Page name: Half-Life: A Night on the Town [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-09 16:31:07
Last author: *Night_Shade*
Owner: *Night_Shade*
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Half-Life: A Night on the Town

Chapter 5

Within half an hour the supernatural pair stood in line at Vibrationz, the hottest underground dance club in England. Surrounding them were dozens of emos, punks, goths and underaged rockers. Here I.D's were rarely checked, and there was alcohol galore.

Kumiko grinned, she loved coming here.  

Eraed felt a little self concious considering he didn't drink. With his powers it was a deadly combination. He cleared his throat, trying to think of something to start up conversation. "You, um...come to this place a lot?"

"As often as I can, since I moved here last year. " She replied, "It looks like a dump, but inside it's amazing. I don't drink that much, but I love to dance."

Eraed breathed easier, maybe she wouldn't notice. "I haven't danced in..." He calculated. "almost 2 and a half years. I used to be pretty good, I suppose things have changed since then." He laughed nervously, it felt weird being around all these people.

"That long? Well, once you get back into it you should be fine." She gave the bouncer her ticket, entering the club, "This place is ok for you right?"

"I don't usually go out in large crowds but it's fine." He smiled as a wave of emotions hit him like a brick. Jealousy, lust, amusement, annoyance Eraed's head swam. He blocked out his mind, that usually helped.

Kumiko rested a hand on his shoulder, shouting about the blaring music, "Are you okay!"

"Yeah, fine!" He shouted back, forcing colour back in his face. After the first wave it was better now, it was so much easier to ignore the emotions of simple humans, they never felt anything very strongly.

She listened to the beat of the music then pulled Eraed into the forming crowd. The song, One Two Step hit the speakers and the dancers when wild.

"I love this song!"

They were in the middle of all the action, everyone around them under the rhthym's enchantment. 

Eraed, laughed. How many times had he danced to this song in the private of his own home? He danced, self-conciously. Wishing the crowd would swallow him up. "I like it too."

Kumiko glanced at him, noting he was still stiff. She danced over to him, pulling Eraed behind her with his hands on her waist.

"Relax will ya!"

Yeah, Eraed thought, let me just relax while your hands are on my waist! "Sorry, not used to being in crowds! I-I'm kind of a loner if you haven't noticed." Eraed laughed nervously. "I'll try to lighten up." Eraed, breathed deeply, letting Kumiko's emotions run through him, hoping it would have a calming effect.

Kumiko was hardly aware of the crowd. True, by nature she was a loner herself but something about being one with music made her feel complete. She placed her hands on his and moved her body from side to side.

"It's alright, don't worry about it!"

Eraed nodded, gulping. "Alright." He felt her calmness, flowing through him. I wander if she thinks I am a goof.

As One Two Step ended Kumiko cringed as a slower one began. Great, she thought, I suck at slow dancing...

She looked around, wondering of they could make an escape.

Eraed's eyes bulged slightly. He quickly intuned to her emotions. Oh thank god, she doesn't want to. Wait, why not? Eraed started up indignantly, then stifled it. He never did get himself. Eraed, took her arm, and quickly glided through the crowds, it was easy to do when you knew which way they would move. Finally they came out, and stood in front of the bar. Great, he thought.

Kumiko sighed, taking a seat on the stool. She'd gotten out of it. The song playing was There You'll Be, Faith Hill. It was odd it was played here of all clubs. Must have been a request. Glancing out at the couples she felt out of place, relieved and envious all at the same time. She turned to the bar tender.

"A shot of Vodka."

Eraed smiled, he loved this song. He would of course never admit to liking either Country or Faith Hill. He nodded, as she sat down, and took a seat himself. Would she expect him to order something?

She chugged back her drink, her nerves calming. Alcohol never really did have a huge affect on her. She glanced over at Eraed, wondering if he drank.

He flashed her his charming half-smile, as a man began to talk up towards her. "I think he wants to dance." Eraed said, chuckling, greatful for the distraction.

The man came up to Kumiko. "Hey pretty Lady you interested in a dance?" The man was about 18 and Eraed looked over at her, half expectantly, half curious.

Well you showed me
How it feels
To feel the sky
Within my reach
And I always
Will remember all
The strength you
Gave to me"

She listened to the lyrics, sizing him up.
"No thanks, I'm good. " she replied, "Besides, I'm not gonna leave my friend here like the loner he is. Maybe some other time."

