Page name: Half-Life: Introductions [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-09 16:29:00
Last author: *Night_Shade*
Owner: *Night_Shade*
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Half-Life: Introductions

Chapter 1


"Fading away with nothing to lose
Falling into the storm
An angel cries each drop upon us
And we laugh up at her tears."

The smell of rain on concrete made one forget the good things in life, trapping them in a world of deadly despair. Such was the first memory of those born under the rule of the Necromancers. Their spirits were dead before they entered this world.

She walked down the streets of London, ignorantly oblivious to the downpour. After living in England for six months Kumiko was used to the climate.

Her white and black hair was glued to her face like a sheet of ice. Her black sash tied stylishly to the side, whipped through the air, she sighed and sat on a bench waiting for her bus. No one talked to her, no one even noticed her presence. As always.

Within moments the city bus screeched to a stop. The government could afford to turn the buses into limos without denting their wallet, but they simple chose not to. Wasting no time, Kumiko leaped onto the vechicle, only to find the seats full. Just perfect 
Shinigami sat on a seat quiely and opened his eyes when he heard Kumiko come on the bus. He shifted slightly, then closed his eyes again.

Akane had her face buried in a magazine, sitting, tucked away in a corner by herself. That's what she was used to, that's how it would and should be. Humming a tune to herself, she mentally congratulated herself on the fact that she had made it this far...

Shinigami shut his a bit tighter and rubbed his temples as he heard voices in his head.

I didn't want it to end this way... I miss her!.... Don't let it end... ... I want to go back... Finally its' over... NOT NOW!

He jerked his eyes open and looked around alarminglyu... apparently the people on thge bus didn't notice his outburst. He gripped the handle of the seat tighter, rubbing his temple.

Akane sensed a rather confusing barrage of thoughts and blinked, peering over the top of her magazine, staring blankly at Shinigami. 


Shinigami glanced over at Akane

Suppose she noticed...

He blinked

Whoever she is...

Of course I noticed. It was difficult not to...

Akane smiled and ducked back behind her magazine.

Shinigami blinked at her a few more times, before returning to his original position.
"Fly away spirits..." he whispered.

Fly away spirits?! Now you REALLY don't make any sense...

He turned his gaze back to the girl. He shifted and was now sitting facing her from his seat. "Why do you keep thinking about me?" he asked quietly.

Her eyes averted back up to his face and she smiled politely.

"I apologize, but you are a little difficult to ignore... Your thoughts are very loud."

His gaze lowered a bit "Not like I can help it,"

"It's alright... I shouldn't be so nosy."

She resumed her reading, her brow furrowing slightly.

Shingami returned to his original position quietly, closing his eyes, trying to maintain control of the voices.

From a dark corner a shadow began to un coild itself, not seen by anyone it began to form in to a humaniod shape. No 001 sat down on one of the seats. He sat looking at his feet, trying to find the purpose in his life. "Whats it all for?"

Shinigami glanced at him wearily. He shifted, still having voices race through his head.

Eraed had his music blaring loadly the way he liked it. Otherwise he would get distracted by the feelings that would encompass him, feelings that were not his own. He was amazed at how depressed some people were, especially those who smiled the biggest. He would always smile back, not letting them know he was on to them. He shifted his gave as he felt an overwhelming curiousity fill him. Someone else was depressed. He looked over to see a boy about his age dressed in black leather.

Shinigami, extremely thankful for the loud music he could hear emitting from the boy a few seats away, leaned back now that the voices were blocked out. He sighed.

Kumiko squeezed her hair out to the side, the top of it grayish with the cold. Glancing about she caught a few familiar faces and sat beside Shing, forcing him to scoot.

Shinigami glanced at her, "Hello?"

"Hey," she said no more, flicking on her headphones to pass the time. I wish they wouldn't look at me like that.

