Page name: HH Kitchen [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-02-08 04:22:38
Last author: Ravenclaw
Owner: Evolution X
# of watchers: 8
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With most students avoiding the more than dodgy food served at the kitchen it has fallen into slight disrepear. It's main outside serving area is wide a filled with low bench tables, the only light coming from spinning fans high on the ceiling. If you manage to crack into the padlocked kitchen area you'll be able to get at the mass amounts of stores within. Knives and gas bottles are everywhere here, just dont look in the freezer what ever you do.

Rika ran into the cafeteria room. It was dark and empty, just as she hoped. Now if a zombie came, they would know right away versus in a small space.

Letting out a small yawn and keeping his foot infront of the door as he held it open so Stefan could enter into the room, Aleksandr looked around. "Hey, Rika. You should clean your hands up a bit."

"Arigato, love." Rika said. She ran and jumped clean over the salad bar into the back kitchen. Rika turned on the sink and started to clean her hands.

"What's up with that...?" The Russian scrathced the back of his head before shaking his head and relaxing back agaisnt the wall with his arms now crossed over his chest.

"Better now pleased is." Rika said to herself, looking at her cleaned blisters. She shut off the sink and rummaged through the kitchen side of the salad bar. She stuck a hand into the french dressing and sucked on it.

Aleksandr let the door shut when he figured that Stefan was infact not coming into the cafeteria, sighing softly to himself and finding a seat for himself. "Rika, get something to eat and something to drink. You need the enery, mkay?" He called into her, resting his head on his loose fist as his elbow was placed against one of the many tables.

Rika set to work. It took a minute or so but she finally jumped over the salad bar with a big plethora of snacks. The assortment was completely random. There were things like cheese, to yogurt, to nuts, to sausage.

"I'm supposing you have a strong stomach? I'll get you a bottle of Gatorade, or something." He pushed himself up from his seat and walked over to some vending machines ont he far left of the wall, putting a couple of dollars into the machine and gettign two Gatorades. He walked back over to the table and set down her bottle, opening his own and taking a drink of it.

Rika smiled and took a drink, "Thankful is I." She took a random handful of some stuff on the plate and ate it whole. "You think fighting zombies should we?"

Aleksandr stole a sausage off of her tray and bit a piece of it off, staring at Rika before tilting his head and shutting his eyes and resting his head back against his loose fist. "We have no choice but to fight them, but for now all we can do is replenish our energy and relax for a moment. Rika, I'll protect you from these things, you don't have to worry about that, okay?"

Rika frowned a little, "This one has alone been all life. Take care me I do a lot." She smiled a little, "Someone like your being never talks to someone of mine....why you?"

"Because I know the feeling of being outcast. My teammates outcasted me because I was foreign. And besides, I think it is awfully rude to simply ignore somebody because of their hierarchy in the school hallways. You can't judge people simply because of what clique they are in, so which is why I do not judge you or Stefan or even Kitten." Aleksandr explained briefly.

"Remarkable-" Rika quickly jotted something down in her notebook before putting it away. "That makes me smile." she mused and grinned whimsically.

"Alright, now I have a question.. Well, two.. What is up with the journal and what's with the 'Love' thing." Aleksandr reached into his pocket after finshing the sausage off and grabbed his keychain. Digging right into my leg.. He looped the chain through his belt loop and let it hang there.

"Europeans 'love' say often. This one is admiring and using. If your being disapproves, I can offer nickname of different manners." Rika took another bite of something unidentifiable from her plate. "I write things. Pictures and others."

"Whatever floats your boat, little one. I think I'm going to go grab a salad.. or something. I'll be right back." He pushed himself up from the table and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a tray and skulking around for something that actually looked edible and was hot instead of cold and whatnot. "Good thing those zombies didn't come here yet."

Rika eyed up his buttocks without knowing it. "What plan is when they approach in here?"

Aleksandr decided on getting some assorted meats, sausages, chicken and a cheeseburger. He grabbed a couple packets of ketchup and mustard, a small thing of nacho cheese and walked back out to the table. He set down and shrugged a bit."We just fight, I suppose. Fight our way out then run."