"Go with him, I'm good. Besides it's one song, half a song really. Just go!" Eraed said grinning.

"You sure?" She looked back over at the man, noting his attractive smile. "Alright then."

Your love made me
Make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me"

Kumiko followed him out onto the floor, partially lagging. She'd only slow danced once in her life and that was when she was 13. Then, after the young boy and placed his hands where they didn't belong, she left him with first-degree burns.

Within moments she found herself lost in the music, eyes closing as her head rested against his chest. Her arms lay around his neck and she was comforted in his embrace.

Eraed, sighed turning back to the bar. He blinked, turning suddenly as he felt a surge of anger rise in him. He saw a man and a woman having a heated discussion near by. He sighed. Then suddenly the man smacked the woman. Eraed flinched. He turned, walking over, just to make sure he doesn't do it again, Eraed coaxed himself. You can't interfer.

It did not take long for Eraed, to find himself, punching the man in the face, knocking him out cold. Crap! He backed away. This is why he didn't come out in public. "S-sorry." Eraed, just kept backing away, how did he always get himself into trouble?

Kumiko's eyes snapped open, the song ending. She pushed away from the stranger and returned to the bar only to find Eraed missing. Half-expecting him to be dancing with some beautiful blonde she was shocked at the scene that presented itself to her.

Eraed, the calm and shy, was standing over an unconscious man looking rather frightened. What the...

"Eraed!" Kumiko could barely shout over the rock music, as she ran over to him, "What the hell just happened?"

"I, uh...he-" Eraed gestured toward the woman, a purple bruise forming on her cheek. "I am so sorry. I-" Eraed, turned looking her straight in the eye, and whispered so only she could hear. "I can't help it, I feel their pain."

Kumiko glared at the man, who was beginning to come to. After seeing the woman's facade anger rose up inside of her.

"What? Don't want to play?"

He knocked her into the concrete, glass still splintered in her flesh.

"Come on sweetie," his voice was cruel as he towered over the 7 y/o Kumiko, "I just want to hold you..."

She cried out, kicking and screaming as he came near. Her shirt was torn and the exhaustion from fighting had depleted her pyro abilities.

Suddenly he stopped, falling over with blood rushing to from the back of his neck. Dustin, SU218 stood behind him, a piece of jagged glass in his grip.

She ran towards him, tears mixing with the blood...

Kumiko booted the man hard in his ribs, breaking them easy. She leaned over and smashed his face into the floor, leaving his girlfriend in horror. Her foot shot out nailing him in the temple. Scarlet oozed in perfect rhythm.

"He'll be lucky if he lives," she turned to the girl who was beyond frightened, "Don't let him do that again. Leave now and get away."

Eraed stood stock still, he had had all of his defenses down when it came to Kumiko so that he could intercept her calm emotions. Now he stood stock still the one image frozen in his mind. He tried to shake it, when he came back to himself, he saw the man half dead. "Kumiko!" Eraed yelled. "What I did was bad enough!"

Kumiko stopped and the woman fled taking her advice. Her eyes softened, all scorn, all past hatred flowing out of them. Her yellow gaze locked on Eraed's and she let her hands hang by their sides.

"I-I'm sorry," She'd been saying that alot lately, "but...he won't stop Eraed. Once he hits her once it'll never stop."

He looked more shaken then she. He guess was he had seen those images...all of them. He was ghost white, angry and shocked at the same time. By being around her despair was only harming him.

She thought she could get away by dancing, by becoming the free funloving human she was not. Kumiko sighed, then pulled Eraed into her. She hugged him softly.

"I"m sorry," she said again, "I didn'y mean to hurt you. I never want to hurt my friends." 

"It's fine." Eraed shrugged, trying desperately to get control of himself. friend, he was always the friend. He shook his head, clearing the thoughts. What was wrong with him. Why is she hugging me? He couldnt remember now. "I'm fine." he repeated.

"You lie," she whispered, then pulled away. "I might not be a mind reader but I'm more inuitive then most. Come on, let's get out of here."

Eraed shrugged, and seeing the bouncers coming he looked over at her. "I don't think we have a choice." He headed out of the bar with her, sighing. What a night! "I feel horrible about the whole thing, I can never control myself!"

"That makes two of us," she murmured, then added lightly, "But the night is young and we can still have a good time. You have a CD player at your place right? You, me, Akane and Dustin...and Kyasarin if she hasn't skiped off can have a 'freaks night in'. Whaddaya think?"