Eraed looked up slightly, noting Kumiko's presence. It was interesting he thought, how private people thought their inward thoughts were. It was surprising how many people thought about the most criminal acts then went out to complain about crime. He shook his head slightly. He wasn't certain but he was sure the guy in the red coat could read minds. How many others around him? He stopped thinking letting the words of the music drowned out all reason.

A little girl in a skirt walked slowly down teh street black hair covering her eyes.

Kumiko, shuddered and pointed her fakely azure eyes to the back of the bus. Though she could not read minds, she could feel it when her thoughts were invaded. Must have been a bonus to her already uncanny abilities. I hate being like this. Why did I... she growled to herself then paused, remembering there was a mind-reader around her. Grinning, she decided to have a bit of fun. Wow that guy is hot!

Eraed took down his head phones intrigued by her sudden burst of amusement.

Shinigami glanced at the girl beside him and the boy, he raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

So you can hear me. She laughed aloud and caught their gaze. Now be a good little boy and stop spying on my thoughts.. She paused. You get flattered too easily. The last thought was directed towards Matt, mind filled with amusement.

Eraed's brows furrowed. Was she laughing at him? He raised an eyebrow slightly then smiled at her, his charming half-smile, then nodded once. The same way he addressed most strangers, friendly, yet discrete.

Shinigami opened an eye to look at Matt, then closed it again. He shifted slightly making himself more comfortable in the seat.

Kumiko glanced at Shing, noticing he was probably enjoying the situation. She cocked her head in Eraed's direction, he seemed different then most mind-readers.

No 001 still sat, watching the other showing off there powers so freely. "I guess no one told them we are now being hunted by every specialist unit in the world" He smiled at a few people then decided he was going to take action. A blue flame appeared in his hand, only small, not noticable. He placed it on the back of one of the men. Shinigami his name.

Feeling a tiny blaze of heat near her, Kumiko jumped, careful to avoid it. I won't be able to control it...

No 001 looked up "Ok, now I have your attention, I would kindly ask you all to follow me. I need to talk to ach of you" He stopped talking, a passenger on the bus was looking at him. "Not you sir." he looked back at Kumiko. "If, you don't mind that is?"

"The hell I don't mind," she retorted, then seeing the other passengers stare at her, spoke more quietly. "What do you want?"

No 001 began to seem a little frustrated. "Look, in case you don't know, you are using your powers infront of normal people. A broadcast went out a few days ago to all television channels asking anyone who has or will see something odd, to report it to the police. I did a little investigative work and found that they are trying to find us. They have already captured at least seven, but they are not killing us, they are doing experiments. ok? So keep the use of your 'talents' to a minimum. Ok?" People had begun to stare, one had his mobile out, and from where he was standing he could see the number being dialed. 999.

Eraed got up quickly, he had seen the broadcast but was sure he had kept his powers on the down low. "Come on, you guys. This is our stop and mom will be angry if we are late because we were too busy bickering to notice the stop." Eraed got up, pleading the others to play along.

No 001 caught on. "Yeah, uh, sorry sis. Lets go, now." The bus pulled to a stop, and he got off. "So you saw it too, well what did you make of it?"

Eraed nodded. "Yeah, I saw it." He shrugged not saying anything more. What did he make of it? He knew the government was looking for someone who they did not want to know they were on to them. And of course when ever you hear "weird" on any news it has to do with some kind of experiment.

No 001 looked at Eraed. "What are you thinking? Unlike most of you others, I cannot read minds, I was bread to be an assassin. I was born of shadow. You, I can safely say are of a different nature" He looked puzzled.

Eraed shrugged again. "I don't expect everyone I meet to read minds."

No 001 smiled. "you're ok, you know that. You too Kumiko. If you don't mind, i would like to hang around with you for bit. Safty in numbers eh." A single silent tear ran down his left cheak. That is all he was, a number, not needed, that could be balanced by a single equation.

