Page name: HH Jamie's Room A1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2013-03-18 07:55:40
Last author: blaze_rocket
Owner: blaze_rocket
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Jamie's Room Archive

Appropriately enough, there seem to be multiples of every item in Jamie's room. Two beds (bunked). Two desks. Two wardrobes. Two chairs. Two lamps. The two suitcases shoved under the bed for storage aren't twins of each other, unlike everything else in the room. In fact, one seems much nicer than the other, with wheels and pouches, while the other looks almost cartoonishly old fashioned.

There is a computer on one of the desks, while the other is covered haphazardly with thick, tiresome looking books. The two windows in the room reach all the way up to the ceiling, and almost all the way to the floor, tall and narrow. They are both recessed into what surely must be old, stone walls, now covered with modern plaster and paint, with cushioned benches bellow them, making for two nice seating areas.

The room is old looking, but somehow sterile, as if many people have lived there before, and many people will live there after, though none ever for very long.

Jamie's eyes popped open in the dark, as he gave a small gasp. Even as he rolled over to check his clock, the contents of the dream that had spooked him so fled to the corners of him mind, leaving him with nothing but slight chills and a general sense of uneasiness. He laid there, breathing for a moment, letting his eyes adjust to the dark. His dorm room was dark- understandably so, considering the hour. The hour which was... not showing up on his little electric alarm clock. It wasn't even flashing "12:12....12:12" at him, which meant- the power was probably out. Great.

For a moment he remained under his covers, contemplating sending a dupe to the communal bathroom for a drink of water. Then he shook his head. Something so mundane was hardly worth exposure as a mutant. Sitting up, he quietly swung his feet over the side of his bed, hoping not to wake his roommate. As he stood, and glanced at the upper bunk, he was not entirely surprised to see he needn't have bothered. His roommate was, to put it bluntly, much more popular than him, and being so, spent many nights not coming back to the room at all.

Which suited Jamie jut fine.

Dressed in his PJ bottoms and button up top- one button askew, as if he had been already asleep when he put them on, he shuffled to the door, stepping out and... stepping directly back into his room, and closing the door.

What. Was that.

Jamie stood there a moment, blinking at his door nob, as if it were somehow going to explain to him what he had just seen on the other side. Which was NOT, as he had expected, the hallway of his university dorm building, but rather some completely different hallway. Tilting his head, he opened the door again, and peeked out.

Yeah. No. That was NOT his dorm.

Spooked now, Jamie tapped his foot on the floor behind him, quietly making a dupe which wordlessly went to hide under his bed. Maybe- maybe this was some sort of prank. Or- hazing. That happened at universities, right? Regardless, he thought it best to- split up, to increase the odds of survival, should something bad be happening.

So with one dupe under the bed, he moved out into the hallways, in an attempt to figure out exactly what was going on.

||Continued in HH High Roads and Low Roads||

||Continued from HH War Room||

Jamie and his dupe had quickly retreated from the meeting in the War Room, using what little logic they had to go all the way down the the main floor, then backtrack up a flight of stairs, remembering his room had been one flight up. The two then went down both sides of the hall, trying the doors one after the other, until they found their own.

Once back inside, he locked the door behind them, leaning against it, feeling suddenly exhausted. The other went over and flopped down on the lower bunk.

"What the Hell?" he inquired of himself.

"I don't know. I really... I don't know." He shuffled over to his desk, his feet falling heavily on the carpet, his entire body feeling like it was made of lead.

"It looks like I'm an 'us' for now," he mused, not looking at his duplicate, eyes staring past the slats of the upper bunk, not really focusing on anything.

"Yeah. ... it's a good thing we got all of Tanner's stuff. At least it looks like I'm two people this way."

"Should I-- er, we--" It was always a little tricky, talking to himself. Pronouns were tricky, because, they WERE an 'I'. He frequently wondered if it was a sign of insanity, when he chatted with himself, but so long as he was in two separate bodies while he did it, it probably wasn't SO bad. "Should we decide who's who? Do you want to always be Jamie or Arthur?"

The other Jamie sat up. "Why don't we just do it how we usually do it-- If you're Jamie Prime, then you're Jamie, and if you're not, you're Arthur."

"Sure. So I'm Arthur, then." It never ceased to amaze Jamie how people (and by people, he meant his parents) put so much emphasis on who the 'real' Jamie was. BOTH of them were real. They were both alive, and they were both Jamie. It was just at any given time, one of them had the ability to trigger "re-absorption" and the other didn't. And it was a transferable ability! So one wasn't real-er than the other, and neither ceased to exist upon re-absorption. But since one of them had to be "Jamie" and the other "Arthur" this was as good a way to keep track as any.

"Yeeep," Jamie stretched. "And 'Jamie' gets the bottom bunk. So. Up you go."

"Bite me." He muttered back to himself. The top bunk made him nervous-- what if he fell and duped in the night? "I'm sleeping with you. For tonight at least."

Jamie lifted his head to look at himself across the room. He had slept with himself before. He just generally didn't any more. "What if we get attacked by- something in the night?" There were plenty of some thing around, from what he had seen. "I don't want to be all one target."

"Yeah, and I don't want to be alone. I'm this close to freaking out, and you can't say you aren't too." He gestured with his fingers.

Flopping his head back down, Jamie sighed, accepting the situation. It wasn't the smart move. But it was the comforting one. Like sleeping with a baby blanket. "Fine."


With that, Jamie crawled into bed with himself, and soon, the two that were one were fast asleep, snoring in identical patterns.

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