Page name: Gotei 13 pg 47 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-23 04:16:34
Last author: Mastermind2302
Owner: Mastermind2302
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Miyabi's ears perk slightly. "Me. I know him and the way to draw him out is by using me." 'Byakuya... You were becoming like Shinji to me... a master.. a teacher... and a friend.. you never really did show much emotion for me other than concern.. were you concerned about me or my power?' Miyabi's eyes close. "He took care of me when I became ill from trying to gain more power and hone it all at once." She opens them and they are green once again. Just thinking and wondering about her friends and Byakuya she wanted to go back and find out for sure.
"Oh, what a golden oppertunity then. You will have your chance for revenge AND an opportunity to show me exactly what you are made of. I want you to go back to Soul Society and kill Byakuya with your own hands, and then divoure him. Now go!" Esparda sent Miyabi on her first mission and Miyabi was off. Once she had left Shinji Takashi steped out of the shadows. "I release your essence." Shinji released the secret arts he had placed on the young boy he had made into an Arancar. Esparda was truned back into the young child like arancar. Using secret arts he developed from Shiro and both hollows within him he controled the arancars mind and changed the shape of his body. He drew his sword and killed the arancar. The entire experience was designed to show Miyabi exactly what he knew she needed to see. He couldn't bear putting her through more turmoil and had decided to heal the hole in her heart by letting her back into his. If she could regain controle on her own he would finally be able to trust her and let her become close to her. The tests would be over. But he knew she would never forgive him. This was his only choice. She had the power but never knew it, and now that she has given in to it, she teetered on the edge of total darkness. He wouldnt let her fall into it though. "Miyabi, forgive me, once you return it will be time to let you all the way back in. I wasn't lieing, I do want you as my wife." He spoke remembering how he offered to marry her as Esparda. Now he just stood waiting for shiro and Byakuya to begin bringing her back and his turn to give her the final push back to her shinigami form.
Miyabi makes her way back to the human world and heads to the outskirts of town. she walks upon the opposite side of the city from the hill. 'Byakuya doesn't deserve to die.. why would I seek revenge upon him? Esparda is slightly confusing.'
"You look different Mimi-san, sexy!" Shiro called as he stepped out of the portal to the human world. "Miyabi-san, you seem to have alot on your mind." Byakuya spoke as he stepped out infront of Shiro. "Now now Mimi-chan, we heard what happened with Esparda, are you okay? You were said to be a possible traitor and that we should approach you with force, but I can't see that being the case, what happened?" Shiro and Byakuya approached her with caution and concern.
Shiro had startled Miyabi she had jumped now she had gotten angry at him for that but not so bad as to turn back to the full arancar. "I'm fine." She relpied shortly. "I may be a possible triator. I need to know if you care about me and not for my powers Byakuya." She looks stright into Byakuya's eyes she no longer is the shy girl she once was. She realizes her potential and will now hold her head up high. "And where is Mr. High and mighty Takashi? Off planning his war no doubt. psh." She waits for Byakuya's response. Depending on what he said determined at this point weather she would kill him and return to Esparda after devouring his soul. She hoped he would say the better of the two. Even if it were a bit of light through the darknessshe would be stronger and on the good side.
Shiro shouted happily "Mimi-san I LOVE YOU!" And he hugged her like a kid. when he saw her serious face he crouched behind Byakuya scared. "Miyabi, you are a fool if you think I was concerned about your power. Yes I was concerned about it, but moreso what it could turn you into. You can try to mask it but I can sense the evil Waining in you, its even stronger than before, but at least you have finally been able to hone your power. I just wish you were able to see it in yourself while you were still one of us. I cared about you as a friend even enough to consider adopting you into my family. You are a fellow member of the elite families and I thought I could protect you. I offered to train you to avoid the hollow in you getting controle. As it looks now, that is almost a certainty. I have failed you and I am sorry." Byakuya closed his eyes and Takashi walked out from behind him. "Miyabi, we all have been trying to teach you that, we were all concerned about it. You are a dear friend to us all and we dont want you getting into something you arent ready for. However If you have chosen to join Esparda and the arancar then we have no other choice. Please don't force us to do anything we will regret." Takashi looked at Miyabi tenderly for the first time in a long time.
Miyabi's eyes grew round with a bit of surprise then all of a sudden she goes back the her old slef. Flaming red hair but now her eyes are bright. She blinks trying to fight tears after seeing his tender look. Her chin quivers and she doesn't care weather she was crying or not. "Takashi, when all of you tried to teach me you would not explain things to me. I did not understand. I went to Esparda because no one here could help me. Thanks to him I have mastered myself. Even my hollow if I so choose. Thanks to you I have gained the nessicarry power needed.. I don't know what to do anymore. Esparda sent me back here to kill Byakuya but I can't do it. He doesn't deserve to die. He was there when I was ill. He cared for me. The only face I did not see was yours. I'm greatful for that. I would have been a scattered mess all over again." She bows. "I'm glad this has happened.. Everything. If it didn't I would probably be worse than I am now." She rubs her tears away and looks into Takashi's eyes. "If I go back with you guys will you explain to me everything Takashi? Including your actions?" Her eyes have almost a begging in their depths.
"I will, but you must remember I am the leader here, and even though my actions may seem extreme and heartless at times, it is all for the protection and preservation of everyone. That includes you. Just remember that, until this war is over, I must first and foremost protect everyone, and they in turn must protect themselves. now lets go home."


Once home in soul society Miyabi decides to give Takashi Her room so he could be near his office and son. She moves to her father's old room and cleans it up to it's beauty that is once was and then some. the pictures the framed and placed upon the walls she went to Byakuya's after she was done for tea with him. She needed the relaxing moment in her life and she was very greatful for it. Though today that is where Takashi was to meet her to speak with her about what one of esparda's plans were and for him to explain things to her.
Takashi strolls in and looks at Miyabi waiting. "Hmn, all this anticipation for what? OH the plans Esparda has in store? Ok well that I don't totally know. " Takashi sat and smiled at her innocently. "Well, I know what you are really interested in though, you wanna know what it was I was setting up by acting the way I did when I returned. Well first thing is, I have a confession to make, and I hope it doesn't change the way you think about all of us. Remember we are your friends. First off, I never knew I would survive the purification. I also didnt know that I would be enfused with 2 hollows and basically have one mini-gilian in me. When I was reborn, I had a new power, and a new spiritual pulse, that is why my Zanpaktou changed and I lost Leviathan. Now I was gone for quite some time, I also was reborn with Shiro's memories. I saw you not progressing much with your controle. Also you werent maturing into a leader. You showed multipule signs of weakness and you were unprepaired for what a war against an enemy like an arancer truly was. You pushed your body to become stronger but your heart kept faultering and so did your spirit, you werent fighting for any reason other than to help. You needed a real lesson on what it was you needed and only an extreme measure would get through to you. Shiro, Byakuya and I planned out the entire Esparda thing. Everything from him contacting you to the mission. I took a hollow, changed it to an arrancar and then used a secret art to conrtole it and change its appearance. I hate having decieved you, but if you look into yourself you now know what your power really is and how to controle it. think about how easily you can use it now, and how much you have progressed since discovering it. You have a strong heart now and it was everything you needed, please forgive my deception. Also, My plans now have changed. You are an important part again, and I want you to comand again. Will you forgive the deception of a desperate leader and a worried friend?" Takashi was like his old self for the first time in a long time.

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