiki made a positive impression -- I'll go ahead and second the motion, I suppose. I'm certainly not opposed to it. :)
2007-02-17 [Falx]: Cool. Then I'll send it on over to Deus.
2007-02-17 [Delladreing]: Deus deserves it because deus is awesome. End of :D
2007-02-17 [Falx]: Agreed.^_^
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