Kumiko looked at him with apathy, though understood. She was sick of being the hunted; it was time to become the hunter. She'd been training for sometime, her thoughts were dark but she was cautious to leave then undisclosed. She did not know these people, though knew they were all in the same boat, otherwise she would not have follwed them. She would have killed them. Cracking her battered knuckles, she knew she could.

"Sure, if you want. What's your name?" She asked with forced politeness, knowing she usually worked alone. Trusting others was a leasure she couldn't risk in this world.

Eraed nodded, as No 001's emotions flooded through him momentarily. He looked over at Kumiko. She had no idea, that though she guarded her thoughts well, her emotions flooded through her unchecked. He smiled, how few people new that he was reading there most inner conceptions, more so than just thoughts alone could ever show. "I don't mind."

"My name is No 001. If you wish to call me by another name I would be mist greatful, however if do not wish to then i don't mind. Thank-you for letting me join you. I must say, you seem very trusting toward me, evrn though I am a complete stranger. Now, I have information on the government, that is, if you wish to hear it?"

"Trusting? No. I can sense your intentions at any given moment." Eraed shrugged. He never actually told anyone his powers, always told half truths, and sometimes whole lies. It kept him safer. He had kept his mind blocked the entire time, wondering if any with him could read minds."By all means, continue."

Kumiko, read deeply into his statement and furrowed her brows. Had he somehow known how she felt even if she had blocked him? Pausing, her pale eyes studied him. He wasn't the first one she'd known with the ability. Rurik...

Clenching a fist, she focused all of her anger into her center and suppressed it. No fear.

"What about Dustin?" Kumiko surprised herself by saying it, as well cut off Eraed. That name was...dear to her. It was the first time she'd said it in years.

Eraed looked over at her. "Don't know a Dustin." He shrugged, making no sign that he had noticed a sudden change in her mood, or the way her throat caught when she said the name. Sadness, he thought. A loved one?

She met his gaze, glared, then turned to No 001. Kumiko wondered if he would accept the name or not...Not like I care, it's just a suggestion anyways. She hesitanted then added sarcastically, Eraed I would appreciate it if you would stay outa my head.

A smile broke onto No 001's face. "Dustin... I like it. Ok I am Dustin. Thanks, out of curiosity, what does it signify to you?"

Eraed did not look at Kumiko though he sense she was suspicious of him. "I like it as well. It suits you." He smiled, that same charming half-smile that had gotten him so far in life. "Nice choice." He said turning to Kumiko.

"It's just better then being a barcoade, that's all."
She shrugged, but did not grin in return. Behind each smile lies a secret. It was difficult though, they were also infectious. His was no exception. Still... 

Dustin looked between the two. He could not read minds, but actions spoke louder than words. "So, uh, do you guys have anywhere to stay, only i have been evading people all night and i need a bit of rest" He pulled a kind of smile that was a mix between pleeding and weariness. "Sorry, but it catches up on you, and oh yeah, about not using your powers, they got some sort of device, and it can detect DNA traces. When you use your power, you emit the traces and they can pick you up. Like how a spider knows the fly is on its web. It can feel the smallest vibration. I heard that they will be standard issue to all law inforcement and civilians can buy them for about a tenna. They have adds about how to keep your children safe from us."

Kumiko's face paled, and she scowled in response. Luckily she had not used any of her powers lately, but that wouldn't save her. She was already on the top of the list of wanted experiments. Part of the Su300s. She swallowed thickly and dug her hands into baggy pockets.

"No...I don't actually. Eraed?"

"I can't help using my powers. They don't have a shut off." Eraed said to Dustin, then sighed slightly thinking. "Yeah, I have a place we can all stay." He nodded once, but did not elaborate.

"Ok, sounds good. Guess we all need a place to feel a bit safe. I can elp you learn to controll your power, as I had to learn to controll mine. A mix of pain works, but that may have been there way of testing me." Dustin shivered.

