Page name: Hogwarts: Rules [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-08 19:34:26
Last author: LOLNERD.
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To join the RP, you must agree to follow all the rules I'm about to lay out. To stay in the RP, you must abide by them. You do get one warning before I delete your profile though.

1) Be literate. Everyone has different opinions on literacy. In this RP, my opinions on literacy are the ones that matter. You must try your best to use correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar. No one's perfect, but simple mistakes are bad. So is chatspeak. If I see any words spelt 'u', 'r', 'plz', or 'thx', I will slaughter you. Not literally, but you will get a warning.

2) Keep content PG-16. You can swear, but don't overdo it. Also, as long as the pants are on and free of anything that isn't supposed to be in them, I'm good. Don't give a ton of detail though. Not everyone wants to hear exactly how two people play tonsil-hockey.

3) No power-playing or god-moding. This just gets annoying. If you play as someone elses character, you will get a warning. If you make your character invincible, you will get a warning. If someone already did something, you can rephrase it in your post.
ex) Bob patted Jill on the shoulder.

Jill felt Bob pat her on the shoulder and turned around to face him.

4) Not too much violence. A small jynx thrown at a classmate you never took a liking to is fine, but I don't want anyone using one of the three unforgivables. That is bad. I won't even give you a warning. You'll just get kicked off.

5) Stick to your character. If you say your character is really shy, don't have them going up to random people trying to make friends. Also, make sure your character belongs in the house they're put in.

6) Your character may be the offspring of two canon characters. You may pair two of the canons up to be your character's parents. If someone already paired two up, you have to use that pairing. The canons aren't two-timers. You may also make up a character to be the spouse of a canon if you don't want to pair them with another canon.

Note: I will be having you send your character profiles to me. At the bottom of the profile, type the follwing:

I, [Insert Username Here], agree to abide by the rules that have been set out for me to abide by.

This way, I know you read the rules and fully understand the consequenses! ^^

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