Page name: HH Main Hall [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-02-08 13:02:34
Last author: Chel.
Owner: Evolution X
# of watchers: 8
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D20: 16
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This is the main hall of Horror High, basically a large cavern of a room. It's not a good idea to stick around here, it is surrounded at all sides by ways to get in and has a massive chandelier hanging in the middle of the room from the roof.

A voice rang out over the speakers, the voice was human but warped beyond recognition "H-hello? Can everyone come to.. uhh.. umm... the main entrance hall please?"

Naome walked in, looking around at the different people, looking for Stefan. "Stefaaan?"

Jonah came in just after her, looking over his shoulder for Stefan and Uriko. "Do you know how many people are in the school?" he asked Naome absently while he waited for the other two.

Naome turned to him. "Not really. I don't usually pay too much mind to the people around me, I just worry about my school work... damn... I wanna go home, cause if I don't, mom is gonna freak."

walking in hurridly, Stefansmiled weakly at Naome "H-hey..." he muttered shyly. He didn't know why he was bringing everyone here, it was just large and empty right now.

"Yeah, I'm missing practice," Jonah sympathized, looking over to Stefan as he came in, thinking it might be someone else, but, seeing who it was, he abruptly ignored the kid and looked back at Naome. "We should figure a way out of here before some of these kids have seizures."

Naome looked at Stefan and smiled. "Are you alright? Whats going on here?" she looked at Jonah and blinked. "Seizures...? Ne?"

Jonah stared back at her hopelessly. For the briefest moment he thought he'd found himself in the presence of someone at least slightly intelligent or rational, but now was sure he had been mistaken. He leant against a wall and crossed his arms.

Uriko slowly walked in to the main hall looking for Stefan.

Carrie strode down the hall to the modest crowd congregated there. "Finally somebody's got some brains in this hellhole! Here I was thinkin' I was completely stranded in here with nobody to pile up in front to the gates for human stairs." It was a bad, sick joke and she didn't care. She was not impressed by the situation, and wasn't going to be perpetuating any false hope.

"Hey, Carrie," Jonah said, with a nod to her. They travelled in relatively the same circles, but in most situations he didn't go out of his way to talk to her. It was just at this moment anyone who seemed to emit some kind of normalcy was refreshing.

"Jonah." Carrie greeted, nodding back, arms crossed."You got any clue as to what the hell's goin' on?"

"'S far as I can tell, we're trapped in the school," Jonah said, "With these bedwetters," he nod at the others in the hall.

"Peachy." Carrie snarled sarcasticly, looking around at the few kids clustered there. "We won't even be able to eat one if we're stranded here and the food runs out. They look gamey...and possibly diseased."

Uriko walked next to Stefan still shaking, still seeing zombies every now and then.

Naome looked at her. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked Uriko softly.

"I dont' know..." Uriko told Naome, "I keep seeing things...and my cut keeps reopening." Blood slowly came out of the cut and dripping down and off the hand

Naome blinked and took out a large bandaid out of her bag. "Here, let me fix that." she smiled. She always had medical supplies in her bag because she herself was always getting herself hurt.

Uriko held out her hand with blood dripping off it. "T-Thank Y-You" she stuttered, no one ever helped her at her other school.

Naome smiled and put the bandaid on it. "Does your wrist hurt when you move it?"

"Just a little" Uriko told her flinching slightly.

Naome nodded and took out a small wrap and wrapped her wrist up. "Its only a minor sprain, I get them all the time." Naome smiled and laughed lightly.

Uriko massaged her wrist lightly and asked, "How can you get a sprain from a dagger?"

"It happens sometimes, the dagger probably clipped the wrong muscle, making the others tense up." Naome explained, smiling softly the whole time.

"Oh" Uriko said quietly looking at the ground. On the ground was a mirror, similar to the one she saw in the teacher's lounge. SHe bent down and picked it up and looked into it. One second she saw her own face, then next she saw that half her face was the face of a zombie. Her mind blanked as she stared off into space and dropped the mirror.

Naome caught the mirror before it hit the ground. "Thats seven years bad luck if you break a mirror y'know." she said, looking up at her. "Hey, are you alright?"

