Page name: Hogwarts: Teachers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-02-12 07:15:09
Last author: LOLNERD.
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Perhaps the student life isn't for you and you'd like to be the responsible adult.

Username: [Paz]
Name: Paz Aurora Lyrana
Position: Head of Slytherin, Teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts
House: Slytherin (head)
Wand: Ash wood, 9 in, dragon heartstring
Appearance: Long black hair sometimes tied back in a messy ponytail, with red streaks. Wears a jet black robe over a simple tank top with a skull print and baggy black and red pants. Doesn't wear shoes all that often although she sometimes wears flip-flops. Has doggy-ears on her head, that are black in colour, with hoop earings. Has redish/amber eyes and markings on her arms and legs.
Personality: She is very loose and strict at the sametime, taking some rules to the extreme. Break a rule in front of her it's that last thing you do, however if you mis-place something important she generally does not care. Added is the very short temper she has and it sometimes lands her in a spot of trouble with the headmaster for turning children into meat. Very outgoing and loud, sometimes rather obnoxious, not to mention fearless. She'll take on any challenge with flare and not care about the consequences.
Brief Bio: Little is known about her background, only that she came from Germany long ago and somehow landed in Hogwarts. Her parents died when she was really little and she is known to have no living family.
Other: Is a wolf animagus that somewhat went wrong (the reason for the odd coloured eyes and ears) For some reason she can't get those to go away. She is registered and is well aware of any laws reguarding it.

Username: [drakkar]
Name: Drayco Nhon Drajensis
Position: Headmaster / random psycho
House: N/A
Wand(s): cane / pen size made of redwood
Appearance: Wears black pocket pant style jeans along with a black tux style shirt combat boots and a black long trenchcoat. A dragon ring on his right index finger and a green gem embedded in his right palm. Has braided jet green hair. Carrys a cane with a dragon for a handle in the manner of a sword.
Personality: A very nice person whom is easy to get along with.
Brief Bio: Slightly insane from duty in combat but knows alot about magical creatures and how to survive in the wild. Former assassin reformed by the magical society
Other: Liikes to teach outside of the triangle as he calls it....this has gotten him kicked out of several other schools but the students love it. A master of dragonic magic and some forms of divination. More will be revealed in time.

Username: [LOLNERD.]
Name: Andrea Diane Fostner
Position: Potions Professor
House: N/A
Wand: Willow, 9.5 inches, Pixie Dust
Appearance: Andrea’s hair is a medium auburn with some blonde highlights. Her eyes are a brilliant green that shimmer with hints of brown. She has slightly tanned skin from living in the Sahara desert for that majority of her life. Being a younger teacher (she’s only 25), she has a few of her teenage years piercings. She has a small diamond stud on the right side of her nose, a bellybutton ring on the top lobe, and five piercings in each ear. She’s a average sized woman, standing at 5’6” and weighing 130 pounds. She’s rather muscular though, and she’s well ‘endowed’ (if you know what I mean). She often wears pinstripe pants, high heels, and a blouse, trying to look professional. On day when she has to demonstrate a potion, she’ll dress more casual and wear jeans, tennies, and a tee-shirt.
Personality: Andrea is the laid back teacher. She really hates pressuring people into doing things and tends to let people slack off. She does however want people to try their best and give it their best effort. What a hypocrite… At times she’ll give out homework, but it’s usually not a lot.
Brief Bio: Andrea was born in England and raised there until the age of three. At that point, her parents, her brother, and she moved to the Sahara desert. There wasn’t much civilization there, but they were happy. The family got really close. She went to Hogwarts at age eleven (like most students) and stayed for the seven year duration. Afterwards, she returned to her home in the Sahara desert. A few years later, she came back to England to pursue teaching, eventually landing her position as Potions Professor at Hogwarts.
Other: N/A

Username: [~*sikhprincess*~]
Name: Victoria Simeran Singhania
Position: Professor of Transfiguration
House: N/A
Wand: Birch, 7 ½, Dragon’s heartstring
Appearance: Victoria has long black hair that is usually tied back. She also wears a black robe over jeans and a shirt with some design on it when she has to teach a new spell. When she isn’t teaching a new spell she dresses more professionally with a black robe over a pair of dress pants and a blouse. She wears high heels with everything. She has a dark tannish skin color and Green eyes.
Personality: Victoria is very outgoing, but strict when she gets mad. She doesn’t get mad easily. She is known for pulling the most horrible pop quizzes. She sometimes let people slack off, but most of the time she doesn’t. She likes it when her students try to improve themselves.
Brief Bio: Not much is known. Only that she has family all over the world in very high positions in the wizarding world and that she lived in India for most of her life.
Other: Victoria is a snake animagus

Username: [Siraku The Demon Wolf]
Name: Hailey Natasha Grey
Position: Took Hagrid's old job as ground keeper.
House: N/A
Wand: Hickory, 14.7, With wolf tear.
Appearance: I am about 19. I have brownish/blondish hair. Her eyes are Hazel. I am not tall but not very short. I wear a small black shirt with camo pants. My animagi form is a grey wolf. My fur is grey. I have very sharp teeth and am very protective about my friends. I have a white sock on my right hind foot.
Personality: My personality is calm but at sometimes hyper and energetic. When I get very angry my personality can change in a snap of a finger. I hate when people make fun of half breeds. She gets upset when kids are around their parents. She can be quiet at times and some times nobody notices she is ther. She likes to be alone alot and ikes to spend time with students and help them on home work. Also likes to run along the shore of the lake and chase fish in the water. She can get very agressive and can get her temper out of hand. She also attends to get a little to hyper and do stupid run into the forest and chase the creatures out.
Brief Bio: No one knows very much about her except she has never been to Hogwarts before and her past is dark.
Other: Animagi is a grey wolf.

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