Geological Features
These are different geological features you should consider when making a map. If you have trouble with map design, look for an interesting spot on the ground or on the carpet. This can often help!
Aerial- This would be a world in the sky, like floating cities or castles in the clouds.
Island- A small place surrounded by water, often tropical.
Arctic- A cold land of ice and snow where no plants grow.
Desert- A hot, arid land of sand and wind. Deserts have very little water, with only a few oasis dotting its dunes.
Heavy Forest- A forest with thick vegetation full of very old trees. This is not good land for farming.
Light Forest- A much easier area to pass through with trees and less vegetation.
Arctic Forest- A cold, wintery forest full of conifers and evergreens. A harsh place to live.
Rainforest- A unique and very wet environment. Very thick with tropical vegetation and animal life.
Mountain- High mountain peaks and huge hills dominate this area.
Ocean- A floating city, or even an underwater city could be here.
Plains- Good for growing crops and raising cattle. Open, grassy land.
Savannah- Almost a mix between Desert and Plains. Tall grass, few trees and very dry except for a short rainy season.
Subterranean- Tunnels and lairs underground. Perhaps dwarves or dragons live here. Even whole cities could be hidden below the earth.
Swamp- A boggy, marshy area that is very hard to pass through. Often insect ridden.
Barren- For some reason, this land is dead and black. This might be a place where no magic exists.
Volcanic- A area covered in molten rock or cooled lava flow.
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