Page name: Half-breed RPG [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-10-20 04:45:46
Last author: Raikyu.
Owner: Kiristo
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Welcome to Half-breed RPG!^^

1. Careful on the cussing very very little and onlt little things of cussing.
2. No killing other people without there permision that is what comment boxes are for.
3. No playing for the other charecter without there permission.

001: (your username)
Char name: (your chars name for the RP)
Looks: (chars apperance)
Powers: (any special powers or abilities your char has)
Desciption: (your chars history)

Char name:Koi
Looks:Covered in black fur,pointed ears,and an almost fox like tail.
Powers:Koi is more or less of a ninja.He is skilled in ninjitsu.
Discription:Koi is 12 years of age.He never met his father,and his mother died in a fire when he was 2.

002: [Eloura]
Char name:lor-lor
Looks: I am a black wolf with geen eyes i have the wolf ears tail and furry body except face other than that i am human.i think.
Powers:Skilled in the art of swordsmanship a deadly character when using a sword.
Discription:Lor-lor is no more than 15 years old. She never truly knew her family because when she was nearing 3 years old she was sent of to learn the art of swordmanship. So she has never met her family who all did 2 years ago in a battal.

003: [Konobi]
Char name: Konobi
Appearence: The most purple Neko you'll likely ever see. The only thing 'cat' about him are his ears, tail, and personality. He sports casual clothing (T-shit, pants) and often seen wearing a large cloak, trying to act mysterious. Of course, he's not very good at it...
Powers: Imbued with the powers of the unseen force: Gravity. Proficient in double-sided weapons, such as lances, or double blades.
History: Konobi has just turned 20, but in reality, he's actually 1,276 years old, give or take a year, he can't really remember. He was called to the Goddess, Vana, and lived with her. While he was with her, time stopped for him. The other Gods and Goddesses found out about Vana and Konobi's hidden love, and banashed them both; Vana into a statue, and Konobi from the villiage. He's been wandering ever since, with high spirits, and a smile on his face. He's confident, or acts like it, and ends up surprising himself a lot.

004: [drakkar]
Char Name: Rionichi (Rio)
Looks: Wears black jeans with many pockets as well as a black shirt and combat boots. Carrys a cane and always seems to have a mask on. Also has a furry ringtail.
Powers: Master of slieght of hand *couch cough Theif* Very fast and a master of stealth.For the most part an acrobat with better abilities
Desciption: A friendly person who loves fun and causong mischeif. Is almost never caught when taking something he has his eye on. Not much is known about his past other then his dabbling in magic.

005: [Kiristo]
Char name: Kiristo
Looks: She has long blue hair that she often keeps in a ponytail and sapphire blue eyes. She wears a black tub top with a black coat, and black pants and black boots. She also has a pocketwatch that she always keeps near her. She wears those when she steals. When she's in her home town she wears a green sleeveless, strapless top that has gold and dark grren designs on it and the shirt is made of silk and is loosely fit on her. She also wears light brown pants with brown boots. She has elf ears and claws. Her full transformation just adds red eyes and a very evil personality.
Powers: She can creat balls of energy when she wants from her claw and she can creat a sheild in front of herself. She mastly uses her claws and matial art skills but she also skilled in the art of swordsmanship.
Description: She's an elf from a small elven village hidden in a far away forest. She returns there often after her travles and brings riches to the village. Kiristo is a thief of jewels and rare artifacts, but she does this only to help out her clan's survival and for her own personal enjoyment. She keeps some gems, but gives the rest to the members of her clan. She lives with her older sister, Lilly, because her parents died when the two girls were young. She dabbles in magic sometimes because she elven sister uses magic as well wich is common for elves in her clan.

006: [Kiristo]
Char name: Lilly
Looks: She has long green hair and emerald grren eyes. She has green symbols on her face She wears a one strap green top that had golden designs on it and is made of silk and has a loose fit. She also wears green pants and green boots. She also wears an amulet around her neck. The amulet is silver with a green jewel in the middle.
Powers: Lilly deals in magic and uses multipule spells from spell books that she has. Most of the spels she uses deal with plants.
Description: She lives with her little sister, Kiristo, because her parents died when the two girls where young. Lilly loves to grow plants and is odveously more comfertable when she around plants or in a forest. Lilly uses magic from spell books and magic books that she collects. She mostly likes staying in her village and rarely likes leaving it.

Char name:Taro
Looks:He has black shoes,blue jeans,a long sleeve black coller shirt,and he is hair is brown,blue eyes.
Powers:Blade gaia sowrd,magic pike wand and magical powers,two mini sowrds.
Desciption:He was once a lost boy,and he was a only child,he was a prince.

>> HBRP: Chapter 1

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2005-10-15 [Kiristo]: What do you mean?

2005-10-15 [Eloura]: nuthin i was just lost earlier

2005-10-15 [Kiristo]: lol^^'

2005-10-16 [Eloura]: yep

2005-10-16 [Raikyu.]: when is it going to start

2005-10-16 [Eloura]: i am not sure.

2005-10-16 [Kiristo]: It's going to start when people start making chars and signing up for the RP.-_-'

2005-10-16 [Ouka]: lol can I join?

2005-10-16 [Eloura]: ok i will do that soon ok.

2005-10-16 [Kiristo]: Yeah, you can join.^^

2005-10-16 [Kiristo]: I'm gonig to join it. I just need to think up a new char. Rika's been used too many times.

2005-10-16 [Eloura]: lol ok kewls umm good luck and have fun on that

2005-10-16 [Raikyu.]: what is this for?

2005-10-16 [Ouka]: Hey,did I do my info right?Hey,Peter

2005-10-16 [Raikyu.]: hi..

2005-10-16 [Ouka]: Wassaba?

2005-10-16 [Kiristo]: Yeah the intro's right

2005-10-17 [Eloura]: does that work?

2005-10-17 [Kiristo]: yeah^^ Perfect

2005-10-17 [Eloura]: *smiles* ok thats a good thing i guess.

2005-10-17 [Kiristo]: Urk....Het, I guess I didn't set the layout to be too clear. Please read the update on the example layout ppls.

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