Kumiko surprised herself by being so optimistic. Either the vodka was getting to her or Dustina and Eraed were actually rubbing off on her. Weird.

Eraed smiled. "Yeah I do, it sounds good, but first, could I take a walk by the water? I always do it at night."

"Sure, why not?" She shrugged. Ocean air was always soothing, seemingly cleansing her of the eternal fire she was curse to bare. If only for a time.

Eraed sighed as he looked out onto the still black water. How long had it been since he had went swimming? Let the soothing waters engulf him. "I love the water, I don't know why." He shrugged, why had he felt the need to break the silence, had it been his impulse or hers? It was strange, not knowing if your emotions were your own.

"Same here, its just reall calming," she replied, "Most people like it at sunset, but I prefer it at night, when the moon shines down on the water."

"Yeah, exactly." Eraed said, smiling. What was it about her that made him smile? Set him at ease and made him nervous all that the same time? He shook his head again. He though too much. What if she could hear him? He sighed, looking out onto the water. "It's beautiful."

"Hmmmm..." Kumiko walked up onto the rocks, careful not to lose her footing. For humans this would be more then dangerous. The black waves splashed up at her, soaking the bottom of her pants; not that she minded. "The view's better up here!"

Eraed hesitated, he felt weird anytime he got too close to her. He came up onto the rocks. "Your right, you can see it great from here." Eraed sit down, feeling the cool rocks beneath him. He watched a moment as his pants got wet, but he did not care. He never did. He looked out onto the water once more. "Do you ever wonder what life would be like?" Eraed asked the question, no longer concious that anyone could hear him. As he looked out onto the sea the words resounded through his mind. "No man is an island". Then why do I feel so alone?

"If you just swim out there and forget it all? Yeah, it would be nice. I think....I'd want to have my ashes thrown in here when I die. Or whatever ocean I happen to be near, since I move around so much."

She sat beside him, letting the water consume her. To just swim away...where no one could find be alone and happy...

Eraed came out of his stupor. I meant to live at all. He sighed. "Yeah, that's what I meant." He put his head in his hands. Life never got easier, just more complicated.

Kumiko sighed as well, watching the waves kiss the sandy shore, unaware of her actions. Her head came to rest on Eraed's shoulder, half-soaked hair dripping on his jacket. Her gold eyes illuminated the darkness and with acute vision she watched their rippled reflection.

Eraed's stomach exploded with butterflies as she came to rest on him. He gulped noiselessly but said nothing. Why was he such an idiot? He looked down at their reflection in the moon lit water, and sighed. I'll always be alone.

"Are you alright?" She sensed his discontent, "Sorry..does this bother you?"

"No." He said a little to hastily. "No, it's fine. It'd kinda nice actually. It's this-" Eraed said, gesturing at himself. "This is what bothers me."

She smiled kindly, noting his nervosa. Kumiko nodded (or what could be what considered a nod from her position) and sighed aloud.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself you know," she murmured, "There's enough people in the world that hate us....its better to try and accept yourself for who you are."

Kumiko knew these words applied to herself as well. She had killed many, and would probably never be vindicated in the end. Created from the dust of evil in the world by those bent on playing god, Kumiko knew she wasn't meant to live. When she died she would only drift in darkness, forgotten. She would only be remember by those who created her as a barcode. Do I even have a soul?

After all this time she still didn't know...still she did not hate who she was. She couldn't. Kumiko had one person to depend on for life, who had pulled her through all the bad times. Herself. It would always be that way. 

Eraed sighed. "Easier said than done. I know who and what I am, but I don't know what I was or what I was meant to be." He shook his head. "I don't hate myself, I know who I am, and I am fine with that, I just-" He sighed. Why was he telling her these things, maybe because she was sharing with him. No she wasn't He reminded himself. Your spying.. He sighed again. "I just wish I wasn't so inadequate all the time."

She lifted her head back up and stared him in the eye.
"Why do you think like that? Why do you always think you're nothing?!"

Eraed flinched. "Please don't yell at me. I never could stand that. Someone yelling at me I mean." He shifted his gaze, not able to meet her eyes. "I don't always think I am nothing. I just-I guess I just wish I was more. More handsome, more smooth, funnier, kinder, smarter...I just wish is all." He said, letting his voice fade to no more than a whisper.