"Hamsters make no good meals." Rika said, slipping in adn out of sanity. "Them bake 20 minutes fried and gravy. Odd yes how zombie come from in school...out not-"

"Rika... Are you okay? You're making little sense, sweetheart." Aleksandr reached over and gripped her hand a bit, stopping in mid opening of his ketchup packet.

Rika starred at his hand gripping hers. "You....coming....onto me?"

Blushing from the accusation and quickly pulling his hand back, Aleksandr shook his head and fingered one of his sausages. "No, I'm worried about you. You went a bit loopy."

"You know you like it-" Rika said with a hiccup. She leaned in, accusingly.

Like any man would do in a situation such as this, he went along with it and leaned forward in his seat, as well, and propped his head up with his arm. "And can you prove this?"

"Your yet with myself, you not?" Rika gave him a smug grin and leaned in a little more, challenging him.

"Because I worry about you, and my other friends but I happened to end up with you." Aleksandr leaned in a bit more, his face an inch from hers and a smug grin on his face.

"Oh-" Rika exhaled as she was shot down. She backed away and sat correctly in her seat again. "This one assumed you fetish had. Tis shame..."

Aleksandr smiled and reached forward, cupping her face and running the pad of his thumb along her cheek. "Shame, you were one correct statement away from being kissed. Oh well." He pulled his hand away and sat back down in his seat, grabbing a piece of chicken, dipping it into the nacho cheese and eating it.

Rika blinked for a second with a blank face. She brought her knees up to her chest and placed her heels on the edge of the seat. Placing her hands on the tabletop, she stood on her seat, with her butt high in the air. Rika closed her eyes and puckered her lips, expecting something.

He smiled and leaned forward once more, claiming her lips with his in a soft kiss. He pulled back from her and flicked her forehead, gesturing for her to take a seat. "Eat."

Rika opened her eyes and smirked. She put one foot on the ground and made a fist in the air, "WE SHALL WED AT DAWN!" she shouted.

Aleksandr's eyes widened and he stopped in mid swallow as he held the bottle of blue gatorade to his mouth to wash down some chicken. He turned his head quickly and coughed the food and liquid onto the ground, blood spewing up with it fromt he sharp coughing due to his weak lungs. He held his hand over his mouth and stood up, jogging to grab some napkins as he continued to try to force the food out of his throat.

Rika snapped out of it when she saw the blood. "Love-?" she asked, getting out of the booth. She darted behind him and held her arms hovering around his midsection. If he didn't cough it up on his own within the next few seconds, she would do the heimlich maneuver.

Grabbing a couple of napkins and heading over to a trashcan, Aleksandr stuffed his thumb down his throat and forced himself to vomit which in turn forced the piece of chicken from his throat and into the garbage bin. He held the napkins to his mouth and wiped up the blood, spitting into it every few seconds to clear the rancid taste of stomach acid and blood from his mouth. He sighed softly and crumpled the napkin up, tossing it into the garbage can and turning to face Rika. "We've got to go, they're bound to be here at the smell of my blood. Hurry up and eat, I'll keep watch at the door."

"Appetite gone. You well?" Rika ran over and placed a hand on his shoulder, looking up at him. "This one is sorry..... Don't die!" she hugged his midsection for a moment before looking into the garbage can. She swiped a finger on the rim that had blood on it. Rika smelled it for a second before sucking on it. "MMM....BBQ...

He wrapped an arm around her dainty shoulders and shook his head. "I'm sorry, you just startled me with that declaration. I didn't mean to make you lose your appetite, but you really should at least finish your drink. And don't eat the blood."

Just then, 4 zombies burst through the doors right next to them. Their bodies were fairly in tact yet. One of them grabbed Rika when she was off gaurd.

Reacting almost instantly, Aleksandr released Rika and got around to the side where the zombie grabbed her, jamming his palm up into it's mouth and nose. He grabbed at the hands holding her arm and pried them off, pushing Rika out of the way. "Get going." He ordered, managing a small smile at her.

