Page name: Hogwarts teachers 1940 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-11-13 15:26:02
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Availible and taken teaching posts posts:

Core classes:

Charms is taught by:
Transfiguration is taught by:
Divination is taught by:
Conjuring/summoning is taught by:

Electives (you can suggest your own class here):

COMC is taught by:
DADA is taught by:
HOM is taught by: Professor Prescillia Edorita
Ancient runes is taught by:
muggle studies is taught by:
Arithmancy is taught by:
Astrology is taught by:
Herbology is taught by:
potions is taught by:
flying/quiddich is taught by:

Seminar (these do not count in the four class limit):

(students in these classes must be 5th year or over)
Silent casting is taught by:
Occlumency/Legilimency is taught by:
Career explorations is taught by:

Administration staff:

Headmistress is: Artemis gamule
Deputy headmaster(headmistress)
Head of Gryffindor house is:
Head of Ravenclaw house is:
Head of Hufflepuff house is:
Head of Slytherin house is:

other miscellaneous staff:

quiddich referee is:
duels referee is:
keeper of keys is:
school nurse is:
school counsellor is:
librarian is:
head os school paper (spellbound) is:
caretaker is:
ghosts are:

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