"Ah, Eraed," she shook her head, sorry for getting so frustrated. She'd had a love in her life before and had learned much from the experience. That she was fine the way she was, that everyone else wasn't good enough for her if they treated her like dirt. It was obvious Eraed had never known this and had spent most of his life alone.

At least when she was in the lab she had had Dustin and then...Rurik. She condemned the thought.

Her arm found its way around him.

"You have no need to wish on falling stars," she replied, "You're great the way you are...wishing is just degrating the wonderful qualities you already have. For one, you managed to put up with me for a couple of days without killing yourself. Takes a lot of kindness and patience. I think that requires a round of applause right there."

Eraed, smiled a little. "Nah, your easy to get along with. Your the only person who has ever even tried to spend time with me. I don't think I have good qualities, I know I am not completely flawed, and I know it's no use to keep wishing, but it's all I really have. And there is no need to feel sorry for me." He added, recalling one of the emotions that had passed through him.

"Too bad, I can't help it," she replied, "And besides, I like spending time with you."

Eraed's ears went red, but he didn't say anything. "I am just saying you don't have to."

She grinned deciding not to dwell on his embarrassment. "Come on, we should probably get back."

Kumiko stood, offering her hand as the wind blew her silk-like hair calmingly.

Eraed felt weird about her helping him up, but he figured it was just sophanistic programming, so he took her hand, and let her help him up. "Yeah your right, seems we lingered too long."

Eraed, brushed himself off absentmindedly, then smiled. "Alright, off to have that freaks night in." He laughed a little, then let Kumiko go ahead of him before jumping off the rock.

15 minutes later, Eraed opened the door to his home and smiled as he entered. "Hey you guys, is everyone still here?"

"Yes, I couldn't bear to tear myself away," Kyasarin replied. She was lying on the floor, her hair spread out around her and gazing up at the ceiling.

Eraed smiled to see her still there. "I find similar amusement in my ceiling." He stated, in his smart-ass way.

"It's fascinating how it stays together despite all the cracks," Kyasarin turned her head to look at Eraed "I'm terrified that if I take my eyes off it, it'll fall down," She said dryly. "Have a nice date?" She winked and returned to staring at the ceiling.

"Very funny," Kumiko locked the door behind her and glared at the nuscience, "I should step on you."

She glowered, searching for the radio, "Eraed, where's the GhettoBlaster?"

"I'll go get it." Eraed said hurriedly, obviously uncomfortable. He came back reluctantly with it in hand. "I have music, your welcome to go through or just listen to the radio." He said shrugging. He was slightly ashamed of his collection of music half of it being country.

"While I'm finding a good jam for our "freaks night in" tell me what you found Kya," she surfed the radio stations rapidly.

"She wants to go home, but nobody's home
And so she lies broken insi--"

Kumiko quickly turned the dial.

"Never had a dream come true
Til the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I--"

She growled and grabbed the CD collection. Swearing under her breath about the lack of good musci nowadays.

"Won't find much good music in's uh...mostly country. But I do have some other bands..." He shifted his gaze around the room, a little warily. "And the disney is just there because my little sister bought them for me." He cleared his throat and went to sit down on the couch before she could say anything to make fun of him.

"Country?" She sustained her humor. He hadn't seemed to be a country fan. Then again, he seemed to be enjoying Faith Hill a little much."That's uh, cool too...Hey whaddaya know, Breaking Benjamin!"

One of her favorites. It was odd, slipped in there along side Shania Twain. Kumiko shrugged, glancing over her shoulder as she searched for a good track.

"I didn't know you had a sister."

Sooner or Later. She shrugged, pressing the play button. Waiting for Eraed to respond she listened intently, subconsciously moving to the beat.

"I want a normal life
just like a new born child
I am a lover hater
I am an instigater
You are an oversight
Don't try to compromise
I'll learn to love to hate it
I am not integrated"

"Just call my name
You'll be okay
Your scream is burning through my veins

Sooner or later your gonna hate it
Go ahead and throw your life away"

Flipping through CDs once more she grinned. Faith Hill. What a surprise, she waved it teasingly.

Eraed laughed. "Nice choice, good song. And yes I have Faith Hill, but you think that's bad, wait till you find the other 4 CD's I have of hers." He shook his head, making fun of himself. "And yeah I have a sister, she is 10 now. She loved Disney, and she bought me a different sound track every year for christmas it was...a tradition kind of."