Continuing to look into space Uriko was silent as her hands dropped to her sides.

Carrie regarded the dark haired girl as she dropped the mirror skeptically. "We got a spacer." she declared cynically to no one in particular, thinking the girl was simply looking for attention.

Naome glared at her. "Your not helping." she looked back to Uriko, standing up and putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Uriko? Are you alright."

Kitten walked into the hall, wandering around for a bit. She finally sat down in a corner by herself, she reached up and pulled back her blue hair, revealing her face. She crossed her legs and closed her eyes.

"Who said I was trying to help?" Carrie snapped back. She noticed another student walk in, this one with blue hair. "Oh god, they're multiplying." She muttered to herself.

Naome turned to her. "Look, quit being mean to other people. Kitten did nothing to you, nor did Uriko." she growled.

Kitten opened her eyes and stood up, walking over to Carrie. "Of course, there's more of us. It's a school, meaning more students. Get over it." Kitten snapped back slightly, she sat back down, ignoring her again.

Uriko walked over to a wall and sat down against it. Holding her knees to her chest she began to shake.

Naome walked over and sat down next to her, gently rubbing her back. "Shh, its gonna be okay."

Tired from everything that had been going on Uriko closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Naome smiled gently and laid her down gently, taking off her own sweater and putting it under Uriko's head to use as a pillow. Naome stood up and stretched, sighing softly. She walked back over to Stefan. "Stefan, do you know whats going on around here?"

Sophia walked into the main hall. While usually she would attempt to bring as much attention to herself as usual, she merely eyed everyone that was already there curiously. In her left hand she held the high heels she'd worn that day to school, but had switched them out for walking tennis shoes to get home. Over her shoulder she had her verra bradley book bag and she fiddled with a twisty tie in her right hand, contemplating putting her hair up into a pony tail.

Stefan wasn't very far away from Naome, he was walking over to Uriko's side. He sat there silently before saying quietly "I dont know... this whole thing stinks..." He looked down at Uriko and sighed, pulling her slightly over to him so he could hug her as she slept "She got frightened half to death... she'd went to clean her wrist and the tap started pouring... well it looked like blood. Smelt like blood too..." He looked up at the fading light "I hope the others get in here soon..."

Quietly, Jacques entered the hall. He saw the few pupils there. He had already sensed that something weird was up, but to guess what was beyond his capacities. He looked for poeple he knew but found none, so he sat, back against a wall, and took out a book.

Carrie sighed, bored by the students congregated. She leaned against the wall, arms still crossed, hoping someone would come up with a way to get out of this goddamn school.

Rika, Clover and the Russian kid came in from the direction of the gym. "What may be the event now?"

Uriko woke up to see that she was in Stefan's arms and blushed.

"How are you feeling Uriko?" Naome asked her gently.

"Better than before" Uriko told Naome continuing to blush.

"Thats good." Naome said softly, looking away. She sighed and took out a bottle of water from her bag, taking a sip.

"How are you Naome?" Stefan blushed gently up at her "Anything... strange happen around you?"

"Nothing really, almost got my head chopped off walking into the enginering room..." Naome chuckled slightly. "But nothing really strange..."

"The... uhhh... blades shouldn't even be on right now..." Stefan said nervously "D-did you switch them on?"

Naome shook her head. "Nope... does that count as wierd?"

"D-dunno..." Stefan stuttered "It's just... a bit spooky here." He shivered and tried to curl into a ball, wondering where everyone else was.

Naome gently put a hand on his knee. "It'll be okay." she smiled softly and reassuringly. "I promise. We are probably just in a lockdown because there is someone dangerous outside the school."

"T-that's even worse!" Stefan whinned gently "What if they get in? What are we going to do for food after the kitchen stuff's gone... Why are we locked in here instead of in somewhere safer?"

Naome crawled over to him and pulled him into her arms. "Your worrying too much. Everything will be fine, and we will get out." she said softly.

Stefan blushed madly as she pulled him over to her side, leaning down and kissing her forehead gently "Thank you... I get so nervous..."

