The library is stacked high with books, dark corners filled with old oil lamps on all sides. It's carpets are always stained with some strange deep red liquid, people say it was from a slaughter there years ago but no one's ever really been sure...
Elliot let out a breath of relief when she got into the vast library of the school, slamming the large oakwood doors behind her. She leaned against them for a moment and looked around, giving a shy smile in greeting to all the magnificent books that she laboured so precariously over every day after school to keep ordered, clean, and organized. She pushed herself off the doors, walking into the rows of book shelves that nearly reached the ceiling in towering heights. In the library was the only place she could really be bold enough to speak her mind or to talk to anyone. Usually, the only thing they wanted to know was where a book was. In her case, she knew where every last book was, even the forbidden books that only the teachers were allowed to read. She ran her fingers along the spines of all the books she passed, as she passed them, and smiled to herself. She finally reached her desk, looked out the window it sat in front of and sighed. The day looked beautifully gloomy. Because of her sensitive eyes, she prefered cloudy, rainy, days to sunny ones. She turned back to her desk and sat down, setting to work on cataloguing more books.
SIlently walking into the library, the unnamed boy walked through the rows of books, he was looking for a particular book before he paused, it wasn't where he put it. Frowning he looked around and saw Elliot sitting at the table, walking over to her he stood right behind her "You moved it."
Elliot gave a small scream at the sudden voice behind her, having been too engrossed in her work to have noticed him come in. She turned to face him with a glare and a hand against her chest in shock, opening her mouth to say something, but stopped instantly when she saw who it was. She blushed a little, feeling foolish at how mad she was about to get, and stood up with a huff, slamming her hands on the open book she'd been working on on her desk. She walked past him, not looking him in the eyes, and not touching him. "W-what book?" she asked nervously. It was no secret, she had a crush on him. She had since she'd started going there.
He watched her go past him silently, turning himself. "The thesis on bio evoloution according to Dr. Harvard Richard Grant 1430." He said in a low dark voice. "Where did you put it?"
"Oh, that one.."
Elliot sighed gently, shaking her head. She shrugged and fiddled with the rink of keys around her left wrist. Those keys each belonged to a door in the entire school, so there were a lot of keys. She only had them because technically she was part of the staff since she'd been working in the library. She only used them to drop off books to teachers' classrooms after school hours. "It was falling apart, I had it placed in the back room for repair. You'll have to wait to check it out." she explained, not turning to face him.
His eyes narrowed. "I'm not going to borrow it. I just want to look at something." he said, taking a step forwards. "Can you get it for me?" He said before looking down, there was a long long pause before he uttered a forced, 'please'.
Elliot pondered it a moment. Technically, if a book was in repair, the students couldn't have it until it was finished, for the book's sake. She bit her lip.
Maybe if I let him have it, but make him promise to stay where I can see him, it'll be okay? I wonder... will saying yes make him like me..? She thought about it a bit longer, tinkling the keys around her wrist, then turned to him, still not looking at him, her eyes directed at the floor. "Fine. But you have to promise to sit where I can clearly see you!" she said a bit boldly.
Shrugging he said "What I'm going to do will only take a few seconds." he said before motioning to her "Lead the way."
Elliot let out a small huff and nodded, turning and waving for him to follow. She led him to a row of three doors, which were all simply working rooms. Any student could request to rent one so they could study in piece, because they were virtually sound-proof. She went to the one on the farthest left, chose a key in a matter of seconds, unlocked and opened the door. She motioned for him to wait there, then went inside, flipped on the lights and grabbed the tattered book from the top of a pile of other badly worn books and novels. She turned the lights off again and closed the door, offering the book to him with her eyes on the floor.
The boy picked up the book and turned away, putting it down ont he table before him he flipped open to the middle of the book, inside there werea set of pages cut out, in the middle, was a single handgun, he picked it up and looked at her "I'm finished." he said putting the gun by his side, out of direct line of sight. Closing the book he offered it back to her.
It seemed rather strange how fast the boy had opened and closed the book without having really read anything..
Elliot narrowed her eyes at him, taking the book back, but didn't ask questions. She turned and put the book back in the room, locking the door again once it was closed, and turned, walking back with a defined step to her desk.
Kitten walked into the library and glanced at the floor quickly. She looked back up and walked past the boy and Elliot and into a dark corner by herself and picked up a random book, glancing at the pages with no real interest, her blue and black hair slipped over her shoulder, slightly blocking her face from veiw. She glanced at 'the boy' as she put the book back and tired to reach for a book just out of ehr reach, becasue her height of 5' 1" would only allow her to go so high. SHe sighed in annoyance, and tried again.
The unknown male Looked at Kitten briefly before looking away, he began to walk away but paused, turning back as a loud growling/gurgl
ing sound started. He frowned, looking into the darkest corner of the library where the sound came from "Hey... Uhh, Elliot right? Was there anyone in here before I came in?" He asked taking a few steps closer to the dark corner.
Elliot blinked in confusion and shook her head, turning to look at him again. "No... Why?" she asked, suddenly feeling uneasy.
the Kid Looked at her briefly before looking at the other girl in the room "What about you, did someone come in with you?" He asked before looking back at the corner, the gurgling growl becoming louder, there was the sound of dragging feet for a while.
Kitten backed slowly away from the dark corner, shaking her head. She walked back till she was almost side-by-side with the kid. HEr eyes were dead center on teh corner, she tensed, waiting.
Josaline walked into the library, book bag hung over her shoulder as she quickly took a seat near the library entrance, pulling out her research papers and books without bothering to glance around.
A voice rang out over the speakers, the voice was human but warped beyond recognition "H-hello? Can everyone come to.. uhh.. umm... the main entrance hall please?"
Josaline raised her head and frowned, just then looking around and seeing the kid and that other girl tensing up. "Whats going on?" She called out, standing and pulling her pack back over her shoulder.
Kitten glanced up at the speaker. She stood up slowly and left the library, heading for the main entrance slowly.
After glancing at the strange boy Jos ran to catch up with the girl. "Do you know whats going on here?"
Turning away for the briefest of seconds while the speaker was on, The Kid turned back to the corner, seeing two eyes flash before disappearing and the growling stopped. He watched the corner for a moment before turning away "doesn't matter." he said quietly before putting the weapon under his shirt, stuffed into his pants. He looked at Elliot for a moment "You coming?"
The power vanished, the lights flickered and faded into darkness. Now the only thing lighting the way was the moonlight, and the faint glow of the zombies eyes.
Josaline screamed and automatically dropped to her knees, clutching the edge of the table. She was absolutely terrfied of the dark.
Elliot gasped, looking around. She wasn't afraid of the dark, persay, in fact her mind continued to go over physics facts she'd read in a book. Darkness is nonthreatening, it's merely the absence of light. What she was more afraid of, was what was hidden in the dark. She heard Josaline scream, and ran to her, kneeling next to her, ignoring the kid for the time being. "Shh, it's okay! C'mon, get up. You heard the loudspeaker! Let's head to the main entrance hall." she soothed.
Trembling, Josaline Grabbed onto her arm and aloud herself to be pulled to her feet. "Oh god..." She whispered, "I think there's something in here."
A pair of glowing red eyes gazed out at them from between the book cases. There was a thud as several book piles fell over and spilled their contents everywhere. More eyes glowed from the darkness now, the dusky smell covering their horrible stench.
"We need to get out of here!" Jasmine screamed, paniking now and pulling at Elliot's arm.
Horror high