Page name: Hogwarts-rules [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-07 22:20:39
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Here are the rules for Hogwarts RPG. There are not too much but added with all the explanations on the front page, I know it can get a little confusing. Sorry. Please, bear with me!

Rule 1: No powerplaying. A standard roleplaying rule. Any serious player should know this one but if it slipped your mind, here's a brief explanation: No playing someone else's character! Its THE most important rule, thats why i it rule number 1.

Rule 2: No over powering your characters. Also a form of powerplaying. Play by your magic level. Your character is not a god and has limitted capacities. You are not Albus Dumbledore, you are not Tom Marvolo Riddle (Voldemort) and you most definately are not Harry Potter, or any other character from the books. Your character can't get everything right first shot.

Rule 3: Teachers, attend to your classes or send a note to the headmistress telling her you'll be absent so she can hire a replacement. Same goes for students, notify a staff member of your soon-to-come absence before dissapearing in thin air. If you don't do so, points will be deducted from your house.

Rule 4: If you sign up, make sure you post! What's the point of signing up if you don't post? And don't tell me you can't find an opening, that rule doesn't apply here, Hogwarts is all about openings! And, you can't come in the middle of term, only at the beginning. No reason whatsoever. And if you plan on leaving, please don't do so until term is over! For the sake of the story, please!

Rule 5: Attend to important events or at least post that you avoided them if you're not going.

Rule 6: You must notify a staff member if you want to duel with an other student. With your 'supervisor' you will establish a time and location where the duel will take place. The staff member responsible must be present at the time of the duel.

Rule 7: Please, do not swear. If you must, only the words "Hell", "damn", "crap" and "bloddy".

Rule 8: No drugs, muggle alcohol or suicides (attempted or succeeded, even mentionned), no insulting an elftown member through their character (insulting a character, however, is allowed when professors are not around but be careful of the watchful eyes of the portraits), no disrespect towards professors, no elves, dwarves, vampires or anything of the sort, only humans, no one-liners, no killing and a professor's word is final.

Rule 9:Stick to the spirit of the books, nothing out of the ordinary... in the wizard way! Also, post in past tense on no abbreviations (ex: Il c u l8r, k?)

Rule 10: I take back what I said in rule 1, this is the most important rule of all. Why I didn't post it first? Who knows! But its important. Here it is, the rule you've all been waiting for : Have FUN!!!!

Hogwarts RPG

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