Naome smiled softly, blushing lightly. "Its okay, everyone gets nervous. I get nervous around spiders... I hate those things..."

"If there were someone dangerous outside," Sophia chimed in, wandering over to the small group. "Wouldn't you think they'd tell us that?" Her arms where crossed under her chest, high heels still in one hand and twisty tie in the other.

"Hey! Can we not get it on in the hallway?" Jonah barked at Stefan and Naome. "Jesus Christ," he muttered, looking off. He'd been observing the new comers and still attempting to figure everything out, although he wasn't getting very far and this irritated him. Also, Uriko irritated him which didn't help.

Uriko looked away from Stefan and Naome. She kind of liked Stefan, he was one of the only ones that talked to her, but didn't want anyone to know.

Rika looked at her Russian friend and Clover, "Bore, yes?"

Jacques, who was near, answered: "Sure is. Plus, we're not with the most sympathetic poeple."

He couldn't take it any more, the stress stefan had been under all this time had wound up so tight he couldn't cram anymore into it. "SHUT THE HELL UP MEAT HEAD!" he yelled ay Jonah "I DONT SEE YOU DOING ANYTHING USEFUL!"

Sophia took a step back when one of the kids yelled, covering her mouth with one of her hands and glancing between Stefan and Jonah, wondering how Jonah would react.

Stefan flushed a slight pink and stared at his shoes, feeling embarresed about loosing his temper "I dont like being in here... it feels creepy." He looked up at the window as the last bits of light faded "I think it's gonna get worse..."

Merc was forced to come in as it got dark, the last of the students from the grounds coming in. There were a few moments of silence before with a slight hiss and a loud moan something ignited beyond the misty window. Even though the glass was frosted, you could easily see there were figures standing out there.

Sophia saw figures through the misty windows and backed up into Jonah and then jumped away, suppressing a squeal of surprise.

Clover was becoming a bit impatient with all the confusion. She had a schedule to keep and no one cared about that, not that she asked them to. Why couldn't they just let her go then? "Excuse me!" she called loudly to everyone in the hall. "Does anyone have a clue why we're all here, we're locked in, and there are weird... people... outside?" 'People was the only word she could think of for the human-esk forms that approached outside.

stefan stared at the faint glow of fire of fire behind the windows "I... ummmm..." he mumbled "M-maybe they've come to let us out?" he said hopefully. He shivered as a greasy hand knocked weakly against the window, smearing some unknown liquid down it's pane.

Aleksandr draped either of his arms over Rika's and Clover's shoulders, sighing softly. "Yes, it is boring, Rika. But we have to be here lest we actually miss something important. And Clover"-having known her name around the hallways and from the other cheerleaders-"you just got to be patient. We both have things to do, yes, but please be patient." He didn't let any of the confusion or impatiences from the others get to him, nor the shadowy figures outside nor the bleakness of the hallway. He simply gave a smile to reassure his fellow school trapees.

Kitten stood up slowly, walking around Aleksandr and the girls. She slowly headed toward the window, pressing her gloved hand against the pane. She pulled away hasitly an glanced up at Stephan, she whispered only loud enough for him to hear, "Those things aren't human..or least not anymore I think.." She backed up catiously, waiting for what would happen next. She accidently bumped into the wall, so she stopped and her eyes were trained on the window.

Naome stood up next to Stefan, looking out the window and at Kitten, taking out two of her knives from her pocket, one in each hand. "I don't like the looks of this..."

Kitten tensed up, and pulled out a short sword out of her left boot. She held it tightly.

Stefan suddenly wished that he had a knife of his own as he gazed at the windows. There were a few muffled moans and soft bangs against the windows all around "W-where did these guys come from?" he said shakily. He pulled away from the wall slightly, not wanting to be there with his back pressed against it.

"No idea." Naome said softly, "But you might want something to protect yourself." she said, giving him one of the knives in her hand and taking out another one. "Whatever they are, I think one of them is on fire..."

Stefan shivered and tried to take the knife, but instead almost sliced his hand on it. He'd knicked his forefinger on the blade. He shivered and whimpered softly, holding his finger "K-keep it..."

