Page name: Hott Loosers! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-29 02:25:01
# of watchers: 1
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Okay I know the name of this imparticular page is mean, but at least they are hott!!!!! ^_^

Anyway, this is basically for all the guys who have run in the Hott Guys! election and well....... lost. Most of these guys can be renominated. Ones who can not (at least for the time being) will have a * next to there name. That basically means that they have run at least three times in a row and have to wait a reasonable period before they can run again. Also, ** means that they are currently be voted on OR they are renominated and awaiting to be voted on. Well anyway........ Enjoy!



[Cher's Bitch!!!!] (pics all through house, make sure you see them all or most)

[Liquid Pimp]




[Missing Her]



[--------------- ---]*

[coca cola_freak]

[Let's Have A War]

[Witch Hunter]**

[My Heart Undead]




[kjfhfdsolf folifdoisf fdspu]



<<<Hott Guys!
<<<Hott Guy Nominations

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2004-07-30 [Canadian_Chick01]: i vote for [My Heart Undead]

2004-08-23 [colbert;]: i vote for [My Heart Undead] as well

2004-08-28 [Maeko (Truthful Child)]: Ummm.... there is like no voting here! This is for people who lost at the voting *looks dazed*

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