Page name: HH Remy's Room A1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2013-03-18 07:53:51
Last author: blaze_rocket
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Remy's Room Archive

Spacious in size, the room was a mixture of an era that had been, and of modern luxuries. Based around the luxury and comfort of a New Orleans plantation house, the interior looked like a picture from the past, complete with appropriate furnishings and decorations. However, scattered around the room were signs of technology and other modern comforts. The expected neatness of such a well planned room was also in disarray, as the occupant allowed it to become cluttered with articles of clothing and other random items here and there.

While half the room allowed for a large period appropriate bed, wardrobe, chair, and bedside tables, the other was set up for work. A large desk stood covered in pieces of paper, computer printings, photos, pens, and random items that looked like they should be locked up in a safe. Collections of blue prints, surveillance photos, and maps of various locations were pinned to one wall, notes scrawled quickly beside several pin points.

It was cold, far too cold for his beloved hometown for Remy LeBeau, the temperature drop enough that even his sleeping brain could figure it out. His body’s answer to this was to try and kick some of the bedding back over his naked form, which had been thrown off earlier in the night. This however was not very effective, the actions which tried to warm him instead waking him faster from rest and into reality. Brief flashes of a possible dream, or nightmare, stayed with him for several moments before they faded from his brain. Not that Remy wasn't use to bad dreams.

Groaning to himself as he slapped a hand over his eyes, Remy scrubbed his palm across his face, partly to push away the last of sleep while at the same time it was to try and force awakening back as well. He didn't understand why the night had gotten so cold. New Orleans, even in its winter, rarely got a chill to it, and it was not the hurricane season to cause the storm he could hear rumbling outside. Well, he was awake now, may as well make the most of it. Sitting up in bed he stretched out his arms, eyes drifting over to his pack of smokes on the bedside table. He placed one between his lips as he stood.

Pacing towards the door, with coffee on his mind (maybe a touch Irish if he could raid Henri’s collection), Remy paused long enough to grab a pair of jeans he wore yesterday. No reason to get into trouble with Mattie for walking around the house naked. For some reason, that was a bad thing. After buttoning himself in he raised a finger to charge the tip of his smoke, slowly exhaling a stream of smoke through his nostrils as he left his room.

||Continued in HH This Way and That Way||

||Continued from HH Her Way or the High Way||

Stepping back into his room, Remy moved to grab up a piece of clothing from its place on the floor, lifting it over his head and sliding the shirt down over his bare torso. Pulling open the door of the wardrobe, he quickly donned his trench coat, letting the familiar fabric rest comfortably over his shoulders as he ran his hands instinctively and subtly over several of the pockets within it, checking he had any tools in it he may need, no matter the situation.

||Continued from HH Her Way or the High Way||

Glancing around as he stepped in, Jake opted to stay next to the door, unless he was invited further in. He noted the the room, while certainly different than most, was still not outside what could be expected from his own world. "That jacket makes it look like you're optin' for the rain, rather than readin'," he observed.

"Sometimes the boy scout motto be correct, hein? Prep for everything." Except for a crazy fantasy world complete with wars and shape shifting beings, but hell, one could only do so much preparation to take on the world. "In case these walls of yas decide to close on in moi, non?" Maybe Remy was underestimating Jake's description of the events that happened in the library, having not seen it for himself or anything. After all, how bad could it be? It was only books and shelves, a big enough charge and he could be home free.

"Can't say as I was ever a boy scout. Like the motto though. I can definitely get behind that. We'll stay in, then? That storm just keeps lookin' worse and worse." Indeed, the storm outside was starting to rage at 'typhoon' type levels. "Wonderin' if we shouldn't baton down the hatches, instead." Then again, if the library shelves could move themselves around, maybe the windows could repair themselves.

"Sometimes first place to start be right where we be, never know what kind of info be 'bout." Remy summarized, not liking the sound or look of that storm either. Being of New Orleans creed, he was well use to some of the worst storms, god knew the Guild mansion and other houses had taken a battering over the years. "Take it ya be use to this type of weather too?" Assuming whatever world Jake was from had weather like Remy's did, and he sounded like he was from parts use to storms and hurricanes.

Jake rolled his shoulders. "Yeah. Our inclination is usually to stay out of it. Smells get washed away, and a fellow's more vulnerable in weather like this." He paused, smelling one of the others from the meeting upstairs getting nearer. He did not acknowledge this, though. They would reveal themselves and their purpose, if they wished, or stay away if that was the intent. It wasn't his job to out others. "What d'you think, then-- just a cursory look around the insides of this place, then?"

Halfway House
HH Remy LeBeau

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