She laughed, and she thought she was bad with her secret collection of rap when she was suppose to be a rock addict. Kumiko, wondering where Dustin had gone, pulled up her knees, squeezing the excess water from her pants.

"Where is she now?" Kumiko was the direct type, and needed a bit of practice in tact.

"In Canada with my parents." He said simply. He hated talking about his past.

She nodded simply, sensing his tension on the subject. "Anything u want to listen to in particular?"

"There is only one song I listen to on a regular basis, and that's If Tomorrow never comes by Garth Brooks, not exactly something you can dance too. So you just pick." He shrugged.

"Put it on, I wanna hear it." she smirked, "Besides i know you don't like dancing."

Eraed sighed. "Alright, but I must warn you, I will sing to it." He flipped through the CD's and grabbed the right one. He effortlessly flicked to the song, knowing the number my memory.

As the music began, Eraed broke out in a flawless tenor, matching his pitch perfectly with the artist.

Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And a thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
She must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
She must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes

As the song ended, he cleared his throat self-conciously, for a moment, he had forgotten he was not alone.

Kumiko swallowed thickly, rubbing her arm. It was a beautiful song and it was obvious it held meaning to him. To her two maybe, for a moment she yearned to have one of Kyrasarin's nasty comments interrupt the tension.

Eraed rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry for subjecting you to thatr hiddious singing. I guess I just can't help myself." He shrugged, but it was obvious it was with great effort. "How about you pick the next song, I am being depressing."

"It's alright," she replied slowly, then switched to a dance station. She needed to move, to get the lyrics out of her mind.

So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes

Your typical rap-dance tune came to the speakers, wiping her mind clean. She sighed, feeling herself gaining control once more. Kumiko, would be thinking about that song for some time though. If tomorrow never comes...

She grasped his hand and pulled Eraed up from the floor, feeling the music flow through her veins once more. Just goes to show you, too much thinking is never that good.

Eraed, let her lead him over to where he could dance, and did so. He had once loved to dance, now it just seemed something he did when other people required it of him. The song had bothered her he knew, but he tried not to think about it. He did not want to keep tapping into her emotions. "You like this song?" He asked, desperate for anything to break the silence.

Kyasarin let out a yawn "Man I hate this music," She mumbled. She got to her feet and went to the computer, readily slipping into her connection with it.

"Its alright, I guess," she glided in Eraed's direction the glanced at Kyasarin, "Did you get that info yet?"

Eraed nodded. "How goes the search?" He asked friendily. You caught more bees with honey. He thought.

"Let me get past this security system and you can tell me what you want to see." Kyasarin replied absently, "The Necromancer's store information on a closed network - I can't access it through the internet. They have information in here about your kind which you may find useful."

Dustin wondered over to Kyasarin. "You ok? You seem to have a really good connection with this sort of thing. I was only taught the basics, thats how I was hacking the NM servers for so long. Oh, and bye the way, you can acess the network from the internet, I dropped in a little virus that leaves a port open. Watch." He clicked on a link on one of the NM pages, opening another window, and displaying the server folders. "There we go, its still undertected, I may not seem it, but I can really be of use in this area." He smiled at her. "And I'm sorry, for the whole kidnapping thing" He held out his hand. "What do ya say, new slate, start over" He gave her the most charming smile he could.

"Ok," Kyasarin smiled, a real smile, and shook his hand. "I'm leaving a trail back through to some petty hacker's terminal," She explained as lines of code appeared onto the screen, she laughed "Bastard won't try and access my e-mail again." She closed her eyes briefly in concentration. "Here's the file database," on screen came up a list of file names, "Pick whatever you want."

Eraed, came over, still humming to the music. He scanned the screen then spotted his name. "That one." He said pointing to it on the screen.

"Done," Kyasarin opened the file and scanned through "Boring... boring... boring..." She murmured, "Gotcha! How does a comprehensive list of all of your abilities and how to use them sound to you?"

Eraed nodded. "Or how to control them." He muttered. "Sounds good." Eraed looked at the page. Empath, knew that. He looked at it struggling to take in all the information. He could MAKE people feel a certain way? How do you do that? No he thought suddenly, that is wrong. He took a look at how to use it though, just in case. Then he looked down farther. Control. There was not much knew, he was strong, he was an Empath. He scanned the list farther. "Looks about right, not much knew, but now I know how to control it. Thanks." He smiled down at her, and put a hand on her shoulder in a welcoming gesture.