A few specks of water began to fall, and within seconds it was raining heavily. Dustin stood still, bone dry. "Yay, something everyone will notice"

"Come on." Eraed said, and quickly shoved Dustin into a building. "We can go through the basements, they are all connected, after all. No one knows it, but the government designed it like that, it's a thing, hard to explain, hurry." Eraed led them into an elevator, then making sure no one was in the elevator, flipped up a hidden panel and pressed one of the buttons.

Dustin stood in the middle, scared out of his mind. "Um, yeah, I'm just going to hide in corner. I hate inclosed spaces, its too much like the cell they kept me in" He moved to a corner, where luckily, because of a small defect in the interior of the lift, there was shadow. Just say my name when we are there, if I dont come its because I have fallen asleep. Just grab the shadow that is a bit darker than the rest and you can drag me out."
His body began to change, becoming smaller and more black. Finnaly he was shadow again.

Eraed, raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

Kumiko watched in hidden amazement. She often forgot what people were capable noways. Especially no that the world had no limits.

"Master where are you taking us?" Kumiko's gold eyes stared up at him, her childish face gazing up at him. She was eight years old, so were all of her 299 brothers and sisters. There was only a month until their ninth birthday and they were all very excited. He promised that there would be a surprise awaiting them. but none were prepared for how big it truly was.

She and a group of others walked down the gloomy chambers with him; she held his hand with beeming honor. Then in moments, time was nothing...

The screams raptured her ears from every direction, the room a panel of red. Everyone was running, crying, falling...dying. Kumiko watched her master laugh as she fell to the ground.

Time froze, his merciless steel eyes boring into her fading form. Within moments Kumiko's world turned black...

She clicked back into the real world as the elevator slide to a stop.  

Eraed shook his head. That had never happened before. With her streaming emotions came vivid images. He felt sick, but he hid it well. "This way you guys." He led them through the building past many out croping hallways, and then finally to a door, which he opened, showing a relatively large room. At one side was a ratty couch and a mattress to the side. On the other side was an old wooden table, a fridge and microwave. To the side was another door. "Bathroom is in there." He said gesturing toward it. "What's mine is yours, its nothing fancy, but I call it home."

"Not bad," Kumiko surveyed the decript livingspace. "Better then some of the places I've lives."

Screams oozed to the concrete floor like the scarlet masses of human life, coating the lab...

Shaking her head, all thoughts were surpressed as she squeezed out her hair and clothing once more.

"I have something you could get into if you want to get out of those. They should fit you alright, even if they aren't very stylish." Eraed shrugged. "As I said the bathroom is their, and common sense should allow you to figure out the lay out of the rest of the place." Again he shrugged. "Dustin and I will take the mattress, the couch is all yours. Does that sound alright?"

"Sounds fine." If she were to get attacked in the night, the couch would be a good place to defend herself, having only 3 open sides.

Kumiko took his suggestion and decided her clothes could dry out over night. She'd most likely be gone in the morning anyways. Staying in one place too long was never a good thing.

Eraed nodded slightly. She wouldn't be staying, he wondered now how closely she had paid attention to how to get out. Would she know what button to press on the panel? How to get into the panel? He sighed, and gave Kumiko the clothes, and showed her to the bathroom. "Tell me when your done, and don't come back out till I give the all clear or you may see more of me than you'd like." He laughed, and again flashed his smile.

She grinned, but not full length. By looking at him she knew a smile was one of the things that carried him through life. She wasn't one to fall for such things. Kumiko hurriedly shut the door and changed, hanging her clothing up to dry on a rack. She wondered if he knew her intentions of running away. I'm not running away she thought to herself stubbornly, I'm just...leaving. Getting away....searching...

Eraed sighed. She was a tough one, and she sure did not trust him. He felt guilty spying on her, but he had not been lying when he said he could not control his powers. It was hard enough to block out his mind from the others, It took alot of energy to suppress himself enough not to feel other people emotions. He quickly got changed. "All done, feel free to come out when your ready."

"Alright," she opened the door slowly, eyes closed, "You better not flash me."

