Page name: Hogwarts: Grounds [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-08 21:26:51
Last author: LOLNERD.
# of watchers: 2
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There are many rooms in Hogwarts,
As many of us do know. 
We need a map to guide us,
To show us where to go.

Yes. I made that up in .2 seconds. Here's your map. If you're going from one room to another, don't forget to cross through the hallway. Perhaps you'll run into one of your friends.

Hogwarts: Hallway
Hogwarts: Gryffindor Common Room
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff Common Room
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw Common Room
Hogwarts: Slytherin Common Room
Hogwarts: Gryffindor Dorms-Boys
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff Dorms-Boys
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw Dorms-Boys
Hogwarts: Slytherin Dorms-Boys
Hogwarts: Gryffindor Dorms-Girls
Hogwarts: Hufflepuff Dorms-Girls
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw Dorms-Girls
Hogwarts: Slytherin Dorms-Girls
Hogwarts: Quidditch Pitch
Hogwarts: Great Hall
Hogwarts: Courtyard
Hogwarts: Classrooms

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Hogwarts: Next Generation

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2006-01-28 [Paz]: Holy crap Anna! That's a crap load of writing Oo

2006-01-28 [LOLNERD.]: Yeah...

2006-02-01 [drakkar]: it will soon be put to good use

2006-02-01 [LOLNERD.]: Hells yeah...

2006-02-01 [drakkar]: T,T i want one of those

2006-02-01 [LOLNERD.]: What? Oh, a PSP? Those commercials make me happy. 'Specially that one. Squirrel no! Hells yeah...

2006-02-01 [drakkar]: XD its a nut you can play with outside

2006-02-01 [LOLNERD.]: Hells yeah! Little kids are gonna think those commercials are funny and go around preschool saying 'Hells yeah'.

2006-02-01 [drakkar]: hellz yeah

2006-02-03 [~*sikhprincess*~]: that would be hillarious

2006-02-03 [drakkar]: im sure it happens

2006-02-18 [LOLNERD.]: It does. I know I've picked up saying it a lot. I'm not little though...

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