Dustin looked at her, smiling. she made him feel different for some reason. A way he hadnt felt since... he shuck his head. No, he was getting it confused. He placed a hand on her shoulder and pointed to a name on screen. Not a name really, No 001, "Open it. I didn't get a proper chance to see it all, you know, when i was in your room" He felt a strange buzzing sensation is his body, and he was finding dificult to qwell.

Eraed felt something crawl up inside him from his toes. He shivered involuntarily. He realized suddenly the feelings were Dustin's. Did he have a thing for the Necromancer!?. Eraed thought incredulous.

"Oh yeah, when you kidnapped me and turned me into a fugitive," with the blink of an eye the list was open, "Wow, looks like they poured a lot of stuff into you kid!" Kyasarin gasped as she read the list.

Eraed backed off, feeling uncomfortable that he could read his powers, so he looked away, going back to sit on the couch. "You should have a look Kumiko, it's very interesting, but really powers arent as important as what the hell we are."

"You are you," Kyasarin called across, "It doesn't matter what those Necromancers say you are, you're who you feel you are inside." Kyasarin let out a yawn, "Yes folks, I talk crap when I'm tired, so sue me." She yawned again, and the screen flickered as her concentration wavered "Crap sorry,"

"But what is my purpose? I have no purpose, I am like a computer, manufactured for the use of those who created me, and then...when new technology brings a better version I am to be dismantled and sold peicemeal." He sighed, he thought these thoughts everyday of his life, but never out loud.

"Yeah, but now you've got a chance to create your own purpose. You have the capacity to decide what you wanna do with your life - whether it's open a brothel, or bring down the government! A computer never gets that chance does it?" Kyasarin spun around on her chair so she was facing Eraed.

Kumiko turned down the music and viewed the screen taking a mental picture with her photographic memory.
"Scroll down," she murmured and found a list.

Escaped of the SU300 Series: SU106, 118, 12, 298, 13, 178, 188, 226. She glared, but was glad that some others had made it out as well. Then bolded letters caught her eye and her face paled.

Recaptured: SU106, 118, 12, 298, 13, 178, 188

Escaped Remaining: SU226

Kumiko swallowed hard, sinking back into the decrepit couch, head in her hand. So she was the last after all...but she had thought...Kumiko growled, allowing Kyasarin to switch to a new window. One that held a list to their powers.

Kyasarin yawned, then sat upright and looked at the screen, "Woah, you can do that?!" She exclaimed, looking at Kumiko. "Listen I'm copying this entire database to the hard drive, peruse it at your leisure - I'm gonna sleep. There'll be loads of dead links that go back to the network, so wake me up if you need to access something." Kyasarin got to her feet and walked into the next room, she on one corner of the sofa, she pulled off her boots and trenchcoat and let them drop on the floor beside her. She curled up and drifted off to sleep, her hand curled tightly around her gun.

"Yes, I can..."

Kumiko grinned, knowing Kya still didn't trust them. Not surprising, since she still didn't trust her as well. Doesn she actually think she'd do that much damage with that piece of scrap metal anyways?

Taking advantage of the database, she scrolled quickly, memorizing her file.

Number: Saiba-Ukiyo 226

Abilities: Pyrokenisis, advanced strength and agility and predominate five senses.....

"Yada yada yada..." she changed files, bored.

She smirked at the fact that they still didn't know she could stop time.

"Eraed, Dustin come here." she double checked to make sure she had read the message correctly.

Rebirth Проекта: Первый эксперимент выдержать эти весьма испытывать и выдвижение будет испытан под excruciating тренировкой. Он первое к мы вызываем серией Necro-Saiba. Воля дважды сила этих rebel вылтинных из строя экспериментов, commense воли NecroS1 его обязанности в времени неделей. Более дополнительные данные будут добавлены как больше будут конюшней и NecroS1 завершало его полет.

It was Russian, coming in from the Necromancer's foreign branch.

"For those of you who don't know the language," she replied shakily,"It reads:

Project Rebirth: The first experiment to have survived this extreme testing and advancement will be tested under excruciating training. It is the first to what we call the Necro-Saiba Series. Will twice the power of these rebel failed experiments, NecroS1 will commense his duties in a weeks time. Further data will be added as more become stable and NecroS1 has completed his mission."

Eraed gulped. His analytical mind was buzzing. One experiment will be made, a prototype.What training? What conditioning? What would be there ultimate purpose? There really was no need for them except keeping down rebellion and killing all rebel experiments. Himself, them. Everyone here. Experiments. The word hit him with an almost physical force.

