Page name: Icarus Nearanather NEN [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-07-05 08:50:33
Last author: Hiuko
Owner: Hiuko
# of watchers: 2
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  User Name: [Hiuko]
  Character Name: Icarus Nearanther
  Occupation: Student
  Age: 15
  Race/Talent: Warlock
  Gender: Male
  Description: He has long brown matted hair that is pulled back in a sort of pony tail and he usually doesn’t shave and thus has a layer of stubble all over his jaw. He is tall and fit, probably 6‘3“ and 155lbs. He has dark green eyes behind his half-circle glasses.

   Additional description: A tattooed ring around the thumb and a similar ring around the middle finger which when he snaps they make a small flame, virtually useless and costs very little stamina to make and none to maintain.
The second are two tattoos that looks like spades, like on a deck of cards, and they are just below his wrists and the point points up towards the palm, one for each arm. From these tattoos he can shoot metal out from his body like a blade, a chain, whatever he needs. This extracts the iron in his body so if the metal ever breaks off and thus he can’t retract it he needs to literally eat iron to replenish himself. He has eaten a large amount of iron so that he has at least two good sized blades from each tattoo.
On each wenis, the back part of the elbow, he has a kite shield with the down point going toward his hand. When he crossed his arms and touched them they form a large invisible barrier in front of himself that gives him 180 degrees of protection. The stronger he needs it the more stamina it drains however it can be broken. The barrier will face the direction his crossed arms face. He can make a small barrier by pressing just one but that is only good for blocking small things people might throw at him. The barrier is invisible unless hit then it will cause ripples in the barrier.

  Medical History: He gets exhausted more than normal people because his just having magic eats at his stamina let alone using it.
He also needs to eat more to keep his energy up and magic burns a lot of calories.
  Personality: He’s a genius, but like most he gives off the image of laziness. He is more interested in the mysteries of the world, both dark and light. He doesn’t hang out with people too much but that doesn’t make him anti-social. He likes to keep his powers to himself and if someone asks about his tatoos he simply says that he likes tattoos.
  Grades: C-B
  Relationship: None as of yet
  Level: 10
  How long have they been in the school? He just moved here in the 10th grade.
  What they are wearing today: He usually wears a black shirt, jeans, a black and white pin stripe, long sleeves, collared, over shirt that he leaves unbuttoned, white sneakers, and he has a similar pin stripped fadora he only wears outside. He carries his school materials around in a faded and worn green messenger bag.

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2010-12-11 [La Luna]: Looks good I'll have Flisky take a look, she's the one that really looks at it :)

2010-12-11 [Hiuko]: Cool beans

2011-05-31 [La Luna]: Okay, All you have to do is refine the abilities a little, make him a bit less powerful and he's good to go.

2011-06-02 [Hiuko]: How is that, I tuned down the metal blades and deleted the last two abilities. Just a small flame and small blades.

2011-06-02 [La Luna]: I didn't mean take away, I just meant give him a weakness.

2011-06-04 [Hiuko]: Oh, okay, I'll get on that soon then. Just popping in for a check up now.

2011-07-05 [Hiuko]: How is this. A added him getting exhausted quicker, needing to eat more, and only re-added the barrier... if you need literal weakness though I can just add another section soley for weaknesses.

2011-07-05 [La Luna]: Looks good, I'll add him.

2011-07-05 [Hiuko]: Cool, thanks

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