Page name: Hummingbird's Tutorials - Sketching [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-19 23:24:01
Last author: Hummingbird
Owner: Hummingbird
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Welcome to Hummingbird's Sketching Tutorial!


In this tutorial we'll be starting off the basic sketch. From there we'll work our way through to make up an almost finished picture of a figure of course lol and no I'm not drawing naked people >.> Note: The subject used will be an anthro character - a human with animal characteristics or vice versa.


Here I've just roughly sketched out a body pose without any main features or details, this way its easier to get a feel of the picture as it comes along and makes sure your figure is in proportion, big head tiny feet? Doesn't sound good now does it? ;p



Next its best to start adding in basic anatomy such as the collar bones, theigs things like that.
Anatomy isn't an easy thing to draw and get right so dont be put down if you dont get it straight away, trying posing in the mirror or looking up images on the internet to help :3 I've also added a few guidelines for the face to help place the eyes nose and mouth.



Now we're starting to get somewhere lol I call this the fun part, we get to bring the figure to life! -que Dr Frankenstein!- Simple things like adding on the eyes, eyebrows, mouth, ears and so on will really bring the sketch to an end. Yarrr she says!



It really is that simple. Of course you'll develop your own way of starting off and pick up useful techniques and hints from other artists. As I said in the beggining this is after all only my way of doing it.

For example here is a short explanation [Wes Foxx]'s sketching technique:

"Thats not how I draw :P I start mentally trying to work out the pose or theme, and start with a random trouble spot; hair/hairline, eyes, face, etc. Then I work around it and get in the feel of the sketch. If its not working, I erase until im back to workable, or else create a picture with a different pose/theme. I also draw it with clothing, using the clothing to mentally simulate arm and leg length, saves me the trouble of having to go back and erase markings I don't need. I draw it as if working from a model, no pre-sketch, usually, just work from what I see in my minds eye, full perspective."

Once your happy with the sketch you've worked out head on back over to the main page -look down dearies ;p- and continue onwards!


Enjoying yourself so far? Got those fingers going? Whats next huh? anything else you can work on? of course there is! What do you take me for? a lazy person?? Dont answer that >:3

Back to Hummingbird's Tutorials for more!! Or run the other way, which ever works for you :3 get back here!!

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2005-12-24 [Toffeejalapenos]: Hunny it's "cue" ^_^ AHA FINALLY! I've been after a pic of updated Arual for her marking have'nt changed...¬_¬ i've been looking for nothing...*grumble grumble*

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