Page name: How to make a Fantasma Character [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-28 17:36:00
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How to make a Fantasma Character

      Character creation is sometimes fun, but since Fantasma sports a rather realistic take on combat and survival there are certain situations that a fun character would never survive in. Even characters in full armor and brandishing the mightiest of weapons will not bode well in a scalding desert, nor will a nudist of the equatorial jungles fare well in the cold tundra of the north. Locations mean everything, and your character type should reflect this as will their adaptability if your character plans to become an explorer or adventurer.

Character Setup

      [Adaman] will usually help you through this process, but since he is likely very busy there is a simple setup during a message that will get your character completed in the express lane and have it ready for adventuring in no time. Here is a simple form with short tutorials on what to submit to [Adaman], remember to think through each character clearly. If description information (appearance, personality, & history) provided is not to an agreeable detail or quality, a request for more detail may be the reply you will recieve.

Elftown Name: Even though it displays in the message heading, write your elftown name here.
Character Name: First & Last name if applicable (20 Character Limit), nickname as well if available.
Race: See Fantasma Races for details.
Age: 10-100, N/A (Ageless) may apply for particular races.
Gender: Male, Female, Other, Sexless (N/A for most races)
Strong Stat: See Fantasma Stats for details.
Weak Stat: See Fantasma Stats for details.
Armament: For defaults, Characters start with 200cr. to buy Fantasma Weapons, Fantasma Armors, & Fantasma Items. Any unused money will be kept by the character.
Appearance: 5 Sentences minimum, 25 Sentences maximum about your character's overall appearance. Specifics are best here, it determines your armor resistance so add clothing options.
Personality: 5 Sentences minimum, 25 Sentences maximum about how your character interacts with others or little quirky behaviors that they might have.
History: 5 Sentences minimum, 25 Sentences maximum about your character's past, present, and plans for the future.

~: Quickie Form :~

<b>Elftown Name:</b> ____________
<b>Character Name:</b> ____________
<b>Race:</b> ____________
<b>Age:</b> 00
<b>Gender:</b> ____________
<b>Strong Stat:</b> ____________
<b>Weak Stat:</b> ____________
<b>Appearance:</b> 5 sentence minimum, 25 sentence maximum.
<b>Personality:</b> 5 sentence minimum, 25 sentence maximum.
<b>History:</b> 5 sentence minimum, 25 sentence maximum.

Return Link: Fantasma

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2004-07-07 [Benu]: I have been informed that a reason some people get confused could be because they have to go back and forth and back and forth. Now I really don't see how this could be prevented, except that they keep close attention to where they are going and where they have been.

2004-07-07 [Adaman]: Yeah, I think that may be a problem for some time now.

2004-07-07 [Benu]: Yea, until they realize they need to take on some responsibilities as well.

2004-07-07 [Adaman]: so any luck contacting [Tok] ?

2004-07-07 [Benu]: Naw, she's not been on lately.. I've messaged her twice....

2004-07-07 [Adaman]: give it time, besides we'll have time to concentrate on wiki work and the other parties.

2004-07-07 [Benu]: Yea...

2004-07-07 [Benu]: Bad news... I have a bug bite on my neck... it itches like crazy! Delete this comment please...

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