Page name: Gurthar Lelaith [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-02-02 23:07:56
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
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Gurthar Lelaith
[Talos Cyrion]

Kingdom: Phoenix

Alliance: Corus' rebellion

Rank: Warrior



Ablilities: Water

Weapons: A silver edged, black bladed katana with blood red runes in a forgoten language etched on both sides.

Appearance:6'0 thin, blood red eyes that when angry glow bright red, pale white skin, with long flowing black hair. Gurthar wears an asortment of deep blues, greys, or blacks depending on his preferance.

Personality:Ruthless and remorsless in his fight against the alliance and vampires, both of whom he blames for the destruction of his clan and family. Those who know him will describe him however as caring and devoted, of which nothing is closer to the truth, though his name means cruel laughter it is but one of many ills that has befallen him.

History:A Vampire who feeds off of the blood of Vampires that is what Gurthar is, and fate is ever apt to remind him of that. Once he lived in a Coven of Crusnik, before being mistaken for Vampires and subsiquently wipped out by the Griffin kingdom. Gurthar attempted to settle down and forget the past, going so far as to even marry a Vampire he inexplicably fell in love with. Again, fate was not so kind to him and he lost his wife to a which hunt.

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2010-02-03 [Eyden13]: Hey. I can't help it, but I snort when I laugh. And I'm glad your enjoying it^-^

2010-02-03 [Gypsy Mystik]: I'm tutoring my cousin that is being sooo pig headed that my head is hurting....

2010-02-03 [Eyden13]: what in?

2010-02-03 [Talos Cyrion]: ahh, tutoring....i don't envy you

2010-02-03 [Eyden13]: lol. I like to tutor; however, I tend to stay away fro family members and anthropology.

2010-02-03 [Talos Cyrion]: yeah....especially the family member part *shudders*

2010-02-03 [Eyden13]: I tried tutoring my brother once. *fail*

2010-02-03 [Talos Cyrion]: lol...don't feel bad...if i so much as try to point my brother or any of my sisters in the right direction.....equals epic fail

2010-02-03 [Eyden13]: lol ^-^

2010-02-03 [Gypsy Mystik]: it's Math...and she is in 8th grade...but she should be doing college level.... she is just destroying her life....

2010-02-03 [Eyden13]: good luck with that. But saddly I must say good night. Hope to see you all tomarrow around 5;30 or 6. ^-^

2010-02-03 [Talos Cyrion]: i won't be back at my house till around 730 (school...gotta love it...actually it's not that bad)

2010-02-03 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol I'd love to still be in school LOL ^_^

2010-02-03 [Talos Cyrion]: I actually am really enjoying's only at a community colledge for now but once i transfer then the fun will really begin

2010-02-03 [Gypsy Mystik]: I graduated from college last May.... I really wish i was still in college....

2010-02-03 [Talos Cyrion]: lucky

2010-02-03 [Gypsy Mystik]: not really...I'm still trying to get a job...

2010-02-03 [Talos Cyrion]: ahhh yes....the all elusive job....i've settled for somthing in the euntrepenural type....pioneering a new phase of Carpet python...which if it all works out then im looking set to earn 1 to 100 thousand dollars

2010-02-03 [Gypsy Mystik]: yeah... I read about that... ^_^

2010-02-03 [Eyden13]: I start college in the fall, and I'm abit nervous but excited at the same time.

2010-02-04 [Gypsy Mystik]: So lucky....

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