Page name: How dragons fly [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-10-22 22:51:10
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<img:> How Dragons Fly <img:>


A dragon has large leathery wings. They can rotate them almost 100ยบ. A dragon has hollow bones which biodigrade quickly.


.: Dracology :: Dragon Handbook :: Dragon Biology :.

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2007-04-20 [fen]: on discovery was shown a movie where they sayd that, to make such a large thing fly it would need aerobial sacks (like birds) full of H2-hidrogen (unlike birds) produced by gut-bacteria. chewing platin would give them a catalist: mean they would speet H2 and in contact with pieces of platin it would burst in flames!
Problem is: the more fire it spit, the less it would fly
just giving an idea

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