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2007-02-19 [Fizban]: Lol, this isn't a kiddy debate here or something, I am not going to get pissed that you had a counter-argume
Lol, yes, yes, I know it doesn't permeate allllllll,...l
And yes, I believe you are correct. The more you know, hopefully the best opinions you can make on everything it is that you know. Most commonly we see the more bigoted, or idiotic opinions in the minds of those that are ignorant and un-informed to that which they are forming these opinions...mos
But then you would have to look at the methods to which you are judging. If you were to know as much as you possibly can about something, who's to say you can still find the truth. Your values are based on your up bringing, and all your experiences in life.
I look at the information you or anyone would take in, and then apply the curves, the skews, the dings it will take going through the processing machine that is your mind. The smears of ink on the paper, the change of words, the spin everyone puts on it.
I mean, we get information, and immediately we pick what we like, don't like, care about, and weed out what we don't find important. All of our methods of information processing is based on our opinions of what is and is not important, ect...
Our methods of evaluating are riddled with preference and opinion. So even with crystal clear incoming information and a bunch of opinionless data to interpret, we can easily skew it ourselves unconsciously.
I know some do it more then others, and we hope to do the least of that as possible. But human beings getting information, is like playing telephone. Between yourself and whoever you give the information too, it degrades, is changed, customized a bit every single time.
Your take on what those trees, those stones that have no opinions, is your own. No one see's them exactly as you do, and most likely few will describe them, EXACTLY as you would if you ever were asked to.
2007-07-07 [xido]: One day things will change, and the mentality of humanity will be able to perceive truth through vision of life and the inspiration of the Divine permeating even the darkest recesses of the universe. When this capacity to understand Truth is possible in all aspects, we will have achieved a new state of mind, and hopefully with that we will bring ourselves closer together in communion and with respect for others' lives and wills.
Perception is a funny thing, but it is not limited to human perception. I personally feel that perceiving things in different ways is more helpful to viewing them as oneself.
I am really impressed with how many people have commented here and in the subpages. ;) Best wishes, all!
2007-07-10 [Fleuryrose]: Of course, Will! You know you make us think! :D
2007-07-12 [xido]: It is definitely my pleasure. x.o)
2007-07-13 [Faery Rule]: i haven;t been here in awhile and try to come here frequenty but dont really live anywhere anymore so i stay with my boyfriend and friend all the time so wat's going on?
2007-07-14 [xido]: Ummm, crazy stuff. Lots of it. That, and pie. Apple pie. Mmmmmmmmmm.... I like pie.
2007-07-16 [Kim_Lundin]: Philosophical discussions and apple pie? Now we're talking :D Just add some custard and we're set.
2007-07-18 [Faery Rule]: *drops custard on pie* hows that? i didn't mean to drop it but uhm hey is that the cross? *picks up cross from floor* i have a question wat is this symbol for?
2007-07-19 [Kim_Lundin]: Heheh, as long as it isn't the whole bowl it's no problem.
Hmm... Is there a symbol expert in the room? All I know is that it's often connected with christianity. I could take a guess that it can have something to do with the four elements as well, but I'm no expert.
2007-07-20 [Faery Rule]: i've heard that a swastika going clockwise is a cross its just that the 'limbs' are bent.
2007-07-20 [Fleuryrose]: What kind of cross did you come across?
2007-07-20 [Faery Rule]: a regular one a wooden one
2007-07-21 [xido]: a swastika (sp?) with its 'feet' turned one direction was used by the Nazis, but also, if turned in the opposite direction, symbolized potency, power and strength in some older Buddhist nations and history. It is one of a variety of 'power symbols' in near and ancient history. 'The Da Vinci Code' makes reference to this in the beginning of the movie when he is doing the lecture on symbols in history. A lot of symbols have been misidentified with untrue or skewed meanings over many eras. ;)
The cross inside the cirle (and often with four colors: black/blue, white, red, and yellow) symbolizes the Native American view of the people of earth, and the greater community of mankind. Reference made to it in 'Hidalgo' --- GREAT movie!
2007-07-21 [Faery Rule]: yes and i had someone draw me a swastika for a report we had to do on the holocaust and when i presented it it was turned the wrong way. also i love the native american cross b/c it's part of my culture ...prolly like really really far back but still
also did you know that there is a difference b/w pentacle and pentagram? pentagram is the star upside down to rep. evil (basically) and pentacle is good
2007-07-22 [Kim_Lundin]: It's a sad thing the swastika has gotten such a bad reputation now due to the nazis, it's a beautiful symbol otherwise, in my opinion, and was used in so many cultures.
I'm a bit unsure about that pentacle/penta
2007-07-23 [Fleuryrose]: I have to agree with you Kim on that pentagram-part
2007-07-26 [Faery Rule]: well i've read a book that said the difference of pentacles and pentagrams...i thought it made sense though, b/c i have a group of friends and we always wore the pentacles, but ppl wouldn't talk to us after they knew or saw that we wore it...and then i thought it had something to do with this other group of ppl who were just like us but they had bad habits and did things to hurt ppl unlike us and when they bought the necklaces they would break the pentacles off and wear them upside down. i didn't understand it until i read that book...i'll try to find it somewhere and give you a link or something to show you what i read or what it says about the differences, ok?
2007-08-01 [xido]:
Good seals... :D
From http://en.wiki
And http://en.wiki
Pentagram is mathematical, while Pentacle's origins are obscure, and not necessarily linked to the term for five, 'penta-'
I think it's important to have personal seals, sigils and symbols to help you visualize what is within your scope of consciousness, especially in spiritual or meditation terms. Whatever those symbols may be... ;)
2007-08-01 [Kim_Lundin]: The second seal looks really interesting, even though I don't understand what the symbols are supposed to mean. "heilig", though, almost looks like "helig" which means "holy" in swedish. And "ELOHIM"... I can't place it but I know I should recognise it... yeah I know, it's going to be pretty obvious once someone points it out.
2007-08-05 [Faery Rule]: the comp wont show the pics ill have to look at them later
2007-08-10 [xido]: Elohim is a word from the bible. It pertains to the name of God, but it is also strangely plural in nature, linguistically speaking. I believe it is another word for the angels of the Divine, a druidic circle of extra-dimensio
Do a quick search on Elohim. Interesting ideas out there... I plan on making a homebrew D&D language based on the idea. The Elohim Language and Script in my world is the basis and ancestor for modern Druidic. See Fantasy Languages.
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