The small bangs and groans around then suddenly stopped as Stefan's finger split open, bleeding gently. There was a moment of terrible silence before the front doors began to groan under stress of bodies pressing against the door.

Noticing the sudden silence and then the banging on the door from the blood drawn on Stefan's finger, Aleksandr dropped his arms from the two women and walked the few feet over to him that was seperating them. He grabbed the male's hand and put the finger in his mouth, licking the blood from the cut as he tore a small piece of cloth from his under armor shirt sleeve. When the blood was gone, if only for a moment, he pulled the finger from his mouth and wrapped the small strip of cloth around it tightly so that the bleeding would clot up under the makeshift bandage. "Be more careful." He mumbled to his from-time-to-time lab partner.

Kitten watched Aleksandr and Stefan and then looked back to teh door and the window. "What are those things really?" She whispered, not expecting anyone to answer her or even hear her. She was used to people ignoring her and most of the time that's exactly what she wanted, but now she had a feeling that they all might have to help each other for some strange reason.

Naome put a hand on her shoulder. "I have no idea, but be ready to slice them up with that sword of yours." she said, looking at Stefan and smiled softly. "Sorry about that."

Kitten glanced slightly at Naome for a second before reaching back to pull her hair back out of her face into a messy bun. Her blue eyes scanned the room, waiting for those 'things' to come in.


The doors began to buckle as Stefan looked on, glad that they were pull instead of push our they would be neck deep in zoms already "I... think... we should run..."

Aleksandr cleared his throat and looked to the doors, then to the windows. "You're actually frightened? Wow. Anyways, I think it would do me best to start working out in the gym." He placed his hand on Stefan's shoulder before turning and walking back to the two females. "Clover, come on you impatient women, and Rika, stay safe."

"Yeah, im scared" Stefan said, his hands shaking slightly "and you can do whatever you want... Im want to stay away from this place..."

Merc clung to Stefan and whimpered."I'm scared..."

Naome grabbed and held one of his hands gently. "I agree, but where could we go...?"

"You dont need to know WHERE! Just AWAY!" Stefan said, backing away towards the door opposite the one buckling under the wait of the moaning masses.

"We don't know if away has already been invaded by zombies!"Merc whimpered.

Naome looked at the doors and at everyone's different reactions. "What about the engineering room? Its dangerous, but its worth a shot..."

"B-But...Zombie..."Merc whimpered

Jacques creeped up behind them. "What we need is a shelter, not a slaughterhouse, although you two can go if you like. The clock tower may be a good shelter until night goes away... No?"

"SCREW IT! RUN!" Stefan said, turning around and trying to run even though he must have had three different girls hanging on him right now.

"Don't count on me to pick up the pieces those guy leave behind" said Jacques softly. Then very calmly, he made it to the Clock Tower.

"Maybe we should listen to him,Stefan."Merc looked at him with her big puppy dog eyes.

Stefan squirmed slightly "Let's just go ok? Before the... whatever the hell they are get in through the door?"

Merc grabbed Naome's hand and pulled her and Stefan quietly through to the clock tower

Uriko stood up and walked into the hallways

Naome meeped, being dragged by Merc and still holding Stefan's hand.

Rika smiled as Aleksandr placed his hand on her shoulder once more, he was kinda cute after all. However, when he accepted Clover's company and not hers, she frowned and turned away. "Such things to have predicted." Rika exhaled, knowing that Aleksandr and Clover were in the 'popular' category of student body, where as she was an apparent loner without any friends, only acquaintances. Rika pulled out her red pocket notebook and scribbled some things out. She shrugged off the fact that the school was being 'attacked' by zombies.

"N-No! I didn't say you couldn't come along.. But, you didn't seem like the type to be interested in working out in the gym and the weight room... You can come along if you want, I would enjoy your company as well as Clover's, even if Clover would not enjoy my company.." aleksandr sighed and rubbed the back of his head, his head hanging a bit. "I'm sorry for being so rude, do you want to come along, wenig ein?" He asked Rika.