Kumiko felt a chill go down her spine, mentally arming herself. There was noway of knowing just who this experiment would be, or in what form. She glanced around. The database had said he was male. Kumiko glanced from Dustin to Eraed. Highly unlikely, but you could never be too careful.  

Eraed was slightly hurt as suspicion of himself and Dustin flowed through him, but he quickly stiffled it. The experiment was a man he told himself logically. Instead of claming his innocence he met her gaze head on, not defiantly, but as if he had nothing to hide. "This isn't good." He said finally, glancing back at the screen.

I keep forgetting he can spy on me. She sighed and shrugged. All three of them, with the help of Kyasarin maybe, could defeat him. That she didn't doubt. Even the Necromancers themselves had not survived her last attack.

"What are you talking about!?" He screamed, the lead Russian scientist panicking in his thick accent, "There's no way she could get in here!"

15 years old, with the blood of many, Kumiko flamed uncontrollably, barraging the twin steel doors. Her white hair was stained strawberry, features twisted by rage and corruption. Insanity twined the face of one so young.

"You..killed..him!!" She screamed tearing the place apart. Her over grown nails were claws, digging into the features of her creators. "YOU KILLED HIM YOU BASTARDS!!!"

It took ten minutes before the floor flooded red. Up to her ankles in the viscous liquid, she licked the blood of her enemies savoring the taste like the savage she was.

Kumiko then sunk to her knees, splashing a nearby corpse. "They took him from me..."

Shaking visibly, griefstricken, SU226 lie dormant in the red river, drowning all sanity that remained...

Eraed blinked, reality coming back, he opened his eyes to find himself once more on his knees. He must have fallen, why? Something about blood, killing, massacre...He couldn't remember now. He looked up to see Dustin looking at him worriedly. He scrambled up, brushing himself off, though the quick movement made his head swim he showed no sign of it.

Kumiko's lips went tight. She knew he had seen it--all of it. If only she could stop the flashbacks...they gave away a part of herself she did not wish to tell. Arms crossed she glanced over, "Anyone else want to know any thing else from theses files?"

Eraed shook his head, slowly. He didn't think so, then...wait! "Let me see that computer for a moment." He hurriedly set himself in front of it. He scanned the pages, his name again. He clicked on it. He scanned the page frantically. History, history, history, SOMETHING! He had to know where he came from, how he had ended up in the adoption agency. He gritted his teeth thinking he was so close and yet so far. His fathers had told them all they could about what they knew but it wasn't enough. he searched it over once more the page bringing up nothing of use. He sighed, and pushed the chair back. "I'm tired." Was all he said. He got up, and made his way over to his bed room out of habit, then stopped himself. "Since she has the couch, Kumiko you take the bed." Eraed, switched his course quickly, and went over to pull to chairs out from his table, setting himself up in them. He closed his eyes, but it was obvious he was not asleep, or even close to it. He sat there thinking, the lack of memories painful.

Dustin looked at Eraed, knowing he was not asleep. He gave he a small smile. "We should all hit the sack for now, i think it would be best." He walked to a corner and slumped down into it, he was only pretending to be asleep, but it was all ok. he would fall asleep, and have more nightmares.

Kumiko smirked, knowing she would have been fine sleeping on the floor. She'd been a street-rat nearly all of her life and made use of what was given. Still, she didn't protest since he appeared to be in slumber.

"Night then," she murmured, heading towards the bedroom. As soon as the door closed, she barracaded it. Night-terrors, the sleeping unreal was often accompanied by murder. 

Hearing that Kumiko had left the room, Dustin got up and returned to the computer, hacking into the NM servers had been easy, this time he was going to put in a currupting virus into it. Causing a massive crash in all there computers and deleting any research they had conducted, and also turning the four of them free, at least for a while. He smiled an evil smile.

Five hours later he had made the virus and was preparing to put it in. Opening up yet another window, he used the web to acess the servers. He placed in the folder a file, then, as he deleted it the virus was uploaded. He watched as all the names where deleted, then every sub folder, and then the rest of the server.
"Have fun trying to get that back"

"When we're finished you won't be a freak anymore... We'll cut this mutation of the brain out..."

Kyasarin screamed as they moved the scalpel towards her head.

