Page name: Gwen Shayne [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-11-17 19:42:10
Last author: Eyden13
Owner: Eyden13
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Gwen Shayne

Character for the RP Malevolent Darkness

Player Name: [Eyden13]

Codename: White Tiger

Mutant Power: Change at will, and her cat like eye sight that she can narrow and widen the length the distance she sees. She goes through a strong mating season, to a point she locks her self away from society.

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: (Dark-Hunter & Were-Hunter)

Gennisi: Arcadian

Assigned City: (We'll all be placed in St. Louis for now)

Physical description: See Pic for face. Ht: 5'5", Lbs:123, Body: She's very thin, but lean and has a runner's built. She has dainty little feet; however, they're callous due to her paws as an animal.

Personality: Gwen is one of the youngest of the teachers, which causes her to act immature at times; however, her intelligence tends to out weigh her immaturity. Gwen is a sweet woman who takes care of those she cares for, and few see the person in side.Gwen loves to run in the forest and read. She also writes short stories for the local newspaper. She tends to keep to her self, giving those around her an illusion she is self absorbed. However, she is just trying to protect her self from betrayal and harm. Gwen is quirky and loves to cook. She also takes after the animal she becomes. She is obsessed with hygiene, loves cat naps, and sharpens her claws regularly.

Strengths: Eyesight to see far distances and in the dark (Cat eyes)

Weaknesses: Sunlight

Weapons: two sias & hand gun

Hobbies: Writing & Cooking

Abilities: Turning into a white tigar and empath

History: Both her parents were murdered when she was in her teen years. . Gwen has spent her life building up a reputation as a writer and as the Dark Hunter known as the White Tiger. She was betrayed by a her best friend, Jen, resulting in Gwen to kill her accidentally when she lost control of her powers. It weighs heavily on her soul.

Hometown: Galway, Ireland

Relatives: None

Pets: a black cat with green eyes named Ira

Character of Eyden

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2010-01-03 [Synirria]: Change your race to Dark-Hunter/Were-Hunter and your set

2010-01-03 [Gypsy Mystik]: pretty

2010-01-03 [Eyden13]: Awesome!^-^

2010-09-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: ahhh perfect. now all I need to do is stick her up on the RP. Wait, what does she teach?

2010-09-18 [Eyden13]: English/ Irish folklore

2010-09-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: ahhh cool beans. (dunno weather that would actually be accepted so Ill put English for now)

2010-09-18 [Eyden13]: kk. If it helps I know a lot of about Irish Folklore.

2010-09-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: good good, you have to know what your on about.

2010-11-16 [Eyden13]: HMMMM. I think I'm going to with drawl this character from x-men ireland and bring it back over to what it was before.

2010-11-16 [Flisky]: Okay.

2011-12-09 [Eyden13]: hey would it be okay of I changed a few things about my character?

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