Page name: I <3 Rubber Duckies [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-15 02:24:52
Last author: Lord Josmar
Owner: Lord Josmar
# of watchers: 11
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I <3 Rubber Duckies!

Welcome to the rubber ducky fan wiki, where all the elftowners can talk about their unusual obsession with the old-time bath toy of our childhoods.


Ducky Banners

Here are some awesome banners you can use to actively advertise this wiki and your love for squeaky rubber ducks!

By: [Lord Josmar]

By: [Lord Josmar]


Ducky Pictures

Visit The Ducky Gallery


Famous Ducky Quotes

Here are a few famous/semi-famous quotes involving rubber duckies.

"We are replacing the color-coded terror alert system with one that involves rubber duckies. Quack-quack. This one means all clear.
- George W. Bush/ Robot Chicken

"Rubber ducky, you're the one..."
- Ernie

"One's never alone with a rubber duck."
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Fellow Rubber Duckophiles

Sign below to become a member of I <3 Rubber Duckies!

1. [Lord Josmar]
2. [Ravenclaw]
3. [shadow of darkness]
4. [Flisky]
5. [djxmonster]
6. [AuroraLumos]
7. [Line Viper]
8. [Dark Side of the Moon]


Rubber Ducky Stores

Here are some stores online that you can use to purchase rubber duckies. (also on e-bay and amazon) (under Toys, Games, and Novelties tab)

Note: these are online shops and carry the usual threat when giving out credit/debit card info so shop at your own risk. We cannot be held liable for any problems you encounter while shopping at these sites.

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-The Josmar Wiki Web

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2011-09-01 [AuroraLumos]: I never really had many floatable duckies either... except 1 huge one who lived away from the flock in the bath tub. And recently got eaten by the dog grrrrrr :(

2011-09-01 [Lord Josmar]: The Ducky Gallery incase anyone misses it in the wiki.

2011-09-01 [Lord Josmar]: *Gasp* Mean old dogs! Always picking on the poor rubber ducks!

2011-09-01 [AuroraLumos]: :( I knowwww Big Mr D shall be missed... until I find a replacement. Yay for having no pets in my house at uni. My ducks will be safe again! XD

2011-09-01 [Lord Josmar]: Lolz. All my duckies are packed up at the moment waiting to be transported to the new house. Gonna have to find a new place to display them too.

2011-09-01 [AuroraLumos]: It's always fun moving them though, you can organise them differently then. I had them in increasing size order last time though I might arrange them in groups of 3 this time, small medium and large duck in each 3 :)

2011-09-01 [Lord Josmar]: I think I know where I am going to put them. The only problem with the place is that it is up high and the littlest of the duckies will be nearly hidden.

2011-09-01 [AuroraLumos]: Awwwh poor things :(

2011-09-01 [Lord Josmar]: I know. May have to put them elsewhere.

2011-09-05 [Kiddalee]: Don't mind me... just fixing spelling.

2011-09-05 [Lord Josmar]: You could have added your name too while you were at it, lolz.

2011-09-27 [Paul Doyle]: From the semi-forgotten 1992 flick, Batman Returns (it's the 1990s Batman sequel that didn't suck):

2011-09-27 [Lord Josmar]: Oh man I forgot all about that thing! Makes me wonder how much one of those would cost.

2011-09-27 [Lord Josmar]: *gasp*

But I was referring to an actual, drivable version.

2011-09-27 [Ravenclaw]: I know. I was being a smartalec.

2011-09-28 [Lord Josmar]: Lolz.

2013-01-21 [Kbird]: Wow did my cousin make this?!o-O

2013-01-21 [Lord Josmar]: I'm going to say, no.

2013-01-21 [Kbird]: seems like something she would make....She LOVES rubber duckies

2013-01-22 [Lord Josmar]: I know the feel.

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