Peeking, Kumiko sighed and stretched out on the couch. She was comfy in his black tee and jeans. And dry...For once.

So much blood...

"Gah!" she threw up her hands dramatically, forearm landing over her eyes, "I've got to stop thinking so loudly, eh?"

Shrugging it off, Kumiko placed her hands behind her head beneath her silver-ebony locks of silk.

Eraed shrugged. "I wouldn't know. You can think as loudly as you want, The only thing I hear are the words coming out your mouth." For once Eraed felt compelled to tell the truth. He wasn't sure what made him do it, usually he would have found amusement in her lack of knowledge of his powers. "Anything I can get either of you in the way of food?"

She glanced at Dustin, then back to Eraed. Kumiko, half-smiled warmly. "Anything is good."

Eraed, went over to his fridge and opened it. He looked around a moment, then took out come eggs and bacon. "I don't have bread. How about a omelette? I have...onion, red peppers...Sound good?"

Dustin, who had surverying the movements of the others suddenly snapped back into reality. "Sounds good, im starved." He walked over and crounched down by Kumiko. "You all right?" He asked, concerne slipping into his voice. "You keep going blank, and when you come back, your in a heavy sweat. Anything I can do?"

Kumiko met his seemed so familiar. Though she didn't know how it could be. Kindness wasn't something she had known at all. Kindness wasn't something to be trusted, she'd learned that long ago. I just have to be more careful.

"I"m fine Dustin, just a bit tired,"she lied, knowing she could go a month without sleep, "Thankyou for your concern, but its not needed....No there's nothing anyone can do."

Dustin stood up again. He knew she was lieing, he could see right through her, but he knew better than to keep on. "Ok, I will just leave you alone for a bit then." He walked of toward the other room, removing his vest. He laid down on the matress and fell asleep.
However it was not an easy sleep, he was troubled by dreams of being in the cells again. Hearing the voice of his creator.
Suddenly he sat bolt upright. "I can't do this" He got up and walked to the door, entering the lift. "There are too many buttons" he exclaimed, almost frustrated.

Eraed, after they had been fed, had drifted off into sleep. Unlike the others he was not troubled with horrible dreams. He did not remember anything of his past, and perhaps, he was lucky. He woke with a start as he heard someone moving around him. He got up, assuming Kumiko had left, but found her still asleep. Dustin. He shook his head, he would have no idea how to get out. He quickly jogged down the passage, and when the elevator opened, there stood a frustrated Dustin. "Let me help you."

"Get back here 226!" He screamed after her, blood staining his shaking hands. Blood that could never be washed away.
"No get away from me!"

"GET AWAY!" Kumiko scheeched, sitting up and fighting invisible foes. Still asleep she stood and began running frantically. Get away....

Sleep walking night-terrors engulfed her dreams, swallowing her. He had never left her. 

Eraed, hurriedly helped him, flipping up the panel and showing him how to put it back, showing him the button to press to get back up. Then he got off the elevator, and smiled kindly. "Best of luck." The elevator closed and he turned to walk back to his home.

Kumiko, cringed through closed eyes as she hit a wall, collapsing to the floor.

"Master where are you taking us?" Kumiko's gold eyes stared up at him, her childish face gazing up at him...

Everyone was running, crying, falling...dying. Kumiko watched her master laugh as she fell to the ground.

Time froze, his merciless steel eyes boring into her fading form. Within moments Kumiko's world turned black...

"Come back to me..."

Eraed, came upon Kumiko's crumbled form in the hallway, and started to panic. Had they found them? He looked around to make sure, then looked back to her body. He sighed in relief, to see her breathing. Wait...was she asleep? He raised his eyebrows incredulously. He lifted her into his arms, with ease and set her back down on his couch, then went over to lie, awake, on his mattress.

Kumiko awoke an hour later, only to find herself in a cold sweat and on the couch. Her knuckles her bleeding again. Glancing around she caught an indent in the far wall. I must have done it again.... Though it was impossible to remember. She only remembered blood.

