Page name: GasMASK Characters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-06-28 21:52:54
Last author: Rice
Owner: Rice
# of watchers: 3
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D20: 4
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Applications are to be filled out and sent to me, if I accept your character it shall be put on a separate wiki page and added to the character list. Please also make sure to follow the guide lines below on making the character, also make sure your character is unique and different from any of the other characters.
Also once you've made a character feel free to jazz up their profile however you like, be it with banners or images.


Weight: (must be correspond with height, no anorexics)
Personality: (Be colourful but not over the top and annoying)
Description: (Not astoundingly beautiful characters please, everyone has flaws)
Weapon: (This can by anything from a gun to a baseball bat, basically their weapon of preference)
Talents: (Things they are good at, no more than two)
Weakness’s: (Things that let them down, must be two or more)
Other: (Any random detail you would like people to know about your character)


The Characters?


Played by [Rice] - 'The Psychotic recluse'.

Shilo Dale-Cooper

Played by [Rice] - 'The psychopath'.

Alex Daniels

Played by [Rice] - 'The Schizophrenic'.

Analiese Rogers

Played by [Akayume] - 'Split-personality'.

Sabrina Rogers

Played by [Akayume] - 'Analiese's alter ego'.

Romeo King

Played by [Akayume] - 'The knight in shinning armour'.

Jared Solo

Played by [Atayemi] - 'The walking outburst'.


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2009-06-27 [Akayume]: I am DEFINATELY making a character for this, but first.. A trip to target to buy some popcorn. XP

2009-06-27 [Rice]: XD awesome can't wait.
I'm eating toffee popcorn right now.

2009-06-27 [Akayume]: So lucky, lol. All we have is the nasty kettlecorn crap and I want buttery and high in calories! >_<

2009-06-27 [Rice]: Mmmmm butter popcorn.
So what sort of character are you going to make 8)
As soon as you make your character I'm going to start it, I'm too eager XD

2009-06-27 [Akayume]: A girl. XD I'm really bad at playing boys. I'm not quite sure yet.. lemme think!

2009-06-28 [Atayemi]: 'The walking outburst.' ? xDD

2009-06-28 [Rice]: Done.

2009-06-28 [Akayume]: Umm... Shouldn't "is" be "in"?

2009-06-28 [Rice]: Done.

2009-06-28 [Akayume]: Oke! :D I looooove eeeet.

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