When Stefan yelled at Jonah, Jonah's response was to beat the shit out of the kid - which he was on his way to doing when Sophia bumped into him. He glared sharply at her, before looking for the source of her fear. During the remainder of the period, he listened for anyone who spoke any logical remarks and after deciding appropriately, he went after Jacques to the clock tower after a brief detour to the gym.

Rika eyes wandered to the school doors. "Fear do I that three of our beings shall deny acts of 'working out'. Apparent is the current now since voices of such as 'zombie attack' is in the air. Neither that-" Rika faded, shrugging her shoulders and looked up at him, moving some of the hair out from her face, "This one accompany you now time."

"They're all just paranoid.. No need to worry about being eaten by a zombie because the doors are sealed tight and obviously since they seem to only be ramming their bodies against the door that must mean they do not know how to open 'pull' doors. We're all safe for the time being, so nobody should panic... Einfach als das." Aleksandr smiled and slid his hands into his pockets, looking back and forth from the two females.

Rika blushed a little and looked down at her somewhat blistered hands. She had tried to climb the fence only a mere half hour ago, only to find out that it was electrical. Her hair was still a little frizzed, "Misprinted is security now to 'zombies'....cept on when I attempt to scale them. Pity-"

"I'm getting out of here!" Sophia squeaked, her hands over her mouth and her blue eyes fixated on the bowing door. "They'll get in eventually and I'm not going to be their welcoming party!" With that she sprinted out of the main hall, all sounds blocked by the pounding of her own heart.

"I fried a few footballs on that fence, so I know what you mean." Completely oblivious to the panicing around him by the other students, Aleksandr was well into a slight conversation with Rika. He smiled and looked down at her hands. "You might want to soak those in some cold water, they really are a bitch to handle."

She leaned in and stood on her tippy toes, examining his face, "How comprehend doth your persona of the medical sense?" Rika asked, closing her fists and dropping them to her side. She dropped to her feet once more and pulled out a muffin from her pocket and gnawed on it.

"Eh, I'm not a specialist at it, but I know enough to stay healthy and to help heal my wounds and..." Aleksandr trailed off when he saw the tempting muffin in her hands, a small sound coming from his throat. ""What kind of muffin is that..?" He asked, reaching one hand up and wiping drool from his mouth quickly.

"Vanilla swirled y strawberry." Rika replied, noticing his drool. "They formed from this one's creation" She held the rest of it out for him to have.

He smiled and took the muffin greatfully, grinning at it and eyeing it happily. "I think I love you!" Aleksandr cooed out, ready to take a bite of the muffin but stopped and looked at Rika. "You sure I can have this?"

Rika blinked and got wide-eyed before nodding, "Who wouldn't love one as this one? May this one question your persona, the location und ze moment be this wedding?" she joked.

Really only hearing the word wedding due to being enticed by such a lovely spectical to which lied in his hand, Aleksandr blinked and looked at her a moment, not catching her tone. "W-Wedding...?"

Kitten tucked away her sword gently back into her boot, she looked around the room and pulled away from the wall. She started to walk away from it, but bumped into Rika, "Sorry 'bout that.." She mumbled slightly. Her eyes downcast, she never really was one to look up at other people.

"Accepted is the apology to thee." Rika replied to Kitten before looking back to Alek, "I suggest thine shant voice obligations concerning that....expect when meant by your body."

"I don't mean to intrude, but did you say something about a wedding?" Kitten glanced up at the two slightly, her blue eyes showing. She looked curiously at them, the mask gone from her face.

"A man can't love a muffin without being talked to about weddings." Sighing and placing a hand on the back of his head, The Russian male looked over at Kitten and quirked his brows a bit. "She brought it up." He pointed an accusing finger at Rika.

Rika tilted her head and smiled at his accusation. She merely yawned and asked, "Gym?"

A small smile placed itself on Kitten's face, but left just as quickly. She looked at Rika, "The gym's probably going to be one of the few safe places for now." She batted Alexandr's finger down as it was annoying her.

"Ah.. I'm sorry." He muttered softly after his fingers was batted down. "Here, Rika. It's your muffin, you can have it." Aleksandr smiled and held the muffin out to her, looking back at Clover. "Or perhaps you want it?"

