HTE COMPANY (founded 9012 - closed 9079)
Owner: [
Herbert T. Ezterson]
--was a company that operated under mysterious circumstances in the
World of the Place, and whose ignitials are reputed to either stand for "Hemp Transporation Elites", or "Herbert Troas Ezterson Company" the title the company claimed was it's legal title.
The company had a reputation for being secretive about it's exact nature and bussiness transactions were kept private and all records incinerated after the company's closing.
The company's estimated value at it's end of bussiness operations was a reported $76 Googol (a Googal is $10,000,000,0
00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars in Earth Money).
It serviced over 980 planets in 133 systems and galaxies.
--Mr. Music the Rater
(1) 9012 - [ExoEnergy], a substance that was created by HTE owner Herbert T. Ezterson, the exact components of the substance are unknown, but rumored to be a form of Hemp known to be located in the Magical Marijuana Forest
(2) 9014 - the [HYDRAphallic ExoEnergy Gate] , which allowed for interstellar travel in under 99 seconds to any planet of the user's choice. It allowed the use of up to twenty users at a time, updates for the Gate were regularly released, allowing for more uses.
The Gate's are powered by ExoEnergy.
One gate requires Three Cartridges of ExoEnergy a year to operate.
(3) 9067 - the [HYDRAphallic ExoEnergy Stimulator (model xii)], which was a programmed update for the above (HYDRAphallic ExoEnergy Gate), which allowed more than 100,000 users at a time to travel through the gate.
It was rumored at the time of it's release that when sixty where linked together it could allow for the transport of an surface of a small planet to another location lightyear's away. The only setback being the amount of fuel required would be extravagent.
In 9072 a private investor bought the only created models of which there are 200.
(1) The company by the time of it's closing had mass stores of ExoEnergy, and sold them to every planet in it's service area, causing a rise in it's stocks.
(2) The company also released the TELvi Screen, a console with a viewing screen, which allowed for the watching of over 3,342 channels of broadcasting interspacially.
It also served as a data-processer, allowing one to create programs and use the broadcasting network to store data and communicate with other users of the product.
(3) The company logo looked something like this:


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