Max entered the kitchen nd totaly ignored the goings on around her. She headed straight to the back where she began filling her bag with what was left of the non perishable items.

Sacha followed, her head lowered in glowering shame at her unsightly behavior before. She glared at the other occupants of the kitchen, not really clear on what was going on, but determined to be absolutely pissed about it, whatever it was.

Fes entered just behind Sacha. He did as the two before him did also. He completely ignored the goings on around them and just basically played follow the leader. He raised an eyebrow suspiciously as Max began to take the non perishable items.

"This one thinks not." Rika said, tripping the other zombie onto the floor. She pulled out a box cutter and stabbed it in the forehead.

Aleksandr laughed softly and turned his attention back to the zombie now clinging to his arm and trying to bite at his chest. He wriggled his arm free and shoved his hands into the zamobie's mouth, gripping the bottom of it's jaw and it's face, yanking roughly and tearing it's jaw apart. He tossed the lower of the jaw, which was in his hand, onto the ground and wiped his hands on his pants.

"I always assume zombi spread through eating or blood in others?" Rika asked, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"They probably do." He said with a shrug, pointing to the zombie behind her and grabbing a pen from his pocket and turning back around to get the zombie behind him. He stabbed the pen through his eye socket and knocked it back to the ground.

Rika smiled whimsically at Alek as he got sprayed by blood. "Change out clothes of you should....good idea, yes?"

"We both need a quick shower and I need a new pair of pants. I have a pair of jeans in my locker and we'll have to sto pback by the locker rooms. Is that fine by you?"

"Hai." Rika nodded. One of the fallen zombies was groaning and trying to get up. Rika brought her heel down on its head firmly like a sledge hammer.

Aleksandr grunted and nodded, walking past Rika and heading for the vending machines once more. He took a quick glance at the three that just entered and bit at his lip slightly in thought. "Hey, I wouldnt stay here lkong if I were you, they're attracted by the smell of blood and I just threw up a crap load of it. Fair warning." He put another dollar into the vending macine and got another Gatorade. "Come on Rika, time to go."

"Kay." Rika caught up with him and opened the doors. The two managed to make it into the HH Gymnasium<hr-> Max Opened up the walk in cooler in hopes of finding something nonperishable packed in there by mistke.

Sudenly a zombie emerged from the corner, frostbitten and slow it reached out for Max

Max Noticed the frozen zombie and nearly freaked. She couldn't manuver her sword in such a tight location so she reached out with her steel toed foot and kicked repeatidly until the beast had fallen to the floor of the freezer. -With a cry of panic and ferociousness she stomped in it's skull promptly and exited the freezer. She snapped the door shut and said "Nothing in the freezer."

The power vanished, the lights flickered and faded into darkness. Now the only thing lighting the way was the moonlight, and the faint glow of the zombies eyes.

"So hold on," Sacha squeaked, "If the lights are out, that means the electricity's gone. No electricity, no fences." She started to freak, groping the areas around her to try to determine what was surrounding her.

There should be a backup generator." Max said then saw something move in the dark "Don't move..."

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2008-01-29 [XxTsomexX]: XD oh my goodness.... Rika sure is full of energy...

2008-01-29 [Chel.]: Yup, that she is-

2008-01-29 [Erubeus]: ._. She sent Sasha into a coughing fit...

2008-01-29 [Chel.]: who?

2008-01-29 [Erubeus]: Sahsa, its the sort of intimate english version of his name.

2008-01-29 [Pnelma Tirian]: Which is amusing since there's a Sacha at the school. =)

2008-01-29 [Erubeus]: :\ -shrugs-

2008-01-29 [Erubeus]: Okay, what;s with the line?
there's no use of it and really no point to clutter the pages with them.

2008-01-29 [Pnelma Tirian]: The line indicates when characters are entering or exiting the room.

2008-01-29 [Erubeus]: Still think there is absolutely no point in clutering the pages with them.

2008-01-29 [Pnelma Tirian]: It just adds a bit of order to the rampant posts. It makes it easier to know where people are.

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