Seeing a light coming from the other room, she first changed back into her regualr clothing then followed it. She came upon Eraed, alone on his bed. No 001, or Dustin, was no where to be found.

Eraed woke at the slight noise of her rustling clothes. He sat up, nodding. "He left." He said, as if he knew what she was thinking.

"Will he be coming back?" She asked. She hoped he would be, being around him for some reason made her more relaxed. "Sorry if I woke you, but I can't help it some nights. Which is why I don't sleep for days....guess the past little while just got to me."

Taking a seat on the shaky matress, Kumiko yawned, rubbing bloodshot eyes. She couldn't leave tonight, He was too close and she needed time to prepare.
"Mind if I sit with you for a bit? Doesn't seem like you're having much luck sleeping either."

"By all means." Eraed, said, not answering her previous question. It was weird, he had a hard time talking to people, and was quiet, yet thankful for the campanionship, even if it was temporary. "I can't read your mind you know." He said blurting it out.

Kumiko raised an eyebrow then leaned against the wall, thinking to herself. Eraed didn't know if Dustin was coming back. She sighed. O well, not like I'm not used to people leaving.

Eraed felt the feelings of loneliness emiting from her, and wondered if he had mixed up his own emotions with hers, sometimes he did that if he was tired or not paying attention. He smiled, trying to make her feel more comfortable. "Bad dreams?" He asked as a belated question to her trouble sleeping.

Not answering she nodded slightly, then looked him in the eye. "I don't remember."

"Just asking, you seemed a little shaken when you came in is all." frightened. She had been frightened.

Suddenly she was on the defensive. Kumiko, shifted pulling out her contacts into their container. She could always see much more clearly without those blasted things in. Her sights shone gold, slitted with black and she gazed hard at the far wall. Her body stiffened.
"I'm fine Eraed, just a nightmare. They're not real."

"Mine are." Eraed said sadly. "I don't remember most of my past, but I relive it in my dreams. I can never quite remember them, I just know I dreamt about it." He shrugged, as if it was nothing, but it was something to him. How many nights had he awoken, trying to hold on to the wisps of his past which slipped through his fingers with each waking moment.

I wish I could forget mine. She caught the longing in his voice and understood. For some it was better to relive the horror then to not know it at all. For the first time that night, Kumiko let her genuine smile shine through. Maybe she wasn't so alone after all.

Eraed smiled to see her smiling. No, your not. He thought. It was the first of her thoughts he had gotten, except the vivid images. "Are you hungery? Or would you like something to drink?" He offered. He desperately wanted her to stay as long as possible. He liked her company, more than most, there was something about her that made it hard to lie.

She shrugged, "Water's good..." Kumiko was sharp and was unusually perceptive. It came with being a Saiba-Ukiyo. "What's with the service anyways? You always seem ready to offer. I don't know why since you're fridge is more then half-empty and you can't really afford to give what you have left to strangers."

Kumiko slid back and lay down on the mattress, hand beneath her head. "I don't like taking from others what I can't pay back. I'm not rich you know."

"None of us are." Eraed said. He hoped by using the plural he would help her feelings of loneliness. "You don't make alot, hiding. I don't expect you to pay me back, think of it as from one sibling to another."

She hesitated. Like a brother?

"Help me sister..."

He lie there, choking on blood; smothered by it from the inside out. 8 y/o Kumiko collapsed to the floor as her brother, Su218 faded.

"This is what happens when you try to run," the voice chilled her as the Master ordered his men to dispose of the body, "226, come with me. If you ever try this again, that will be you."

She smelt the flesh burning.

Tears blurred her vision, his blood staining her fingertips, never leaving. Just like the pain. Safe once again in her cell she cried to the silence, her despair...

"I am your brother am I not? I don't remember my number, I have been Eraed as long as I can recall." Again he had picked up her thought. Usually he could not do it so frequently, she was a very emotional person.