"Not you.." Kitten muttered, she blushed slightly, she never usually spent this much time with other people, "..sorry..shouldn't have done that..." She leaned against the wall.

There was the sound of creaking wood as the doors were put under more pressure. The sheer weight of the bodies pressing against it was making it buckle inwards. A hand sneaked threw the gap in the middle before it slammed shut and the hand fell to the floor with a sickening slurp and crunch.

Rika stepped back into Alek a little, "Oh-" she was cut out by her own stutter as she stared at the door. "Is this acceptable if this event makes my feelings nervous?"

Clover had listened to everything being said while thinking out what could possibly be done. "Let's go to the gym," she said finally. "If we really get in danger of those things getting in, all the gym doors are pull from the outside, and there are vents in the locker rooms we can escape through, if worse comes to worse.. I doubt it'll come to that though." She looked at the two girls and Aleksandr. "Come on." She turned and headed to the gym.

"Nasty little cheer leader.." Aleksandr muttered playfully. He looked down at Rika and wrapped an arm around her small form. "It's okay to be nervous, it's only natural. Come on, you'll be safe with us, wenig ein." He smiled down at her, then looked over to Kitten. "You're welcome to come, too.. Perhaps you ladies could take your mind off of everything with a round of volleyball?" He mused, tilting his head a bit before turning and following Clover. "But, perhaps Clover would rather practice cheers."

Clover laughed. "Oh no, Alek. I'll take you on any day. You and Rika versus me and Kitten. You are so on." She looked back at Aleksandr, a competetive glint in her eye, but it was all in good fun.

Aleksandr meerly laughed and placed his hands on the back of his head, lacing his fingers through each other. He looked over at one of hte windows to look at the shadowy figures, his lips pressing together into a thin line.

"Yes." Rika said positively.

"Well then, let's go." Aleksandr looked back at Rika and ran off to catch up with Clover, going to the gym.

There was a sound of wood being taken to it's limit from the doors, the moaning assaulters pressed hard against it with sheer force. Finally the door gave in, springing across the floor and dragging several zombies with it. The disfigured rotting corpses began to stumble into the main hall with surprising quickness, being pushed from behind by the others. Those that fell either started crawling or were trodden into the floor. Soon the whole school would be over run by them.

Max came around the corner, she'd lost Sacha on the way down from the clock tower. "HOLY SHIT!" She shouted seeing the sudden assult of zombies in the min hall. She turned and ran immediatly, heading for the histroy room she closed the second set of hall doors behind her. A broom against the wall provided a temporary lock from the onslaught.
As dumb and slow as they are, a zombie will notice you if you shout at it. The mottled heads turned to Max, a few eyes swinging free of their sockets. A group began to roam after her, though the doors held them there for a while they would still get threw.

"Where did they go?" Rika asked Alek, after entering from the outside.

Stefan slid down the hallway with a happy "WEEEEEE!", the strange liquid under foot helping him basically skate along the floor. "HI RIKA!" he yelled as he skidded into a load of lockers and made them pop open.

"Stefan, dammit. Calm down!" Aleksandr barked, limping in the direction of the adrenaline infused nerd, a slight grumbling coming from him as he cursed a few things under his breath.

"LOOKITS!" Stefan said happily, straightening his glasses. He put his index finger to the lock of a closed locker, there was a crackle, and the locker swung open. Stefan blinked and stared at what was inside, reaching in and pulling out a rifle "Ohhhhh, bad bad person."

Eyes widening and a slightly paniced look coming to Aleksandr's face, he hurried over to Stefan and grabbed the rifle from his hands, holding it behind his back and away from Stefan. "Stefan, calm down you fool. Geez. You're going to blow your head off if you mess with this in your current state of mind."

"PBTHHHT!" Stefan replied, sticking his tongue out a blowing a large rasberry at Alek "Cant fire a gun if my life depended on it. And it might..." He eyed the rifle up slowly "Who's locker was it in anyway?"

