Page name: Hogwarts application form [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-10-16 17:06:23
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Fill out this application form if you want to be a student:

name: (your character's name)
elftown name: (This one is pretty obvious)
age: (This will also determine your year. 11 year olds go in first year, 12 year olds go in 2nd year, ect.)
strength: (your character's strength. What core class is he/she best at?)
weakness: What core class is he/she worst at?)
description: (describe your character's appearance. make it very detailed. I will reject anything too short. I really need the effort put into this.)
personnality: (describe your character's personnality. It can be shorter than the description but it still needs to be detailed.
History: (I want this one real long and descriptive. There is no such thing as too long.)

Remember, everything you say about your character will influence which house it will be sorted into. No, you cannot choose your own.

Fill out this form if you want to be a staff member:

elftown name:
age: (minimum 23 years old)
strengths and weaknesses: (Be descriptive. Which core magic is your character best at? What types of magic does your character prefer? Does your character have a special knowledge of an other subject than those taught in core classes?)
Position(s) applying for:
character education: (Resume your character's education)
Physical description: (more descriptive than a student's)
Personnality: (same)
hopes and dreams: (What your character wants in the future)
Why do you want to teach at Hogwarts?: (IC response)
History: (Now be very descriptive.)

I also need to know if your role playing skills are all right for this wiki. To test that, you will have to respond to the following situations. Do not copy an other character's ideas or your application will be denied.

students respond to this:

It was a cold winter's day and Devida hated the cold. There was only one good thing about the cold; she didn't sweat. She hated sweating. It was, well, wet and stinky. Devida found her fay to the gardens, pressing her coat against her skin. There was no more green to be seen in the snow covered gardens. What a shame. Devida liked green, it was a slytherin colour. But then, if snow were silver, that would be a completely different situation. Devida shrugged. That was unimportant. She was there to recieve her order from Zonko's joke shop, an order that would never have passed through the caretaker if she'd recieved it inside the castle. She looked around for any sight of an owl. The sky was clear. Not an owl in sight (the owlery was at the other side of the castle and it was well past noon, long after breakfast when mail usually arrived). Devida flicked her short black hair out of her face and finally saw a brown speck in the sky. It got closer and closer and finally, the silhouette of an owl was clearly seen in the sky. Ellie would sure get it this time. Devida stared maliciously at the owl, not paying any attention at all to her surroundings.

staff members respond to this:

The staff room was nearly empty. There were only two people drinking hot mugs of coffy before their first day of hard work; Headmistress Artemis Gamule and Ellie Edorita, the new history of magic teacher. None of them looked up as an other staff member entered the room. They continued talking.
"Like I said, headmistress-" Said Prescillia, but was cut off.
"Ellie, I order you to call me by my name, Artemis, seriously, this is getting ridiculous." Said Madam Gamule.
"Yes, well," Ellie cleared her throat. "I was wondering if I could possibly take over the conjuring/summoning teaching position next year? You know it was my favourite subject when I was at Hogwarts. I even liked it more than history of magic, which I made a full an successful career out of!" This was obviously a prepared speech. Everyone knew Prescillia didn't normally use such fancy sentences with such fancy words.

hogwarts rpg

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