"NO!" Kyasarin jerked awake, her gun pointed at the door of the room. She sat up straighter and pulled her boots back on and buckled them up. She left her trenchcoat on the floor and strolled over to the computer where Dustin was working, "What you up to?"

"Making sure that they can't find us for a few weeks." He turned to look at her. "You leaving already? I deleted there entire data base. So we are free, at least for the moment that is. I give it a week before they restor it and find out that it was me who screwed it for them." He smiled at her.

"Nice one," Kyasarin commented. "I couldn't sleep, thought I'd take a look around the town - I was stuck in the Necromancer's Headquaters ever since I got back from my last mission."

"You want a tour?" He stood up, turning off the computer. "I know this place well, and i can show you all the best locations."

"Yeah, that'd be great!" Kyasarin smiled

"Ok then, let me just write a note and get my combat gear ready." He walked to the table, writing on bit of paper.

Taken Kyasarin on a tour of the city, will be back later, have a good time.

He grabed his boots and pulled them on, fastening the buckles.
"Ok then, lets go." He walked to the elevator, opening the doors and waiting for Kyasarin to join him.

Kyasarin strolled into the elevator and presed the ground floor button, "Can't wait to get out of that flat, it's claustrophobic in there,"

"Yeah, but not nearly as bad as this." He was shaking badly, his entire body was moving.

"Hey, are you ok?" Kyasarin noticed they were only at the third floor, "We can get out and do some exciting scaling out the window if that'd help?"

"Really, thanks." He pushed the third floor button and the lift stopped. The doors opened and he darted out. "Sorry, I hate enclosed spaces. I was kept in a two foot by two foot cell before i escaped. just brings back memories." He opened up a window and looked out. There was a church near by, with a very tall spire. "How well can you climb?"

Kyasarin followed his glance, "Well enough to beat you to the top," She joked, gracefully climbing out onto the windowledge.

He smiled. "Its a race." He climbed out and looked at the top. "Gotta be at least five-hundred feet. Ok, One, two, Three, GO!" He began to run, jumping from roof to roof. Looking to his left he saw Kyasarin next to him. He leaped over a small gap, ladding silently on the other side.

Kyasarin landed softly and tottered slightly, trying to keep her balance. She took a deep breath and leaped onto the roof of the church, she put her foot in a crack in the stonework of the spire, and her fingers wrapped around another one and began pulling herself upwards.

Dustin watched as she began to climb, finding every crack in the masonary work and using it to her advantage.
He ran and planted a foot in one of the cracks, then, with a massive push he hurled himself upwards, soaring twenty feet into the air. He then locked his fingers into a crack and began renching himself up. Every so often forcing his body up another twenty feet.
He soon caught up to Kyasarin.


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2005-02-22 [*Night_Shade*]: nice entry, very fitting lyrics. I g2g tho *hugs* byes!!!!!

2005-02-22 [Panda-monium]: Thanks, I thought to, they fit his personality well dont they?

2005-02-22 [*Night_Shade*]: muwah! yepperz lol, I g2g sleep now hehe ttyl :P

2005-02-22 [Panda-monium]: alrighty, bye bye

2005-02-22 [Panda-monium]: alrighty, wont add.

2005-02-22 [Alfirin Lindlea]: ooh the drama

2005-02-22 [*Night_Shade*]: lol loverly isnt it?

2005-02-22 [*Night_Shade*]: anyways u g2g 2 kungfu l8er

2005-02-23 [Panda-monium]: lol, alrighty

2005-02-23 [Panda-monium]: hehe.

2005-02-24 [Panda-monium]: Who is she fighting with?? o_O

2005-02-24 [*Night_Shade*]: hehe you'll find out :D

2005-02-24 [Panda-monium]: *tickles with suspense*

2005-02-24 [*Night_Shade*]: lol i love building suspense, tis fun :D

2005-02-24 [Panda-monium]: AWESOME. Rurik. ^_^ YAY. You playing him?

2005-02-24 [*Night_Shade*]: lmao u guessed it hehe

2005-02-24 [*Night_Shade*]: ya ive taken a likin to him :)

2005-02-24 [Panda-monium]: alrighty, no problem, just making sure. *nods*

2005-02-24 [Panda-monium]: I think it's time ter go to the next chapter soon.

2005-02-24 [*Night_Shade*]: yea im just waiting on a lil bit more to happen...ill change it 2morrow

2005-02-24 [Panda-monium]: alrighty...

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