Rika sighed with a goofy smile. She loved it when Alek was forceful like that. She snapped out of it and slapped Stefan across his face, "WHAT WRONG WITH YOU?!"

"SHOCKING!" Stefan yelled happily as if not fazed by the smack. Infact Rika got a nasty jolt from touching him. His eye twitched madly as what was left of the electricity buzzed through his system.

naome walked in calmly and sighed. "If hes thiis bad now... I don't even want to see him with an energy drink..." she said, strapping her bag onto her shoulder.

"ACK!" Rika jumped a little from the shock. On impulse, she leaned to the side and kicked him straight in the gut.

Stefan dodged back at near lightening speed poking his tongue out at Rika "Cant catch me!" he yelled before taking off down the halls.

Naome sighed. "I'm not chasing after him..." she said, She looked over at her shoulder and blinked when she saw a pretty bad scratch. "When did I get that??" she thought to where she might have gotten it... it must have been when she was trying to get to Stefan after he was shocked.

"I'll go after him, and I'll help you with that in a little bit. Geez. Stefan, watch out for that zombie!" Aleksandr called out before racing down the hallway after the nerd.

Aleksandr walked back into the main hall rubbing the back of his head and holding the rifle over his shoulder. "Rika, are you okay? No zombies tried to take a bite out of you yet?"

Rika was in the middle of a yawn, "Negative, love. This one desire yes a hot bath."

"Another one? We just got finished with our showers a little bit ago." Aleksandr said. "But, I suppose, a lady wants what a lady wants."

"Mere relax is this one wishes now. Slumber quickly perhaps....what is up going with your self?" Rika asked.

"I'll come with you,relaxing sounds good I guess. I must agree, however, that I am becoming a bit tired. we should find a place to sleep for the night." Aleksandr said, already turning and walking in the direction of the gym and the shower room within it.

"Hai, Alek-kun." Rika said with a nod. She followed right behind him and picked out a wedge in her spandex shorts. She missed her old clothes anyways. They both headed into the hh gymnasium

Horror High

Username (or number or email):


2008-01-14 [XxTsomexX]: Yup, just a little bit lol

2008-01-15 [XxTsomexX]: SORRY!!!!! I love you whoever plays Carrie!! Thats just my character's bipolarness kicking in ><

2008-01-15 [Athanedgar]: Hah! It's okay. My character is a total bitch. I love you too!

2008-01-15 [XxTsomexX]: Yay *huggles* Pro. Dreamer knows I hate making enemies, no matter how bitchy I get...

2008-01-15 [Kiss My Sass]: only get like that once a month though...and it is true...she hates making enemies

2008-01-15 [InsanityAngel]: sometimes I do too

2008-01-15 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I suppose since I just joined...I'll just show up...

2008-01-15 [Artsy]: What's going on in this hall?

2008-01-15 [Evolution X]: everyone's going here. just basically to team up and then scream at the zoms.

2008-01-16 [Erubeus]: Well, while you girlies are screaming, Aleksandr will be making his way around trying to be useful by calming people down. :3

2008-01-16 [Chel.]: guys need to seriously stop having post-a-thons with eachother. People who don't get on as often are getting left behind.

2008-01-16 [Erubeus]: Aw, lookit. He's already got a German pet name for her. x3 How cute... And that translate into 'little one', just so you know.

2008-01-16 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah, either don't post as much at once or don't like... specifically point out my character twice when I'm not here...

2008-01-16 [Chel.]: really? awww..... Btw, let me know if you don't get what she is saying. I really just think of what I want to get across and let my mind crap all over it.

2008-01-16 [Erubeus]: Oh no, I actually do get what she is saying. :3
And seeing as Aleksandr spoke like that for the first year that he was in Horror high he knows what she is saying, as well.

2008-01-16 [Chel.]: Well Rika is simply a card short of a deck....if you know what I mean.

2008-01-16 [Erubeus]: Lol

2008-01-17 [Erubeus]: I'mma let LA post.

2008-01-17 [Chel.]: yea....i was thinking the same

2008-01-17 [Artsy]: Ack, too much, I'll finish reading in a bit.

2008-01-17 [Erubeus]: Take your time.

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