"Stop reading my mind," she retorted, feeling his probing mental claws, "I told you, its annoying."

Kumiko's expression softened. It's wrong to find him attractive then.
She shook the thought clearly, for fear he would pick up on it. Having an ally who was a mindreader sure had its disadvantages. Besides, in this life she could not afford such things. That she had learned a long time ago.

Matt laughed, as a swift feeling past through him. "We were manufactured I don't think we need worry about incest." He couldn't help himself, he chuckled slightly, then finally stopped, smiling at her pleasantly. "If I told you once I have told you a million times, I can not read minds, not really."

"Well what ever the hell you're doing knock it off," she growled, more then slightly embarrassed, and added sarcastically, "I manage to keep my abilities under wraps, you should try it sometime. Otherwise I would have torched you by now, sitting this close."

Now it was Eraed's turn to blush. He hated admitting weakness. "I actually don't know how." He hung his head slightly, and looked down at his hands.

Kumiko raised an eyebrow and sighed. Not everyone had been fortunate enough to have had access to training. She'd learnt while in Japan.

"That's funny," she replied, "I"m not sure how to show you exactly, since my 'powers' are much different then yours and most are easily controlled. My strength took a while to master, fire more then a year."

Kumiko glanced sheepishly, then shrugged.
"No 00--Dustin could probably teach you better then I but I can give it a shot if you'd like. Can't guarentee results though."

"I'd be grateful." He said smiling now, that same charming half-smile. "I feel so guilty always spying on peoples emotio-" Eraed slapped a hand to his mouth incredulously. He had never ever before revealed his power, at least not his main one.

"Ah, so that's how you do it," she chuckled, "You would have thought I had some sort of truth enchantment on me."

"One would think." Eraed muttered. "I usually don't tell anyone my powers, it's safer. And yes, I can read emotions, and sometimes the thoughts or images that go along with them, but I can't just read someones mind, and I can't just read emotions either, I actually feel them, inside me." Eraed sighed, it was nice, to trust someone and to not have to lie, he wondered if he would regret it.

Kumiko stiffened, recalling her night-terror and the thoughts that haunted her in the day. He could feel them, she knew. She hoped it wouldn't kill him like they had others...

"I wish I could do that," she replied apathetically and rolled to one side so she could see him better. "That sort of thing can prevent accidents and such I imagine."

"What kind of accidents do you mean?" Eraed asked, confused by her statement.

So he'd caught that. "I mean like if something bad was going to happen, if something horrible was about to take place you could...feel it and get out, taking others with you maybe."

She sighed, closing her eyes and rubing her temples. Kumiko hated headaches.

"Oh, you mean sensing people's intentions, yes I can do that." He nodded sadly. "I suppose, I would have been of help that day, huh?" Eraed, closed his eyes, damning himself for saying it. He was giving away too much, she would know he had seen it.

Kumiko felt herself lock up once more and she rolled to the otherside, facing a wall. A solid object that could to see her emotion and wouldn't care. That day...she wished she could forget. Kumiko breathed deeply, wanting to cry. If only she could cry, but she had long forgotten how.

Eraed, put his hand on her arm in a comforting gesture, not thinking. It had been automatic. He could feel her pain as it became his own. "Please, I am so sorry. Help me to control it?"

Kumiko did not flinch under his touch, like she did most. She did not lash out, did scream. Did not deny it. His warmth became her own and she took a deep breath, turning back over.

"I can try."

Eraed smiled. "That's all I ask. What do I do first?"

"I'm tired right now....we can start in the morning.Its been a long night." Almost and soon as she said it, Kumiko's eyelids fluttered and she found herself falling deeper into the pillow. Like an untainted cloud.

Eraed, smiled, letting her sleep. He thought a moment, then stood up, being careful not to wake her. He was about to go out onto the couch, then went over and sat by the door instead, in a protective gesture. Why? He thought himself.


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