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2006-01-09 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: I remember I had solved it...
2006-01-09 [T_Pop]: cool... so i can actualy see if im right with the Einstein Challenge... wow... i hope my 2 hours of work payed off lmfao
2006-01-09 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: I dunno. It took me about... the time toread it, 5 minutes of thought and a few seconds of uncertainty, when I followed only half of my logic and filled the rest with instinct.
2006-01-09 [T_Pop]: ooh... i drew a diagram myself and that itself took me 1 hour and 30-45 min... thats probiboly what took me so long lmfao
2006-01-09 [itoe]: A little late, but the Identity Property of Fuzzy Logic is quite fictional, although it really is in line with the Rules of General Absurdity ^_~
2006-01-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: OK. Here's a logistic game. The oldest one I know. If I told you I ALWAYS lie, would you believe me?
2006-01-10 [itoe]: That's the same as askinging "True or False? This statement is false."
2006-01-10 [T_Pop]: hhmmm... i would have to say that i wouldnt beleave you... if your telling the truth then you always lie makeing that a true statement hense your not lieing at the moment makeing the "always" part invalide... but if you where lieing then that means that you tell the truth at times even if this time its a lie... so no i wouldnt beleave you lol
2006-01-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: HEHE!!! But if I was telling the truth, then I DO lways lie. So I lied.
2006-01-10 [T_Pop]: which is why i dont beleave you lmfao its a simple consept lmfao
2006-01-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: But that means I don't always life, so I'm telling the truth. so I DO always lie.
2006-01-10 [itoe]: Either way you get trapped. If Jino is being truthful, then he always lies. Thus he can't be telling the truth about always lying. Thus he does not always lie (unless perhaps it is on the ground). If Jino is lying, then you get trapped the other way.
2006-01-10 [itoe]: An interesting permutation of this idea is the following: A prisoner was due to be executed. The executioner decided to offer the prisoner a choice. "You get to help choose the way you die. You can make one statement. If you are telling the truth, you'll be hung. If you are lying, you'll be shot." The prisoner made his one statement, and the executioner set him free. What did the prisoner say?
2006-01-10 [T_Pop]: its simple... if you dont always lie then that dosen't mean that you always tell the trueth... that just means you dont always lie... if you lie then your telling the truth makeing it the same situation where you may lie but not all the time... so i chose not to beleave you in either case... that way wether your lieing or not im still right lol
2006-01-10 [Kayne]: I'm going to get shot.
2006-01-10 [T_Pop]: um... o...k... have fun with that lmfao
2006-01-11 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: HEHE! I'd make that statement, actually... And go get hung. Or shot. Anywho, whatever you think about my "riddle", you get trapped, because the opposite is also correct.
2006-01-11 [T_Pop]: well... you cant apreatiate life with out death... and you cant have death with out life lmfao
2006-01-11 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: True... "Life is a decease that spreads through sex and always leads to death." ((I hate translating from Bulgarian... NEver get it right))
2006-01-11 [T_Pop]: um... sure... if you way so lmfao
2007-01-14 [xido]: I don't even have to work on this here. So much talk of God already, I'm sure the logic of this phrase will neither shock not abhor:
Best wishes, and nice game. I like it. I will be stealing Einstein's game for Will's Fave Quotes I think... ;D
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